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Everything posted by boater

  1. Bitter. It doesn't matter how you end the season. If you don't end the season hoisting the Lombardi trophy, it's bitter no matter which way you end it. PS: I hope you didn't think the Bills were a Superbowl contender the way they played ending the season.
  2. It's time for the annual end-of-season fan over reaction and suicide watch. Just a quick review of the forum subject lines shows the season finale drama is in full gear. If it makes you feel better: the season ends this way for 31 teams every year.
  3. ANTIFA aligned groups have the city of Atlanta under siege, mostly trying to stop construction of a police training center (isn't better police training what these type wanted?). Face the Nation is currently on and all they can refer to the agitators is "organized groups" ..they can't dare name who it is. It destroys the narrative.
  4. The fan fascination with what the other fanbase is saying escapes me. These threads come up for every game. I have enough fortitude to not give two sh--- about what others say about us. Be a person who doesn't care. People that don't care: They focus on their own stuff They don’t take things personally They don’t analyze conversations to death They shake it off They tune out
  5. There. There in one quote you excelled 90% of Bills fans in their football acumen. The common fan fantasizes about salary cap limits. The common fan fantasizes about the value added by free agent signings. Looking at the long run, we're not playing Madden here. The draft is where its at. (I will add Stephon Diggs and Von Millers contracts to the scrum)
  6. Surprised this thread made it to 4+ pages without being moved to Off the Wall or PPP.
  7. Agree. Given his comms skills, you gotta wonder how his HC interview went. Probably bizarro land. The owner, Stephen Ross, must be very patient and open minded.
  8. 31 points scored by a third string QB and second string RB.
  9. As long as they don't use the GD train horn was the "buzzer" A problem I foresee: the crowd noise on the visitors third down would drown out any acceptable buzzer.
  10. A fan can only express their frustrations with Josh if they proffer a solution? People can't vent? They have to toe the optimism line or shut up? That would make this place as bad as a Bills Mafia Facebook group.
  11. I'm guessing you didn't really like today's game.
  12. I love WSJ writing. I found it here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/sean-mcdermott-buffalo-bills-damar-hamlin-11673489644
  13. Yeah. You're right. I transposed the 3 and the 9.
  14. It's a politically incorrect reference to the mentally challenged. I probably should have chosen other words.
  15. The gold standard of longevity and winning records is Mike Tomlin .636 Sean McDermott is only a couple years removed from the rebuild and has a .639 People wanting McD fired definitely went to school on the short bus. Edited: changed 693 to 639.
  16. Summary: lower seeded teams knockoff higher seeded teams, so the Bills have less dirty work.
  17. OP said "two TE sets" and "Bills" in the same sentence. Something you don't hear often.
  18. I love the optimism, though I don't share it. WR depth is not there. The secondary is like a sieve. Don't even get me started on the tackling. The Bills aren't playing Superbowl football. Their 5 minutes versus Cincinnati was lackluster--probably would have lost that game. Getting the gift wrapped #2 seed was a fluke. I just hope they elevate to playing AFCCG football.
  19. Talk about sports tourism. The stadium is full of Chiefs fans. The Raiders will never have "home field" advantage. The curse of being in Vegas.
  20. I'm still watching ESPN/ABC, and it's still all about Damar. I hope he's watching.
  21. I'm watching ESPN/ABC pre-game. It's all about Damar Hamlin.
  22. Mulligans, Hertel Avenue. Late 70s early 80s. They had a genuine French Chef. He used to yell a lot, but man was he good. He ordered whole sides of the cow and dressed them in the restaurant. Part of that entailed grinding up scraps (my job) into hamburger meat. The employee meal was a hamburger on a Kaufman's Bulky bun. It was unparalleled. It would be $20 retail today. The only close competitor would have been a Fudruckers when they used to dress their own beef.
  23. The mafia bildo behavior is so cringe worthy and embarrassing.
  24. For the next 36 hours, we're all Raider's fans.
  25. Has anyone tried Metro Bus? https://metro.nfta.com/schedules/game-day-express The Eastern Hills mall hub interests me.
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