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Everything posted by boater

  1. New England.. they're going to be trouble. It's going to be an epic series.
  2. You need an NFL game replay, and a Snickers bar.
  3. Move along folks, nothing to see here. Move along. No way the Dolphins give up the draft capital required to get DW. Especially since the the 2021 starting status of DW is in question. I kinda hope I'm wrong. If the Fins gave up the quan (three first round picks) needed to get DW, they'd be a hollow team for years.
  4. Going for 2.. going for it on 4th down.. it's the latest trend. Makes the game exciting at least.
  5. Was glad to see Sweeney catch a few today. We need him the next few weeks.
  6. The good news: mental health issues can be corrected. You need a good counselor, and if needed, a good Psychiatrist. An NFL player should be able to find both.
  7. Meh. Someone else from the NFC is going to the Superbowl. Packers or Cardinals.
  8. Do you have to wear a coat and tie at Russells? I've also heard his children run a fine show down the street at Salvatores.
  9. This is a repetitive topic. I'm OK with thtat. I never turn my back on an out of town visitor, especially a Bills fan. Someone should compile a "How to Visit for a Bills" game document that covers all these issues. I have vague memory of a pinned thread that sort of addressed this need. They could do it in Google Drive and accept community edits. Make it a living document, always up to date.
  10. South Eastern VA has a population of over 1 million. You have VA Beach, Norfolk, Suffolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Newport News and Williamsburg...but they would never get a team because all those towns could never reach an agreement on a stadium. Also Daniel Snyder would block it.
  11. The college system doesn't make enough quality QBs to support that. The delta between the haves and the have-nots will be huge.
  12. You must be loaded. I want to be you. Seriously, I jest. You are the fan the Bills target.
  13. Unfortunately, Erie County legislature has scheduled three public hearings. Can you say circus mode = On?
  14. I tried to break-in to express my displeasure at the depth of cornerback. But they slammed me down at the front door. Exceptional guards.
  15. Point being: the Pats threat is > Chiefs threat. So many here are focused on the Chiefs. The Chiefs are sleeping with the fishes at this point. Disagree. We can disagree to agree. That seems to be the board thing lately.
  16. Funny. I try to warn against over-confidence against the 3-4 Patsies. But people focus on the loser out of division 3-4 Chiefs.
  17. Concur. They may even get a wildcard. For sure, our games against them are going to downright brawls.
  18. 54 points for New England..?! I know it's only the Jets, but still. Maybe the hoodie isn't as bad as we thought.
  19. New England is going to win. I could see them winning two more before our first meeting with them December 6th. It's not the throw-away game many had envisioned before the season started. ..and look at the Titans taking it to KC. At least we kept it close to the Titans and were inches away from winning the game.
  20. Exactly? The law exempts the NFL from taxes. More specifically, 26 USC 501 exempts the NFL from taxes. A snippet from the section on who is not to be taxed: If the NFL gets stuck in some kind of Gruden-gate, there could be a public backlash to make them taxable again. Which actually makes sense to me.
  21. As I said in another thread: this is why WNY can't have nice things. Special interest groups and bush league politicians get their greasy mitts on anything and it's DOA. WNY is trapped in the land that time forgot. Signature Peace Bridge, here we go again. There will be moving vans pulling up to One Bills Drive in 2023. OTH.. kill the metro rail extension. It's a stupid idea only wanted by NFTA Contracting Officers, and construction unions.
  22. LOLZ... I hope those Bills fans visiting Nash-Bill are leaving decent tips. As a former service worker, I can attest nothing deflates your day like a stingy tipper.
  23. I get your point. But I was speaking to those thinking ahead in the bigger picture ahead of the pair of NE games. I could have worded it better. Stay hungry. Stay humble. Or get a big fat L. Go Bills.
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