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Everything posted by boater

  1. Ruh roh. The lights just flickered. Dang blizzard..
  2. I like watching the death penalty flip-floppers. "The penalty is immoral and must be stopped.... except just this one time, for this one guy"
  3. Semi-off topic. Will there be a pinned thread on TSW tonight for Chiefs/Dolphins? Obviously a thread sustained by Peacock suscribers. I want to know what's happening in the game.
  4. I know a guy like that in real life. Eat, eat, eat, and be thin. Funny part: now that he is 60 years old he is still built like a pole, but has a tiny little pot belly.
  5. In Mayo.. NE hires a thinly experienced, defensive mind to try and rebuild a club with mostly offensive problems. I can't imagine they conducted many (if any) interviews. Where's the due diligence? What are their plans at GM? That may be the bigger nut here. Belichick ran them into the ground. They need someone with the philosophy: You've got to have a franchise quarterback. --Brandon Beane, 2018 With Mayo, I think the Patriots are going to begin a drought. Maybe a solid GM pick will prevent that.
  6. -30? Ooof. I feel the pain just reading that. I would love to watch that game--I am pretty salty that it's only on Peacock.
  7. I think the weather is having an adverse impact on ticket sales. I got this email from the Bills pushing tickets:
  8. There's a reason my seat belt is always fastened.
  9. To quote others here sometime ago: Beane is a Wizard. He has a huge salary cap problem in 2024. Watching him address that will be primo entertainment.
  10. Most people who successfully battle addiction come public with it.. look at Von Miller and Poyer. It's their way of holding themselves accountable. If they backslide, they're letting everyone in their corner down. It adds pressure to stay sober.
  11. My curiosity is piqued. I wish you had a link to something to read.
  12. I know we're Buffalo tough and all, but I don't like foul weather games. Bad weather games remind me of the Bills/Patriots Hurricane Bowl game. Not a happy memory.
  13. I'm not a 'GR guy but I am a routine listener of WBEN which is owned by Audacy. I hope WBEN emerges unscathed from this--they are the best source of emergency information during a storm. WBEN was the source that told me of the 2022 Blizzard driving ban. I turned the car around and went straight home--WBEN probably saved me from being stranded somewhere.
  14. Here, here! I agree with Francesca! Down with streaming-only games.
  15. The board was running sluggish for me.... now it's running like a hot knife through butter. I wonder if SDS is making mid-game adjustments.
  16. Oh yeah, McDermott threw all those ill advised passes.
  17. Some homers on FB were parroting Josh for MVP... they wanted to hear nothing of his interceptions.
  18. Yeah, the college system can't produce enough quality QBs and HCs. I'd say there's enough talent for a 28 team league. People, like Goodell, talking expansion are nuts.
  19. I'm relaxed because no matter what happens tonight, I can read TSW tomorrow. There were "missing the playoff" scenarios which I would take a hiatus from TSW, to avoid the uber-negative atmosphere that would be there.
  20. There are rumors of a Belichick/Raiders matchup. That would be a huge score for the Raiders IF Belichick isn't the GM. Any team that takes Belichick as a GM is doomed.
  21. I like Secret Unknown Buffalo. I'm not ready for higher priced housing and other inflationary things that go with it.
  22. Earlier this week, sports media was warning of inclement weather in FL affecting this game. The latest forecast just shows cloudy skies and 15 MPH winds--nothing to really affect a football game. https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=25.7748&lon=-80.1977
  23. It will be absolutely NUTZ here if the Bills lose. If the Bills lose, I may make TSW a no-go zone for a week or so.
  24. Alcoholics Anonymous is very successful in getting people off alcohol. https://www.aa.org/ Though, some people find AA is not a fit for them. Some don't like the "belief in a higher power" business, some find AA meetings overwhelming. For those people I suggest looking at Smart Recovery. https://smartrecovery.org/ They have an in-person meeting in Buffalo, and you can also attend several on-line options. Sober life after being a boozer is pretty great.
  25. Another coach posting anti-bulletin board material, so as to not motivate Josh Allen. Bill Belichick is the master at this.
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