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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Couple years ago went with a couple of buddies to a Redskins vs. 49ers game at Fedex. We left at the end of the game, got to our car about 4:30 and didn't get home to Virginia Beach until 11:30. What is usually a three hour drive had become a seven hour. Terrible day.
  2. Wow what a pedigree I come from. My Dad's family is from Buffalo and my Mom's is from Springfield, MA. Both on the list.
  3. Unfortunately the Buffalo Bills might not ever see another wide receiver as good as Andre Reed. A truly great player.
  4. The second one literally made me laugh out loud.
  5. Are him and Parcells dating or something?
  6. That's some solid advice right there. I bet you're a good coach.
  7. See that's the kind of stuff that to me hinders youth sports. They should have taken one of the experienced coaches from the select team and made him the head coach of the rec team. But since they didn't I wish you the best of luck. Advice that I can offer is to just make the practices as fun and as informative as possible. A good visual training tool that 9 year old kids can relate to is Madden football. It's a good way to show them what every position on the field is supposed to be doing in different situations and how they can react in different situations. Fun way to learn for them. Forget about the passing game. Only if you have John Elway Jr. on your team. Just stick to some basic run plays and some options. Give the ball to your fastest kid and let him run wild with it.
  8. I'd also suggest getting your own appraisal done. Don't just use the appraiser that your mortgage company suggests. He'll push the value even if it's not there to not have the deal fall through. It'll cost you 300-400 extra dollars, but in the long run it will ensure that the sales price is fair. That is unless you're certain the price is a good price. PM if you have any follow up questions.
  9. Try to put the brakes on the appraisal and maybe if things break just right for you you won't be on the hook for the whole fee. As far as the house goes just walk away and go buy another one.
  10. NOW who's blowing things out of proportion?
  11. It'll eventually drop down into the 8s somewhere as people who aren't rabid fans start to see it and rate it.
  12. In your opinion. In my opinion Iron Man was my favorite comic book based movie until I saw Dark Knight. I'm hoping that the Watchmen will take the title from Dark Knight.
  13. There can be more than one outstanding movie you know.
  14. Brilliant movie. Guys, you can nitpick it to death if you want, but that was an incredible movie experience. I walked out of the theater cursing the fact that Heath Ledger died and that we wouldn't see him as the Joker ever again. When he was announced as the Joker I was among the myriad of people that hated the selection. Wow was I wrong.
  15. Bruce Smith used to host a golf tournament in Virginia Beach every year. It eventually turned into a $200 a plate ridiculous snooty-fest, but it started with some humble beginnings. There was this bar called Legends, later it became Smoty's, some on here will remember this place. The bar was within walking distance of my parent's house and I used to go there every Sunday and watch the Bills game. The first couple of years of the Bruce Smith Golf Classic were incredible. They were hosted right there in the bar and you got unbelievable access to the participants. The players were all really personable siging autographs and taking pictures throughout the weekend. My brother and I have so many stories of meeting Bruce, Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, Darryl Talley, and a bunch of other NFL players that participated. Truly a great time every year. Probably the best was the year that Thurman showed up a little late to Legends. Everyone else had gone on to the golf tournament. My brother and I were still there since we had no interest in baking in the sun all day. Thurman strolls in and we're about the only three left in the bar. He proceeded to order lunch and talked with us the whole time. Good times.
  16. I love honey. It's a versatile ingredient for cooking. My current favorite is a dip that I make for my fried chicken strips. Mix Frank's Red Hot with some honey. Good stuff.
  17. That's the 5 on 5 mode. Madden for the WII actually looks pretty good. http://youtube.com/watch?v=OvRgIvNn67E I really like the call your shots mode.
  18. Boy looking at that lineup I'm really glad we got rid of Pat Williams. Not to dredge up an old argument, but that guy sure was too fat and wanted too much money.
  19. Glad I live in a condo. That's ridiculous.
  20. I used to really like their burgers. Lately they've changes somehow. The beef doesn't taste as good and they've screwed up the recipe to the buns somehow. At least the ones around here are like that.
  21. I wouldn't go that far, but they're not bad for frozen pre-made beef(?) patties.
  22. In order to be a true Bills fan you don't have to make a choice. It's a passion that you have in your heart. Anyone that could "root" for another team doesn't have that passion. I don't care if my BROTHER was on the Patriots I wouldn't stop being a Bills fan. It's as simple as that.
  23. I think it's called a seabreeze. Anyway it's my go to mixed drink for the summer. It tastes great, chicks love it, and it's super easy to make. Two large tumblers Fill one with ice Put in a shot or two of rum. Depending on how strong you want it to be. Fill the rest of the tumbler with half cranberry juice and half pineapple juice. Pour contents from one tumbler to the other and back again. DONE.
  24. Holy cow if that's all we have to look forward to wake me up next April.
  25. I tried to be a good boy and post in the Consumer Digest and got a grand total of one post all day. So I'll ask here and hope to get a little more input from anyone that might have the service.
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