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Everything posted by boater

  1. The dildos were not a good prank. They were embarrassing. A good prank has some class to it.
  2. You are never to old to learn something about yourself. What I learned this summer is I am not a happy gardener. My flower beds grew out of control with weeds and I have zero motivation to fix the problem. I'd post pics but they aren't for the squeamish. Dirty Harry said "One must know their own weaknesses." Knowing my weakness, I'm removing the flower beds and having them replaced with POG (Plain Old Grass). Right up to the bricks of the house.
  3. Correctomundo. It's a trap. The minute the 350 lb OL lifts his pinky, he's going to jail for DV...and she knows it. It's her end game. Amplified when their is a big paycheck involved. All the power to him for not biting. I for one, am sympathetic for the guy. Surprised this thread is still open.
  4. If Biden is elected with his stupid green deal policies for carbonless energy, NG will shoot through the roof in value. Outlaw NG, then all the sudden NG becomes more valued (because their is no viable alternative).
  5. Duffs is OK, but it doesn't live up to the hype.
  6. The Redskins inhouse legal counsel and the HR department is guilty of malpractice for sitting by while all this chicanery was going on. A good lawyer would have gone to Mr. Snyder and said we need to stop this.
  7. Do you think due to COVID, New Era is on the brink of bankruptcy might have something to do with it. It's like a car loan and New Era can't make the payments. That would be so embarrassing. Pegs would never allow.
  8. A loss. The New Era name was known by millions of NFL, MLB, NBA fans. Not to mention soccer. Edit: ..and NHL
  9. This is from a popular satire site. All 32 teams need a name change. In tumultuous times, satire could end up as eventual truth, so buckle your seat belts. The name for the Patriots needs some work.
  10. I've read the posts and agree with the ludicrousness of the name change idea. I just worry about it. In these times today's stupid idea is tomorrow's reality. Really stupid *****, such as defunding Cops is taking place. What prevents name change hysteria? I'm a bit pissed at the talk show host--giving useless protesters ideas. He has even thrown Millard Fillmore hospital under the bus.
  11. Listening to the windbag live right now. He's saying the Buffalo Bills may be up next to change their name. Rationale: They are named after Buffalo Bill Cody who murdered many Native Americans. I hope the Bills don't change their name. (it's 930 AM, or WBEN on radio.com)
  12. Pats fans think so. Patriots Linked to Free Agent and Former No. 1 Pick Frankly, I still don't think NE has the cap space.
  13. But if it's Warriors, I will always remember this clip from the movie: The Warriors. Warriors Come Out to Play
  14. Diggs has also voiced his discomfort regarding NFL COVID preps. Have we bought a diva? Did we buy a pig-in-a-poke?
  15. Color me concerned. We don't need any Google/millennial attitude in the front office. They ruin everything they touch. Maybe the Pegs are swingers.
  16. Corporations are available to the little guy as well. Some online companies will set one up for as little as $100. Highly recommended if you have a business. I've done it twice. ------------- Due to the Chinese virus and sports, New Era had their back against the wall and did what they had to do. Leave it to Poloncarz showboating and pandering, he strengthened the message that WNY is hostile to business. Business: no need to move to, or to stay in WNY. He was right in the first part of his presser--he should have kept his mouth shut.
  17. Because in reality land Buffalo can't support a major league team. The Sabres are only financially viable when they win. If they move to a major market like LA or other, they can make money even when they suck. Example: the LA Clippers.
  18. Pfftt.. increased salary cap means zilch, zip, nada, because all 32 teams get the same increase.
  19. I ate liquid lunch when I worked for the government. May be the case here.
  20. No, COVID death rate has declined bigly, per the article I linked. You might be confusing death rate with cases.
  21. Financially, Josh Allen is a salary cap bargain compared to other starting QBs. That alone increases his value. A salary cap strapped team would give a first to sign him. Unpopular prediction: Josh plays 5 mediocre years in Buffalo, then moves on.
  22. She owns the team. Get over your class envy and warfare and accept that. There's reasons why Buffalo lags economically. Class warfare is top of the list.
  23. These high expectations and potential knee jerk reactions are just what I'm worried about. Despite all the hoopla, NE won't suck as much as people expect. They still have a stout defense and still have the football jedi-master coach in charge. We'll go 1-1 against NE. And contrary to many TSW posters, I consider the 2020 schedule to be tough. The Bills may clear the board, hopefully. Or they may come in second. But in either case... any major retooling would be premature and counter productive.
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