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Everything posted by boater

  1. If Twitter is your world view.. that is a problem. Twitter is a hive of scum and villainy.
  2. Bad Dad then. Curious, are you on good terms with him today? I'm shocked at his poor judgement, but there may be something salvageable.
  3. It was a snowy November game against the phins. I was derelict in dressing #1 daughter for the weather, for some stupid reason I let her dress herself. Never again. She cried in pain about the second half. I ended up carrying her on my back in a snow storm to the car parked by ECC. By the grace of God I quickly found the car. We left and watched the remainder of the game in the warmth of a nearby Dickies Donuts. Post mortem: we slaughtered the phins that day.
  4. Frazier is a great DC. So was Jim Schwartz. Though, Schwartz was a horrible HC. Being a great OC or DC doesn't make you a great HC. How history treats Frazier (and Daboll) will be very interesting.
  5. The over confidence of some Bills fans on this thread.. that the Bills would never leave, is a stench. Kind of like the stench that the Pacific Fleet had that the ***** would never attack Pearl Harbor. Or the Rams would never leave St Louis. Or the Raiders would never leave Oakland. Or the Chargers would never leave San Diego. There's huge bucks involved in the choices here. Don't think for a moment that Pegs would not move toward the top returning offer if Erie County and NYS try to play hardball. If EC and NYS screw this up, they deserve the dire consequences, but we don't.
  6. A simple response.. I like boats. And I once spent 4 years at sea. There's nothing like it.
  7. That's a perfectly acceptable approach. I hope you got good results. Me... my oven is on the fritz. Try making a holiday meal without an oven. But I pulled it off. I made a turkey breast in the pressure cooker--it was amazing. And the kids raved about that funky store brand stuffing.
  8. It's the second non-contact injury to end a players season, and likely cut into next season as well. Sucks. Can non-contact injuries be prevented? Maybe better conditioning? Or is it just bad luck?
  9. I've said it before, I'll say it again. Even if all sides heartily agreed and funded a downtown stadium, it would never be built. The environmentalists will find some kind of endangered moth--and we must not destroy it's habitat. They will also poke at the environmental impact studies. The preservationists will cling to some dumpy building--and file court papers to save it from demolition (Great Northern elevator ring a bell?). Human remains will be found and it will turn out to be a sacred burial ground--of course, all construction must cease. Buffalo is retrograde and can't have nice things. This is a town that couldn't even come to agreement on a desperately needed Peace Bridge replacement.
  10. Why is it embarrassing? Why should businesses build there for 8 games a year? It's economically fool hardy.
  11. Those bridges are weak sauce. The fat cats from Toronto want a direct express route, ie: Peace Bridge. They want easy in, easy out. They don't want to meander through crime ridden Niagara Falls and rural Grand Island. Football train? I doubt it. Unless there is a three lane each way Peace Bridge, the Toronto fat cats aren't coming.
  12. There's a road block to more Canadians attending Bills games. It's called the Peace Bridge. Or, more accurately, the decrepit inadequate Peace Bridge; It's a bottle neck. No "fat cat" from Toronto is going to become a spendy Bills fan when traveling to the games is an imbroglio.
  13. Correlation: the newer the TSW account, the more likely they are to call for McDermott and/or Beane termination.
  14. Classic thread. I love watching the tea-tollers and pot heads going at it.
  15. Oh yeah, 13-3 last season and 10-6 the year before that. He should hang his head in shame. /sarc
  16. That wouldn't have happened if Tre'Davious White were active.
  17. Such positive coverage and exposure for Buffalo... if they can't reach a stadium deal to keep it going, I'm moving out.
  18. The weather is gone. There may be wind gusts.. but the heinous weather is gone.
  19. Watching ESPN. It looks like the storm weather has gone away, just as the weather forecasters predicted. Yes, there will be some gusts tonight. But the driving snow is gone. Maybe the rain as well. Any live reports from OP?
  20. If the Bills win the coin toss, they deffer. Because weather will be better in the second half.. they can pick which direction to go in the better weather.
  21. You have to change the taxpayers mind about an open air stadium. Do they want to spend 1 billion more?
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