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Everything posted by boater

  1. Jets need themselves some McDermott and Beane. It took McBeane 3 years to turn the Bills around. Can the Jets owners do the same?
  2. I like to fish, but I haven't in a long time. My last experience was in Alaska when Salmon were running. You had to watch your back because of the bears, and also Fish & Game.officers. I missed out on a chance to fish for Halibut. My favorite to eat. I may try a charter here in Buffalo: I've never fished fresh water and could use expert assistance.
  3. From your mouth, to God's ears,
  4. Per McD .. next man up. We will be fine. No need for dramatic midseason trades.
  5. Yeah.. the D is disappointing and needs a change. They were so awesome last year.
  6. Bills 24-13 I have the defense waking up.
  7. It's the old "You can't coach precision" argument. Josh was perceived by scouts as lacking precision. That was seen as reducing his reducing his draft value. Fortunately, Josh has proven them wrong--you can coach precision. Tony Romo's advice to the effect of "your head is on stake through your torso" seems to have worked. Also footwork is better, he's planting his foot better and keeping it pointed downfield.
  8. Inspired by the "are the Bills 9-7 question" I ask it with broader choices.
  9. Would be a good poll question.
  10. He's got the short loaf, for sure.
  11. The Bills defense is embarrassed by their own performance. I expect them to be highly motivated to turn it around. The D will fix the problems this week and turn in a big game.
  12. I've been brown nosed and find it annoying. OTH, I rarely brown nose and it probably cost me opportunities.
  13. I like the AT&T 5g gal, Lilly.
  14. Can you say Conjugal Visit? Or in the words of George Costanza, Prisoner Sex.
  15. Yep. If you order seafood that was caught in violation of that countries laws, you commit a felony. Makes those trips to Red Lobster touch n go. You have guitar made with some rare African hardwoods, you commit a felony. This list goes on and on.
  16. I was a C-E paperboy, back when they had such things. I have plenty of memories from that period of life. When the walk between houses was long, that's where I learned to read the sports standings (all weather at 0630). I remember one time when the Bills, Braves, and Sabres were all on top of their divisions. Sweet. I also had the paper route during the Blizzard of 77 ... just wow. I remember getting mugged while collecting. Due to the C-E, I was one child who didn't grow up in a sterile protective bubble. Thank you for that.
  17. Bump to the top in light of the Rams comeback game. Do we sign JA earlier rather than later. Despite his clutch performance today, I say we sign him later. Call me a scrooge. The future lower salary cap has me worried.
  18. How does that loser (Josh Allen can't improve) from 538 fell about the Rams game? Different eras. Apples and oranges. As much as I love Josh, he still hasn't overtaken Jim Kelly. Though, it's getting close.
  19. Don't tell that loser from 538 that you can actually improve as a pro.
  20. We all know 538's track record. Not very good.
  21. Ooof ... to attempt to play with cracked ribs is hard core on Tyrod's part. I once merely had bruised ribs, I found it just painful to breathe.
  22. Beane, You Magnificent Bastard. I Read Your Book!
  23. We'll be playing New England in an Orchard Park playoff game.
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