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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. I agree with you about the Jets, but until we beat NE they're the champs.
  2. Some people just equate nice with shiny and new. They consider a great meal a trip to the latest franchised McSlappys or the trendiest place in town. Others can see beyond stuff like that. Buffalo to the average American consumerist is a shabby drab shell of a city. Of course those of us that know Buffalo know that it has character that you can't franchise.
  3. Do you realize how FAR 17 yards is? Pace it off sometime. You'd be surprised.
  4. Greg Williams and his theories about "fat" defensive linemen strikes again.
  5. Unless you're one of those wacky creationists we've been doing it for a lot longer than that.
  6. Yeah if they can split with NE and sweep the Jets and Dolphins I like their chances for the division. That's a lot of supposing, but it certainly looks possible.
  7. Yes Jacksonville was missing some pieces, but that's football. They're still a physical veteran team that was playing at home. That's a big win for this young team that in previous years would have folded up like a cheap suit in games like that.
  8. The way I look at it we HAVE to beat NE regardless. But it's a good thing to knock the Jets down a peg as they're the competition in the division to unseat the Patriots.
  9. Exactly. Wow for a split second I thought they were posting about the Bills on SFN.
  10. As negative as I can get I don't recall posting anything negative about Youboty. Shame on all of you that did.
  11. I had a feeling they'd struggle from day one. Just a weird transient area.
  12. In my opinion is that the wheels came off in the 3rd quarter, but the team got it together and did what it had to do to win. Great win. I think it's the beginning of a great season.
  13. Hey Schobel! How many millions of dollars more do they need to pay you to start getting you to tackle?
  14. Can somebody PLEASE teach the Bills special teams how to cover an onside kick.
  15. Man Jax is about to erase all the Bills hard work in the first half.
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