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Everything posted by boater

  1. Mama Mia! PS: consider shorting Tesla.
  2. Small local businesses don't have the deep pockets to weather this storm. I'm going to practice my social distancing and continue to patronize the local small business (unless, of course, I'm symptomatic). I went to one restaurant, the owner/manager was distraught. I was his only customer that hour.
  3. there's no crowds in FA there is little travel except by the FA delay would really screw rest of the NFL calendar I believe Wuhan Virus (calling it what it is) response is overblown
  4. If other teams make likewise measures.. I'm OK. If other teams continue scouting ops, I'm afraid the Bills will be at disadvantage at the draft.
  5. OK, you mentioned the star players. Well done. How about all the fringe players not playing up to their potential because they are stoning and not in best physical shape, or not studying tape like they ought to.
  6. OK. So not suspending a player for ganja is now acceptable. Got it, I'm not crying in my milk. Unpopular opinion alert: the combine should test for stoners. If you're a club, knowing the recreational drug use of your prospects is legit concern.
  7. My source tells me (and I'm willing to be corrected), The Buffalo News still prints the game day Bills programs. As if... TBN fired Jerry to keep the printing contract. You do da math.
  8. A printing contract was used as leverage to force the News to part with Sully. What will be used to force WIVB to part ways from Sully?
  9. Yes. Beane is willing to trade back further up into the first. He's also equally willing to stand-pat. Beane is a enigma wrapped in a riddle. He will do what best addresses the board as he sees it, he's a value player. There will be no Sammy Watkins type trades this draft. You heard it here 101st.
  10. Born and raised as a Bills fan. Back in the day, games were usually blacked out from local TV. I ended up learning football by listening and visualizing Van Millers commentary on the radio. Great times. I still find sports over the radio to be very relaxing.
  11. I love how Angus dresses in a Prep School uniform. Hey.. NFL: book'em for the halftime show. Can't be worse than the a$$ festival we saw this year. AC/DC can play a stadium: River Platte
  12. When Josh Allen caught a touch down pass.
  13. GM's have information from scout visits that journalists don't have. This makes GMs better informed (smarter in your words). GMs have insights from their scouts: personal observations watching a game, interviewing coaches and often.. interviewing the prospect. GMs are fully informed, except Cincinnati who don't employ scouts. Winning and losing GMs kick the arse of the Kipers any day of the week.
  14. Wow. The things you can learn at the Stadium Wall.. TIL linea nigra. My ex- squirted four kids and this line never happened.
  15. Poor woman has a serious Cesarean birth scar and people are up in arms? Though I have to admit that's more skin than friends should see, from both of them.
  16. Yes! I always liked Ontario, since my parents rented a summer cottage near Port Colborne. What a great childhood. I'll never forget the Colborne lady with a glass eye who made the best fish fry known to man.
  17. Buffalo is the 88th largest city in the US.. after Glendale AZ. Buffalo is punching well above it's weight merely by having an NFL team. Buffalo need not keep up with the Joneses because Bflo shouldn't be in the league in the first place. Nothing wrong with having the 32nd best stadium. I will repeat "Nothing wrong with having the 32nd best stadium"
  18. Here are my two partners. They are retired racing greyhounds. Professional athletes. Everyday with them is a gift.
  19. My condolences for your loss. I've been through this with both Mom and Dad and have this request based on experience --- be kind to yourself during this time. Don't beat yourself up second guessing. Beating yourself just adds needless pain. You did the best you could under the circumstances.
  20. I heard the announcement live, quite sobering. "I know you (listeners) are out there ... I can feel it" "I have a relationship with God" Whatever your political stand, you have to agree Rush is an amazing communicator. He gets complex material across, often with humor. I, for one, wish him the very best.
  21. Bringing this back on topic of the forum.. this means two things to Bills fans: 1. Newspapers have been in a death spiral for years. Bills coverage has degraded, and will continue to degrade as Lee Corp. cuts expenses. 2. Countdown to loss of print edition and only a digital edition commences now. It will be digital only within the next 3 years. When we win the Superbowl, there won't be a souvenir print edition to buy for posterity. As a former Courier Express paperboy, it saddens me to see the decline of print.
  22. I have had ligaments heal up without surgery. I wore a walking boot for 6 weeks. Since Jerry reportedly played with torn ligaments, maybe it's a mild case that can be addressed without surgery.
  23. Why anyone would move out of the land of milk and honey, San Diego, befuddles me. Though it's probably not as nice as I remember it with the decline of California and all.
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