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Everything posted by NOVABillsFan

  1. Like the announcers said - the last play was just a footnote. I just looked up who got the INT expecting it to be Rambo, Butler or Brooks.
  2. After yesterdays results it's looking like the WC will come down to week 17 VS the NYJets as long as the Bills win the next 3 straight. All Pats games are now winnable by any decent team giving the Jets a better chance at the WC.
  3. I was tempted to comment to the OP yesterday morning but opted not to. Today however I can ask - Do you have a differing opinion today about Clay's worth?
  4. Great first half, a few gimmick plays to match those of Houston's. Seemingly not so excellent in the 3rd QTR. Three possessions 0 points. Who do you blame for not having the laces out? Five possessions in the 4th QTR to net 9 points. I can live with it but I would have liked more points put up to have a comfortable finish and not have to chew my nails hoping the Defense could stop them passing on 1st & 10, then 2nd & 10, then 3rd & 10, then 4th and 10. Another efficient day 11 of 21 for 211 yds, 3 TD's, 0 INT's 1 sack. With all those deep balls 211 seems like the #s don't add up.
  5. Isn't that Washington's MO? First we get an underutilized Hughes from Indy, then we get an underutilized Rambo from DC. Keep up the good work FO.
  6. The Offense looked great in the first half. Why can't they do it in the 3rd QTR? LACES OUT fool! Clay getting open with the TD pass was awesome!!! First time the Bills defeated a team when they scored more than 20 points!
  7. Win and (with help) they stay alive. Philly will be super high defeating the Ch*mpions at home so I hope they have a huge letdown. I didn't see the whole game, but I heard the Iggles Offense didn't rack up a lot of yards which was even more impressive in defeating the pouty Pats.
  8. The one thing that I noticed and loved was that Tyrod was throwing to Sammy when double covered.
  9. IMO, in the long run that is / was not a positive.
  10. well said. just a few comments / questions is it the QB or Roman's play calling? The offense disappears for long stretches is confounding and I would love to know the answer. The defense stats are let down. I'd love to see more INT's and sacks but I think that a D can win with containment alone if they tackle well and not allow big YAC numbers.
  11. If KC wins out and goes 11-5 and the Steelers end 10-6 or better then for the Bills 10-6 won't be good enough.
  12. To borrow two sayings. The Bills need to follow these simple concepts: Play 60 and do your job
  13. Tyrod will be back, and the Bills will probably keep looking for another option at QB. How they do that, draft or FA will be TBD that is To Be Determined not Two Bills Drive. I would hope that the FO not jump the gun and over pay Taylor until he truly can do what no Bills QB has done for a decade or more. Win 5 or more in a row. IIRC the Bledsoe team did that and then lost to the Steelers 2nd and 3rd stringers in Buffalo to miss the playoffs.
  14. If the Chiefs lose to the Raiders and then the Ravens and of course the Bills need to win out, the Bills get the 5th seed.
  15. it all depends on what your expectations are. If you only care about this week you root for KC. If you factor in the remaining schedule you want KC to lose more games than the Bills. If the stars align properly, the machine indicates the Bills can get as high as a 5th seed.
  16. I agree with this. To borrow from the Raiders Just Win Baby. using the playoff machine I agree. The Bills may not get a WC slot this week but could next week. the important thing is Win today
  17. It just might be that certain posters put Tyrod up on a pedestal that he might not yet deserve. EJ is the backup, Tyrod the starter. You can point to Tyrods impressive stats and applaud, but the result as of today are that he's 5-4, one game over .500. If he and the offense can't perform well tomorrow the chance for the WC spot and the playoffs are gone.
  18. I hope you don't mind if I add my 2 cents .. I'm on the fence about that last game I keep asking myself How many times has Brady overcome an 10 point deficit? Too many as I recall. Another thing about the game is the Bills scoring in the 2nd half. I don't think they put many more points on the board.
  19. Tyrods "game" has slipped as expected after one or more months of game film. Its bound to happen to practically all but the elite QB's. Tyrod is not an elite / franchise QB and about average in this mediocre league.
  20. What is the term I have seen used here? Meh. I was hoping for a miracle but the end result is what I undoubtedly expected.
  21. OMG. 12 pages of the sky is falling. One would think that the apocalypse happened last night. Taylor wasn't at his best, he didn't turn the ball over and he was not sacked a bunch of times and the game remained close. At the end of the game, TT being in obvious pain, and what appeared to be no obvious path to victory (meaning a hot streak / momentum) they could have at least tried EJ for the final series. Hindsight being what it is, it couldn't have hurt.
  22. The weather forecast high 41 low 32. Clear skies no precipitation. Winds 5-10. One thing not to have to worry about. The Cheaters field will not be soaked. I'd love to post Bills 30-23, but my head says the opposite. I would love to see an upset like the rest of you.
  23. Another QB thread where inevitably another EJ debate will break out. I think we've seen enough of the trash teams are dumping. Weeden was dumped in favor of Matt Cassel I think that says all we need to know. that is all
  24. We're gluttons for punishment?
  25. First let me say that in my observation of posts - You do seem to paint things with a wide brush. Tyler Dunne does a very good job reporting for WGR. I have read and heard sports media people trash Peter King on a number of issues. Once I followed up the comments to see if they were justified and read his MMQB, everything they pointed out was 100% correct. Poorly worded and thought out. He needs a better editor and spell checker. Being a nice guy doesn't mean you are a well versed expert in football analysis.
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