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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. That's the worst thing about it. Ralph Wilson could sell to a local group with the stipulation that the team remain in Buffalo and could have enough money for generations of his off springs to have plenty of money to live a life of leisure and could meanwhile ensure his place in the hearts of all Buffalo sports fans. Instead he'll use our loyalty to squeeze every last dime out of us while he's alive and he'll pull off the ultimate screw job once he dies by ensuring that the franchise will be sold to the highest bidder and ensuring that that buyer will immediately move the franchise.
  2. His corpse has been running solely off his own blandness ever since. It's true.
  3. I took a break today because I !@#$ing KNEW they were going to lose. It felt good to spend the day with the family. Too bad I decided to check the score.
  4. Cortez Kennedy?!?!?!? WTF? Am I crazy or is that guy completely unworthy of that honor? OK I've taken a look at things. I can see where the guy deserves to be a finalist. I guess my memory is just fading because I never had the impression that he was hall of fame caliber player. The numbers say differently though. 58 career sacks from a DT is nothing to sneeze at.
  5. That wasn't always a given with Mcgahee.
  6. I'm not sure whatever came of it. One thing I clearly remember is when he was being charged it was front page news. When he was cleared it was a tiny article buried in the back of the local section somewhere.
  7. A similar situation happened to a teacher I knew in high school a couple years after I left. This guy was the JROTC instructor. A retired Navy Commander. Real straight laced guy. A family man. So this girl in the JROTC program alleged that he inappropriately touched her. The school fired him, he was charged, and his wife left him over it. His reputation was ruined, he lost his job, and his family over it. Well turned out when all was said and done she made it all up. She admitted that he never did a thing and that she lied about it for whatever stupid reason she said that I don't recall.
  8. How about just stop worrying about labels and try to figure out who the hell is going to get into office and look out for our country rather than themselves.
  9. HAHA it's the fevered nightmares of an 80s Republican. We very well may be screwed, but don't forget the role the Republicans the past 8 years have played in it.
  10. 360 tag = Dugg Life I need to find some people to play this game. Playing public games suck as most of the people are annoying to play with.
  11. You mean teams don't do the exact same thing week to week? I know it's hard to believe when you're in the Bills organization, but Trent needs to get out more or something.
  12. Believe it or not I can relate to what you're saying. It's just one more log on the stress fire. Who needs that? Last season I just totally gave up watching the games all together. It felt liberating to not have to stress myself out over something completely out of my control. I guess I'll have to start going back to that this season.
  13. Man injuries have really slammed this team the past two years. It would be nice to see what a season with no major injuries would look like.
  14. I really don't think the answer is to bring Losman back into the starting job. The organization has made its choice. Now it's time to let Trent learn on the job. I'm just as impatient as anyone, but you have to give things a chance to gel. Remember that there were quite a few people upset with Eli Manning's performance up until midway through last season. I'm not saying Trent is the next Eli, but it says something for consistency and allowing things time to develop. Something JP was never given, but let's not make the same mistake again.
  15. I saw all of Losman I needed to see in the preseason. He was still holding the ball way too long out there. Edwards has the tools. Now they just need to put it all together. There are plenty of successful QBs that don't have great arms.
  16. Yeah too bad he didn't want to come to Buffalo.
  17. http://armorgames.com/play/2267/warfare-1917 I've been playing this obsessively. I wish there were more just like it.
  18. I really can't stand Scott Weiland. I've never liked his music and he's such a wreck that I find it ponderous. Artie is the same thing. He's living a fantastic life and can't get it together to at least function. I know everyone has their demons, but you can't let them kick your ass THAT bad.
  19. The team for the most part is fine with the personnel that is there. They need the following additions. A legitimate pass rushing DE. Another DT. A Center. A legitimate receiving threat at TE. Depth at LB. Get those things and I think most of the rest of the puzzle will fit into place.
  20. Jesus Christ this franchise can't catch a break. I'm sure you're right about this and they have brought him back too soon in order to try to preserve the season.
  21. Or how about throwing out of a three TE formation. I don't know ANYTHING other than three straight runs.
  22. Blah blah blah. I'd take Cowher over any of the coaches the Bills have had since Levy. Say what you want about his playoff record his teams were always in the post season.
  23. You need to go back to reading comprehension class. The original poster said "Hey why not Cowher, he's used to this small town BS." My response was that Cowher has done it once before and don't you think he'd want to experience what it's like to have a real organization behind him. Meaning not the Bills.
  24. I know it's apples and oranges, but does anyone think Jim Kelly would have sat back and done what he was told?
  25. The sad thing is every one of the remaining games is winnable. Of course they won't, but they're all winnable.
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