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  1. Darnold may have resurrected his career, but he still sucks.
  2. Wow. Just, wow. Lucky kid. Even from that low, he could have died.
  3. So, I have a dumb question. Why doesn't Tua wear one of those padded covers over his helmet? His teammate Achane wears one. They are proven to reduce concussions, so they say. And why doesn't the NFL mandate that any player that is checked for, or has a concussion has to wear one for the rest of the season? Do they care about cte, or just covering there ass?
  4. I liked Tim Fugger. I mean, imagine the announcer calls. Look at that fugger go. He is a fast fugger. Big fugger. Etc. The whole Fugger family.
  5. Anybody else see Rodgers push Saleh away when he tried the congrats hug? Rodgers wanted no part of it imo.
  6. Bills 37 Cards 31 Our defense is gonna suck.
  7. Outside of Josh Allen, I believe Poyer and Hyde were the two most important players on the roster over the last 5 years. The step back will be massive. Combined with losing Milano, I don't see how we hold a team under 30 points. Rapp will be a liability. And Hamlin is just not very good. Just my opinion. And I truly hope I'm wrong.
  8. I agree with the thoughts about the Netflix show, Surviving Death. I was moved by the story about the cardinals. Also, my mother told me of her 'near' death experience after she died during childbirth for about 2 minutes and 45 seconds. Her experience was in 1970. I was told in 1978 when I was 13. And I've basically been interested in supernatural stuff ever since.
  9. Listening to the pregame, and they just mentioned that Andy Reid didn't win his first super bowl until his 21st year. I hope McD doesn't take that long.
  10. I am truly sorry for the loss you and your family are going through. May God have mercy on her soul, and for you and your family.
  11. Prayers to you and your family.
  12. And Josh needs to stay low and drive with his legs. Do not try to jump and reach. That leads to fumbles, and negates the push from behind.
  13. "Cat's in the cradle" by Harry Chapin
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