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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. A beautiful woman from Ireland? What a preposterous concept.
  2. Unfortunately I don't believe that's going to happen.
  3. No, I bet it's One Bills Drive. I'm sure Ralph is interested in turning the Bills into a USFL team so he can save on salaries.
  4. That website doesn't exactly convince me that this is a viable operation.
  5. The sorry ass thing about it is there would be no need for such miracles if the Bills had simply beaten the Cleveland Browns and the SF 49ers. Both home games. Both VERY winnable games.
  6. I guess people are just sick of opposing RBs not having 200 yard rushing days against the Bills.
  7. I disagree on all points. The 3-4 is probably tougher to staff because less teams run it. Also you need larger ends and to truly run it well you need an immovable object in the middle. Something despite what you may believe isn't always easy to find.
  8. I've been saying that for years since I've heard of this "Cover 2" nonsense. "You don't need good CBs." "He's too big to play a cover 2." Nonsense.
  9. At least he shows some emotion. You won't see any half-assed red flag toss from that guy I guarantee.
  10. Can somebody ANYBODY explain to me the fascination with the 3-4 that is so rampant on this board? Not only do we not have the personal to run it I think it's a defense that can be easily exploited without top talent to run it.
  11. What would be the point of them succeeding in Toronto? As others have pointed out they wouldn't be the Buffalo Bills and they'd be dead to me. So would the rest of the NFL for that matter.
  12. Injuries happen inside just as easily. It's nonsense to practice inside and then play outside.
  13. Read my original post. I'm not defending Losman, but I was pointing out that while chronologically he got 4 seasons it wasn't 4 seasons of playing time as was claimed in the post I was responding to.
  14. So I'm the idiot because I point out JP never had 4 seasons to be the starter. As someone earlier has pointed out he had an injury in 2004 which limited him to only a few snaps at the end of the season. He appeared in 4 games that year. 2005 he played in 8 games. In case you've forgotten there are 16 games in an NFL season. So while on paper he has two seasons so far he actually only has a total of 12 games, which isn't even a full season. 2006 he gets a full season. Despite what people around here want to believe he didn't have an awful statistical season. 2007 he saw action in 8 games. So as you can see 4 seasons on paper, but only 36 games. That's a little more than 2 full seasons. By the way not all of them were full games, but I didn't feel like getting that in depth. Also you really should watch who you're calling an idiot. You come across like a real !@#$.
  15. I love the fact that THIS is what gets this guy fired up.
  16. I used to say the same thing about JP. It's a road to nowhere. And in fairness he never got anywhere close to 4 seasons.
  17. As an outsider it really seems like Jauron doesn't care that his team is losing. This indifference carries over into all facets of the game. That's just my perception of how things are playing out currently.
  18. I haven't seen one player on this Bills team that acts like they give a !@#$ about losing. That pisses me off. What happened to your guarantee Whitner? Where is the pride?
  19. Yeah at this point I'm all for the Bills losing out, losing Jauron, shaking up the rest of the organization, and getting a higher draft pick.
  20. That's the worst thing about it. Two WINNABLE games against bad teams are going to be the difference this season. Pathetic.
  21. Watch the highlight reel on NFL.com.
  22. It might sound crazy, but in some ways I'd actually prefer 2-14 back to back seasons followed by 4-12. At least then there'd be no tantalizing glimpses of actually being a good team. Only to have them snatched away.
  23. I wouldn't waste a second doing something so pointless.
  24. The difference is the Giants are a team of men. I'm still not sure what the Bills are, but getting beat at home to a warm weather team in November with only 3 previous wins doesn't seem manly. Neither does only scoring 3 points while doing so. 3 points is the gayest score you can get in football.
  25. Stuff like that would only happen if this were a REAL NFL franchise. Instead we have to deal with half assed nonsense like what went on today.
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