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Everything posted by boater

  1. I thought this off-season wasn't going to be very active. Beane has been pounding it.
  2. Is that said in jest? That just has be be said in jest because it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Thanks for the laughs.
  3. It's an example of how suddenly a WR can decline. Hmm... do we know any current cases?
  4. 50? Great... he could be our coach for 25 more years!
  5. I like cougars. The ones on bikes.
  6. I gotta hand it to Peterman. He's made a career of it, even though he is below average. 32 teams at 3 QB's each, I guess there's room for someone like Peterman in the 96 spots. Think about it.. he made a million bucks playing for the Bears, that sure beats a 9-5 job.
  7. I will miss Dane. He was one depth player that I didn't say "Oh, No" when he went in. I had confidence in him.
  8. I'm surprised to hear that. I'm not so sure. I just took a quick listen on Youtube and it seems like laugh track. Maybe it's the way that the audio engineers handle the laughter. It seems artificial.
  9. Many of "the public" complained like stuck pigs about the $850 million. In hindsight, that will be a tremendous bargain for the taxpayer. In addition to his share, Terry Pegula has to cover cost overruns out of his pocket--and those are going to be a doozy.
  10. Easy: Big Bang Theory. I turned it on once and couldn't get past the incessant laugh track. I changed channels within seconds. I wonder if I would have liked it without the laugh track. How many TV shows has the laugh track ruined? I know Seinfeld experimented with it for a couple episodes, then canned it.
  11. Did they call it a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)? Or a Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA), a.k.a. Stroke? I had a stroke at the young age of 34. I went home after 4 days, the residual effects lasted about 6 months. Many years later I have no effects, it just shows on my MRIs. There's a good chance you could emerge from this relatively unscathed, hopefully. Due to brain fog, I maintained a written TO DO list to take of post-discharge items. Yours sounds more complicated than mine. Good Luck!
  12. Beane made his life so much simpler today. He reduced the number of moving parts drastically. He has significantly less uncertainty and much more certainty to deal with. He can now dedicate his brain cells to almost full time draft planning, and that's a good thing. He needs to hit the ball out of the park at the draft.
  13. LOL.. that statement will explode a few heads around here.
  14. Don't worry about the Cap details. The brightest minds here will assure you that the Cap isn't real.
  15. There are lots of good Safety's on the free agent market. This is going to be interesting to watch.
  16. He will sue. He will prevail in court. But he won't see much of his settlement money. You can't get blood from a stone. It's a long shot that whoever hit him has insurance that will cover this. Even if they have insurance, it's likely to be only half a million or less.
  17. The City of Buffalo Animal Shelter is Pit Bull Central. Because of all the outstanding animal owners in the city. They call them "Pit Bull Terrier Mix" or else they wouldn't get adopted.
  18. If you were a dude who went to school in WNY up until 1970-something, there's a good chance you had to swim naked in swimming class. It was common. My swim teacher gave me the creeps. Decades later I read in the paper that the school system settled three lawsuits where he sexually abused students. Those are the three we know about, how many went unreported? In the military, one of the crew was diddling vulnerable very junior personnel. That rapist ended up in the brig. It's disturbing for sure, especially when it hits close.
  19. This thread turned out well. I thought it was going to degrade into a "our coach is wasting the best QB of all-time" thread. There's a template for McD bashing somewhere around here--people use it all the time. But the thread turned into stopping and realizing how nice we have it as it is. Yeah, I want to complete the journey and win a Super Bowl. On the other hand, I'm enjoying the journey itself of winning seasons.
  20. Documents detailing Chinese government hacking were released to the public yesterday: https://news.yahoo.com/cache-leaked-chinese-hacking-documents-083355524.html Maybe this cellphone outage is the Chinese getting even.
  21. Another missile in the AFC arms race. NFC is nothing.
  22. I remember that I had a problematic laser printer at work at the time. Then this movie comes out with "PC load letter" ..I could relate.
  23. Your points are true. Hidden benefit--the Kincaid trade up really screwed the Cowboys who had eyes on him. There's bonus points for that.
  24. Heh. The high book value teams, the Cowboys and the Redskins, could be traded on the NASDAQ. Or at least the OTC market. And why is the book value of the Redskins so high. They have sucked for a couple of decades now.
  25. Trading up for Kincaid worked out well. Trading up one or two spots is OK, any more than that is unwise.
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