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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. So how is this different than the Republican agenda? Oh that's right they just SAY they're against big government.
  2. I totally agree with you on this. If the Bills can't get to Rivers they will lose. Simple as that. Warner gave them the blueprint and look for more of the same from San Diego if the Bills defense can't bring it.
  3. Just so you know scribo Pat Tillman would have voted for Obama.
  4. In my opinion people are too easy on her. She's a completely unqualified candidate and someone I wouldn't vote for dog catcher much less vice president no matter what party she ran under. (Well except if she ran with the Alaskan Independence Party because I'm totally down with them.)
  5. She makes some great points in that article and really brings together for me some loose thoughts that I've had about the campaign. It seems to me that the McCain campaign has been campaigning to their core supporters instead of trying to target undecideds or people in the Democratic camp that could possibly be swayed. All their speeches have to me seemed like a big pep rally instead of an attempt to reach out to voters beyond their core.
  6. From the article: The American Staffordshire Terrier and the American Pit Bull Terrier are considered to be the same breed in England, although they are considered separate breeds in the United States. Isn't that EXACTLY what I said?
  7. Not unless you're in England. In the US they're considered two different breeds. I wouldn't trust it as an alternative breed, however. I also wouldn't trust an identification of the breed by anyone other than a breeder.
  8. No matter what anyone tells you about pit bulls remember one thing there are some that are just too damn aggressive. A lot of people will tell you it's all environment and how they're raised and that's true for the vast majority, but within the breed there are some that just have that nasty streak and you never know what is going to trigger it and when. So to my way of thinking why risk it? Get a breed that doesn't have the baggage.
  9. Dude, grow beyond partisanship. I don't give a sh-- about the Democratic party. I care about this country. It's ridiculous to hitch your wagon to one party and blindly follow them down the path. That's what I feel too many people do in this country. I usually find myself disagreeing with Republicans, but I was proud of a lot of House Republicans that first took a stand against the bailout. Of course a lot of them backslid once the party leadership made it clear what their marching orders were. There were some local Virginia Representatives that held firm, however, and gained more respect from me than I previously gave them.
  10. Oh man is that disturbing and hilarious.
  11. I'm all for wealth redistribution to the working class. American workers real wages have been falling for years. Time to take back some of the ground we've lost.
  12. That's just ridiculous. If anything it will encourage growth as an expanded business and more capital investment will be a way to protect yourself from having the money your company makes taxed at a higher rate. Also I've never heard anyone say "Nah I'll just keep cruising here making the money I'm making because I don't want to pay more taxes." Preposterous. And if you want to talk communism take a look at this bailout plan. That's the real communism in this country.
  13. I guess I'm in the minority, but I actually like them.
  14. If this was the asking price and the Chiefs really wouldn't budge off of it I'm glad the Bills declined.
  15. Would anyone be upset if the Bills used a 2nd or 3rd round draft pick on TE in next year's draft? Well how about just getting arguably the best TE in football and getting two or three more good seasons out of him? Isn't it worth it? This team has a chance to be good this year and Gonzalez would be a difference maker on this offense.
  16. What a team asks for and what they settle for are often two very different things. I don't think this trade will happen, but I don't think it's because KC is holding out for a 1st and a 3rd. That's a ridiculous expectation.
  17. Well two options then. First there's always bit torrent. Second hope like hell BBC America decides to rerun the series. It really sucks that the American version basically is ensuring that we don't get it on DVD in the U.S. at this time. It's worth hunting a bit for.
  18. Get a hold of the BBC version. It's outstanding. The series has a definite ending and its one that they'll never use for the U.S. version.
  19. I definitely agree with you and like I said I'd like to see him as a Bill. However, that's a LOT of money to tie up in the receiver position.
  20. Steelers fans are the best only because their team has had a good run in the late 90s to present. It's easy to be a good fan when your team does well.
  21. Unless you're talking Super Bowl run this year I don't think WR is a need position for the Bills. I'd love to see Houschmandzadeh in a Bills uniform, but I don't see it happening. I'm more interested in DeWayne White at this point.
  22. On the other hand if you had told me that at the start of the season I would have taken it.
  23. I could see it happening. The schedule is actually tougher from here on out than it first appeared. Hopefully they'll recapture some of the magic and be in contention for the division instead of a wild card.
  24. The defense had a bad game, but in fairness were put in bad field position all day long. Both sides of the line played terrible resulting in Edwards getting hurt and Warner having a field day.
  25. It's certainly not helping.
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