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Everything posted by boater

  1. I think teams were worried Daboll's ceiling is OC -- and they didn't want to get pinched by the Peter Principle by prematurely making him a HC. If 2021 season is successful like 2020, Daboll will be gone next year.
  2. WHAM 1180 just put themselves crosswise with the most powerful family in WNY. Pegulas have a long memory and act on it. Ask the Buffalo News.
  3. I got me and my girlfriend fake ID's from some mail order outfit advertised in Boy's Life magazine classifieds. They were really good and served us well, until we became 18 and could drink legally. ...18 drinking age.. the only sensible one. Otherwise your just driving drinking underground.
  4. OK.. there's nepotism. Just remember, it's not against the law. The NFL franchises are family businesses, and mothership NFL is exempt. This isn't Erie County, New York State of Federal civil service we're talking about.
  5. Dear Santa, Can the Bills find an elite Tight End? Good TE are boss, and colleges don't make enough for all 32 teams.
  6. This. College circuit doesn't make enough QBs to keep 32 NFL teams fully stocked.
  7. No top dollar. He has durability issues.
  8. Phil Leotardo portrayed by actor Frank Vincent. I hated Leotardo, part of it was a fantastic script that made him loathable antagonist, the other part was just fine acting.
  9. Unless there are buyout provisions (doubtful) in the original contract, you can't force a player to accept a buyout. What player would accept a buyout that one way or another leads to reduced pay? The only real way out of an ugly contract is to trade or cut a player. And that is only partially successful. It's gonna be ugly.
  10. I'd make you one fellow mafia member, but my oven is on the fritz. Love a Bundt Cake, or a Paula's donut.
  11. Ya, during this era of covid, pneumonia is a very serious condition. Dad could be critical. I can't bill-ieve I got suckered into a thread on Josh's skin color.
  12. If it's an iPhone, you can email it to yourself at smaller sizes. I suspect the same from Android.
  13. I clicked through on the menu. WOW, those are some cheap prices. Even by Buffalo standards.
  14. This. Though I can empathize with the home cook's setup: it's harder for the home cook to filter oil. Possibly even dangerous. When I was a teenage dishwasher, one of my tasks was filtering the fryer. I'd get little burns on my forearms from splashing oil. The fast food places had a fancy machine to filter oil. All we had was a stock pot and paper cone in a strainer.
  15. I reluctantly came here expecting TSW to have a near suicidal tone. Luckily, aside from a few posts, I'm am glad to see most people are keeping perspective. We are game proven to be one of the top 4 teams in the league. There are 28 fan bases who would give their left nut to be where we are. I expect next year to be even better. I expect the Chiefs will be playing the AFC Championship game in Buffalo.
  16. A thread before it's time. Bad juju. Let's collectively put our vibes into beating KC.
  17. It's gonna be a ballroom blitz.
  18. Thanks to OP.. that was a glorious find. I watched it more than once.
  19. Stop talking sense. You could be moderated out.
  20. Home is important. That's why I moved back to this frozen tundra after 25 years away, Home has drawing power. Where am I going with this? Josh is West Coast born and raised. I could see him spurning Buffalo offers and signing withe the 49's, Raiders, or some other West Coast club. Let's not forget the influence of his girl friend, who seems Cali all the way.
  21. You and @section122 crack me up. I haven't seen poop dysfunction since boot camp.
  22. Who gets butterflies before the game? I know I do. Can you imagine what it's like for the players? I need to try Josh's tactic of listening to Sinatra.
  23. The wide receiver room thinks the world of Chad Hall.
  24. I bet the Zoom interview format is not kind to Daboll.
  25. Us arm chair QBs take offense. We could be ripped like Brady and Brees. It's only that Timmy Ho's hasn't offered the right combo meal.
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