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Everything posted by boater

  1. While not "Superstars" Joe Ferguson and Jack Kemp were no slouches.
  2. Madden for sure. Off the wall: I liked Dennis Miller when he had a Monday Night gig. He was funny.
  3. It's his choice of agent, Drew Rosenhaus, that infers he will hold out. Drew Rosenhaus clients are famous for holding out.
  4. I might be missing something here. But who wants an HQ and training facility 45 minutes from the day game stadium? That would be like putting the Bills HQ in Batavia, and the stadium in Orchard Park.
  5. Some people can't accept being wrong on the internet. PS: about to collapse = 5 years in this instance, I apologize for not making that explicit. The upper deck has a life span of 5 years. Engineer inspections have proven it so. Maybe that “when it was feasible to do so” gives you the wiggle room to be right. If so, touche.
  6. Yet studies and photographs clearly show the upper deck about to collapse. You call that feasible for correction?
  7. I'd love to see the personal finances of many of these posters. Especially the "spend it all now" crowd. Just one peek at their checking and credit card statements.
  8. Yep. He knows. He didn't become a billionaire by accident. Thank you God he's our billionaire and keeping the Bills in WNY when he could have made even more billions by moving.
  9. Good advice. I'd add https://www.legacyfoodstorage.com/ to the freeze dried list, but Mountain House is the Cadillac. I also like to have a few Military MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) on hand I lived without power for a week after a hurricane rolled through. Dad lived without power for a week after that surprise October snowstorm. Having a large pantry and a few emergency supplies is always a wise investment.
  10. I'm just replying to see if I can post anymore. My account has been acting hinky and a moderator has had a target on my back for some time now.
  11. Except the part where the NFC Rams won the Superbowl. Except the part where the NFC Rams won the Superbowl. Except the part where the NFC Rams won the Superbowl. Except the part where the NFC Rams won the Superbowl.
  12. No. You are not being paranoid. If you're being paranoid, I'm right up there with you. The stadium deal is fait accompli. Yet the negative news coverage continues to roll in. I'm beginning to feel some people are still trying to scuttle the project.
  13. OK. Very cool. ONLY.. if that's an NFL dimensioned infield. If they build Highmark 2 with a soccer dimensioned infield, count me out.
  14. That walk on the quarter-mile was absolute brutality in the winter. I understand that's it's now mostly shielded by buildings.
  15. Ah.. but you contradict yourself. You want a retractable roof stadium downtown with a convention center, by far the most expensive proposition possible, easily double the cost---yet you complain about the cost of PSLs.
  16. You are correct. My original source was wrong.
  17. It means 550mil from the Pegula's...keeping in mind the 200mil from the NFL is only a loan from the NFL to the Pegula's, which they must pay back.
  18. He looks pretty good for 71. Let's hope he beats the average American lifespan of 79 years.
  19. There is an anecdote from the early days of Tom Brady... He used to take off and scramble quite a bit. Belichick told him to the effect of "if you want to last in this league, you have to stop doing that" ..and like that, Tom Brady stopped scrambling. Now here he is today playing at 44 years old.
  20. oh yeah... that same formula will work in WNY... NOT. Corporate boxes are slim pickings, M&T Bank can only take you so far. PSLs will go over like a fart in church.
  21. Pegs would be renters from the county. Which surprises me.. how many renters do you know pay for the house the landlord is building? It's nonsensical.
  22. You sign a contract for millions of dollars, I don't weep for you if you are cut.
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