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Everything posted by boater

  1. More coverage here. espn-host-blasts-american-flag-waving-dog-loving-fans-of-nfl-quarterback-josh-allen-and-gets-blasted-back-as-a-racist
  2. Lawrence train of thought: do I get my money early, but risk career injury behind their OL or do I stay in school another year (some injury risk) and hopefully get a better situation To stay in, or come out early, is a tough call for Lawrence. Depends on his ability to tolerate delayed gratification.
  3. There's more than supporting diversity in the NFL by Pegs advocating Leslie Frazier. In terms of PR, pushing Frazier = support the "making Buffalo a destination for coaches and players" angle Unconditional support to players and coaches = is noticed around the league Reputation around the league = interest from more candidates and free agents If 2Pegs play this and other moves right, Buffalo could be a desired destination for years and years. They can pick the Creme de la Creme of coaches and players.
  4. Me.. yes. I have a plain jane grey Toyota Camry. I entered some other similar sedan and couldn't understand why keys were in my ignition. Thanks be to God I got out before some kind of confrontation took place. Also, dude's car was cleaner than mine.
  5. For research purposes, based on OP comment, I went to patsfans.com. I saw fairly good commentary. Balanced. Not shrill. But.. it made me appreciate SDS software choice of Invision. The presentation on this board is crisp and straight forward. The moderation can be heavy handed.
  6. They compartmentalize their businesses. Bills = profit Sabres = loss Fracking = pick'em
  7. Because 2021 most teams are cash strapped and will find it hard to pay him. The article infers that 2022 will be a better year financially, and Milano can get his true worth. From a football perspective: Milano may boost his value on a prove-it contract if he can play a season relatively injury free.
  8. If WR Marvin Hall is so serviceable, why did the 4-7 Lions cut him? Just askin. Short of character issues, a 4-7 team doesn't usually cut players who produce. Also... each addition requires a subtraction. How do you propose the Bills make the roster spot to hold this unicorn (who to cut)?
  9. Of course, federal decriminalizing does mean making fully legal. Ganja will still be illegal at the Peace Bridge. Sorry pot heads.
  10. Belinda was a board member way way back. He/She had uncomfort with posts that were subject line only. Reaction: When posters would post subject line one only, they would start the post with "Belinda." That way people knew not to click through, which was important in the days of slow telephone modems. That's my memory at least, Belinda is about 25 years ago.
  11. It's about the toys you surround the QB with. Josh Allen has some pretty nifty toys. Darnold is surrounded by lumps of coal.
  12. I'm glad the Front Office didn't make any dramatic trades to address the gap, as many on this board wanted.
  13. While surfing today, I found a thread of Patsie fans with dreams of a KC--Pats matchup for the division title. Kubler-Ross describe five stages of grief: Denial – The first reaction is denial. In this stage, individuals believe the diagnosis is somehow mistaken, and cling to a false, preferable reality. Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance Poor SOBs are locked in the denial phase.
  14. People who want to borrow from the future to pay for today --- Can I have just one peak at your personal finances?
  15. Deep playoff run? Let's focus on immediate business. With their victory yesterday, the Patsies are on an upswing. They beat the Cardinals, we could not. They may be hopeless in their own playoff seeding. But they are well positioned to be the spoiler for the Bills and the Dolphins. The game in Foxboro will be a mini-playoff game. Miami's schedule has only two losses left: KC, Bills, Patsies ... pick two. 8-3 looks pretty haughty today. But this will be a slugfest until the end of the season.
  16. I will embarrass myself further: the Bolts almost won. Herbert is one impressive QB. The accuracy he lofted that hail mary was impressive. Were it not for bad coaching and atrocious clock management, this could be a LA W. Point being, again: this win is no reason for confidence.
  17. Yall can slice and dice the end of the LA game if you want. The point being it wasn't the decisive win advertised. LA Bolts almost won. Given that the Cards who beat us by a whisker last week just lost to the lowly Patsies.. it's hardly time to be gloating over defeating an inferior opponent. We just aint that good.
  18. A 3-7 road team almost beat us in our own house. What game were you watching? 10 point lead isn't what it seems.
  19. You described it perfectly. Thank you. Forgive us with PTSD from the Cardinals game.
  20. I don't know about you. But I didn't find the game put away until the final buzzer. A late TD plus an onside kick would have been heart stopping, because the Bills D was porous at that point. Admit it: who wasn't thinking Cardinals 2.0 when that hail mary was caught?
  21. After today's lukewarm effort from the Bills, won in the final seconds: I'd say it's a toss up who wins the division. Miami is doing well. I could imagine them tieing us for the lead in the next few weeks. Then the final game of the season will be the decision maker.
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