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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Yeah. Won't it suck when we lose and it becomes our Oakland game from last year?
  2. Was there a point to this whole thread? Great we are a bad team, welcome to the last 15 years and counting.
  3. No, he dropped it before the DB got his hand in there.
  4. Only if you like stuff that's awesome.
  5. Karlos has been a wonderful find this season, but don't mistake what he is. He's a great change of pace back to come in and get some carries when the defense is a bit worn down and susceptible to his style of running. He is not yet a well rounded starting caliber back. He may yet become one, but he has a further to go.
  6. Oh my god, there's always one is t there? We won a tough, hard fought game against a division rival that is battling us for a playoff spot. And we won. Enjoy it for a little bit. Trust me, there'll be plenty of time for the sky is falling after next week.
  7. Call me crazy, but with black socks I'd actually kind of like those. It does really look like Goldust though. You can't unsee that.
  8. I haven't played yet. I was thinking about trying it out this season, but the absolute deluge of commercials turned me off to the point that I'd never sign up for one of their sites. I do believe people should be able to spend their money however they wish. I don't think government has a place regulating this. That's just my opinion, not a legal argument.
  9. Exactly my sentiment. Unless they really have a good angle for the story I really would rather not dredge it up again.
  10. Unfortunately, Mariota deserves to win it.
  11. That had as much to do with Miami's ineptitude as anything else. The last drive of the half and the first drive of the second half the defense gave up something like 150 yds. That's just not acceptable and against a good team it's going to cost you games.
  12. I hope you're right. This has all the feeling of another letdown to me.
  13. That's the problem with the Internet, some idiot somewhere is upset about something and now the rest of us have to hear about it.
  14. More money for Pegula to throw on to IR. Not a great plan.
  15. End of thread. This is the correct answer. Well formulated.
  16. WTF is this about? There have been some quality players coming out of this area.
  17. B is the way I've always seen it. But maybe I'm too cynical.
  18. I say yes. Meat and assorted toppings between bread. If a sub is a sandwich then a hot dog is a sandwich.
  19. Sounds like we're all too late to that party.
  20. If you ever make it over here for a game (which I highly suggest) you should check out football at different levels. Go to a high school game and a college game while you're here. I think you'll have a new appreciation for the speed that the NFL game is played at. You're right though it does look faster on TV than in the stands. The closer you get to the field, however, the more impressive the speed of the game becomes.
  21. I STRONGLY disagree with this. That show is unwatchable to me.
  22. That's a shame. Grantland and their 30 for 30 series is the only quality stuff ESPN is putting out.
  23. Fire the best GM we've had since John Butler left? Sure. We'll get right on it. Have any suggestions for who can replace him?
  24. He's definitely not dead. Sometimes I wish the Internet didn't spoil everything because I would have liked to be surprised by that.
  25. If there is a QB worth taking, go for it. Even if there isn't I think they need to pick somebody. I also hope Pegula takes a hard look at who is in charge of developing QB talent and whether spending more money might help this process. However, what I really think needs to happen is this team needs to really commit to building a dominant offensive line. Because without a good line it doesn't matter who is at QB. A poor offensive line will make even a better than average QB look terrible. If you think this offensive line looks bad now just wait until the offseason when they have to figure out a way to re-sign Glen and Incognito or move on and lose two starters.
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