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Everything posted by boater

  1. I like it when posters here on TSW start out with "I heard..." or "I was told..." ..it's almost always something far-fetched and improbable.
  2. You have classic PTSD symptoms. Intrusive bad memories, easily brought up.
  3. Post of the week. So tired of the fans who want to fire Beane and McDermott if they fail to deliver the Lombardi. Have they no memory of the drought?
  4. People love classic cars, of any brand/model. Just watch the Barrett-Jackson auction when it's on TV. Plenty of enthusiasm for all kinds of cars.
  5. Offense needs to improve. More specifically: Ken Dorsey needs to improve. His play calling and utilization of the talent on hand were lackluster last year. Any OC with Josh Allen and Diggs should have phenomenal results.
  6. Silly me. I assumed Athens, Georgia. The home of punk rock.
  7. Many here have commented about his mixed, average career in Buffalo. Just look at his 4 teams in 5 years since leaving Buffalo... there's a definite MEH track record there. He's just meh. That's why Bill fans don't revere him.
  8. Man.. if someone did trans-surgery on my child they'd get a sock in the face. No one, but no one, should be making gender decisions before the age of 18. (actually, I endorse age 25 when the prefrontal cortex is fully developed).
  9. A borderline positive thread about McDermott.. not allowed. Are you not aware of the zeitgeist on this board?
  10. Congratulations! It's nice not to rent. Though, you'll find the rigors of homeownership conflict with your body as you advance in age. When I reach my 70s I plan on a senior apartment. No more shoveling, snow blowing, and lawn mowing.
  11. I want your job. I'd love to have the ability to dilly-dally on the computer while on the clock.
  12. Wow.. you have a lot on your mind. Are you ChatGPT? Hate to break it to you: but if Peg's sells, the team is moving out of Buffalo. Learn to tolerate him if you want Buffalo in the NHL. If Peg's sold: other buyers and cities would give a testicle to have an NHL team. There's no one locally who will win that contest and keep the team in Buffalo.
  13. True that. But his last contract was for $25 mil. That puts him pretty low on this list.
  14. Related: they say Brady took less money so that his team could afford better role players. They say. Kind of appears true, because he's not even on this list of the top 8.
  15. Yep. That's the place to go. Just look at their highly rated and you can't go wrong. Pro tip: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/16733/bobs-blue-cheese-dressing/ is better than Rooties, and much cheaper than $8 a jar at Wegmans.
  16. Recently--Diggs will show up to minicamp.
  17. Agree. And I believe McDermott is going to hit the ball out of the park in this regard. I'm optimistic about the 23 season.
  18. A fire McDermott type is probably the type who yells at Umpires at a little league game.
  19. Ouch. That's going to be a lifelong condition to reckon with. And broken rib... those suck. You can't breathe, and God forbid you attempt to laugh. I hope for an uneventful recovery.
  20. From Wikipedia regarding the phenomena known as Narcissistic Injury: Beasley had a grudge against the Bills.
  21. Sheesh. McDermott has to deal with a diva... he makes a one-line mistake at a presser... and it's off with his head. I'm glad Pegula doesn't give much credence to the press-baiting and irrational fans.
  22. He just got a $23 mil signing bonus. I don't think he's worried about the fines. He might not even care to play football again. To think... just days ago, I defended his character and predicted his attendance. Now I feel used.
  23. Sarcasm is a fine art. You, obviously, need to work at it.
  24. Yet another one who doesn't understand the effect of inflation on retirees.
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