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Everything posted by boater

  1. Good senior jobs are hard to get. My "hobby job" is stocking part-time at a major supermarket. It's a ball-busting job of heavy labor, NOT RECOMMENDED. I wake every day wondering if this is the day I give them 2 weeks' notice. My sister is pushing me to get into Security jobs, I don't know if I've reached that low. Obviously, you haven't heard of Bidenflation eating away at fixed incomes.
  2. Forget the cryptic behavior from Diggs, he's just steaming off a disappointing season end. Above all, he's a competitor and team player. He'll be at minicamp, fully committed. No drama. Sorry if that disappoints you.
  3. You had me there. A good lay would re-center and dampen down a lot of these Negative Nancies.
  4. 25,000 posts in three years... free time much?
  5. Wrong. A downtown stadium would have been ensnared in eminent domain and environmental lawsuits, delaying construction by years. In the meantime, the upper deck at Highmark will not be habitable by 2026 (Google it). It was a battle of time. Remember... this is a community that could not build a Peace Bridge or even a simple Bass Pro. Not to mention the added cost of downtown. The modest cost of OP is making people squeal like stuck pigs. Imagine the higher costs of downtown. Tailgaters had zero to do with the decision.
  6. Dang. Killed in a car accident... with all the safety features and airbags these days, that must have been one freaky accident. RIP Dolphins fan.
  7. I've lived around the US. Darien Lake has a nice clientele compared to other mega-parks. Other parks I have been to are filled with gangsta types. Except for Hershey Park. Hershey Park is da bomb.
  8. Disagree. Buffalo pizza hits the sweet spot in dough/crust thickness. It isn't a freaking casserole like a Chicago pizza. And it isn't limp paper thin like a NYC pizza. It's in between the two. And the wretched thin sliced substance out-of-towners call pepperoni.. gag me.
  9. Yeah. Similarly, that was my first reaction to the movie Napoleon Dynamite... what the hell am I watching. Then the daughters played it again. Then it clicked and I found it funny. (and what football fan couldn't chuckle at Uncle Rico?) I guess some humor takes getting used to.
  10. That's a lot of guaranteed money. What could go wrong?
  11. I'm OK with the Mafia in general. But I don't embrace that fan who gets doused with ketchup and mustard at the tailgate. I'm embarrassed by it.
  12. Speaking of that.... NY is doing everything they can to ban Skittles. A new law is proposed that would ban their ingredients. https://wyrk.com/skittles-candy-ban-new-york-state/
  13. True that, the Bills have a calendar. But I don't use Windows or Apple for calendar, alternatively this ICS file imports into my system.
  14. Given he's Defense in an Offense driven league... Given his age when age-ism is prevalent in hiring practices (I can personally attest to that)... He will never be hired as HC. Sad part, he will somehow blame his lack of HC hire on the Bills.
  15. Gotta be a special type to wear a sweater vest. It's a dying breed.
  16. I have the 2023 Bills calendar all set up as a file that can be imported to your favorite calendar software (mine is Google Calendar). I set it up with 30 minute reminders to kickoff. I'm willing to share the file (it would be a *.ics file) with other people, but don't know a convenient way to do so. I'm open to suggestions. I thought pastebin.com, but that's kind of geeky for most people. EDIT UPDATE: here's the schedule for those with an inner-geek https://pastebin.com/mU66kAww EDIT UPDATE 2: Here's the file that may automagically import for people who open it. bills2023.ics
  17. So you got some attention to yourself for senseless Allen bashing. Does it feel good?
  18. Not releasable, but you read it? LOL. Then the trademark squatter's letter is null and void and we revert to the situation that the squatter is out for himself.
  19. Do you have a link to the letter? I'd love to read it.
  20. Yeah. That's his spiel for PR. If that's truly the case, why didn't he sell rights for a reasonable cost to Snyder? No sale? That's because he's an extortionist out to make beaucoup bucks.
  21. I never thought I'd type these words.... I feel for Snyder. Some anti-social prick trademark squatter tied up all the good team names. A real slimy fellow. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/washington-redskins-name-change-trademark-squatter-says-only-four-name-options-are-viable-for-2020-season/
  22. You are correct.
  23. Here is a Google map of places with good reviews to get Chicken Wings or Beef on Weck. https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1mpmtjHMZCrqYop5-FKuRvDtRLTvMhbs&usp=sharing
  24. You have my condolences and I can relate. I had to put my beautiful brindle, sensitive, Grey Hound down after the Christmas blizzard. He lost control over his hind end. In December I had to put doggie diapers on him, and carry him around the house. After I dug out from the blizzard I carried him into the Emergency veterinarian. The Doc suspected cancer and the decision was made to put him down, for quality of life reasons. He was only 11. In addition to grieving, I second guess my handling of the whole affair. Did I handle the early phase of his illness right (I did take him in Thanksgiving)?Should I have put him down, or should I have sought a second opinion... did I do it right? I think about it all the time.
  25. I can live with that.
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