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Everything posted by boater

  1. On reflection, I disagree with the very first sentence "Anyone under the delusion that greed doesn’t rule the NFL needs to check the communal psyche in St. Louis.." I believe egoism and vanity ride in the first seat of owners motivation. Though, I can see profit desire in the back seat. Also, there's a difference between greed and wanting to be a sustainable business. Hard to explain in this union town.
  2. ..is the Don Esmonde lede I agree with most of what he says at http://www.buffalonews.com/columns/donn-esmonde/nfl-abandonment-of-st-louis-ups-the-ante-in-buffalo-20160123 Including the open ended statement: "Buffalo will thankfully be spared St. Louis’ fate. But in the game of stadium checkers, the pressure is on to keep up with the Kroenkes." I think the current pressure to move is "low" ... but if the Bills lose the next two seasons, the pressure is a red hot blowout to move. Opinion.
  3. With your caveat of "state chipping in for some infrastructure" ...and... some property tax relief: yes, I could see Pegs buying his own barn. The Q is: will the city/county/state want to build/own and then rent out a downtown stadium? or give sweeteners (infrastructure, tax breaks) to private development of a downtown stadium the county/state upgrade the Ralph, Bills stay the Bills stay... not minding the Rock Pile Ralph and give the NFL the middle finger the Bills leave, wanting a better stadium In order: I like 3, 2, 1, 4 and find 5 unacceptable. Someone should poll this. Are you Richie Rich, or the Local 210 (a benefactor of new stadium construction)? For me, low property taxes, low parking, low tickets... that sounds good to me. This is not DC, Dallas, NE.. where Daddy Big Bucks dominates the market to pay for the so called "great fan experience."
  4. One of two things will happen: The Bills won't meet his high market value because they have other higher priority needs to allocate cash to Or, the CB stock market will crash; Gilmore can't get the big deal and stays in Bflo for a more rationale contract It will be the first one. He's gone next year. And the Bills will live. I think this is sarcasm. But just in case it's not: It's not about whose money it is. It's about spreading your salary cap around in a multi-year plan so as to not screw yourself.
  5. Kathryn Smith is easy on the eyes. http://www.betus.com.pa/miss-betus/paradise-2006/kathryn-smith/pictures/01.html
  6. A food truck lot!
  7. No treatise. It could be a belinda. But Belinda was so long ago, I forgot what it meant.
  8. Well.. yes and no. Pegs just wants to win and fill the stands and have a positive cash flow... including the TV contract. The NFL can wish whatever they want--screw them and they aren't everything else. If they were 'everything else' they would have had a team in LA 10 years ago.
  9. Concur! And I pray to be here in 2025.
  10. No. Think about it from the point of view of an HR Department (a good one) hiring people. Pulling numbers from posterior for discussion sake: there are 2000 college football players. Only 200 will make the NFL. The difference between 2000 and 200 populations: physical characteristics (speed, strength etc..) and football smarts. So the NFL is getting a much more highly skilled workforce than the colleges. Therefore, these highly skilled employees are used in a different manner. It's like comparing fast food to gourmet. (no offense intended to college football, because I like it also) This.
  11. Yep. Related: Go to google images and search "Pontiac Silver Dome." After the Lions moved to Ford field, the Silver Dome became a money pit albatross for Pontiac MI. The Ralph would be also.
  12. They're like the ones at Niagara Falls where you stick the quarter for five minutes of viewing. JJ.. what cheap SOB.
  13. The Ralph is paid for. I ran the numbers. A low estimate for the LA stadium is 1.4 billion. I used a mortgage calculator (I know not the best tool for this but it's all I had): 1.4 billion 3.92% interest 20 years Monthly payment came out to 8.4 million In the unlikely event that 8.4 mil can be found, I'd rather it be spent on something else. I don't see a new stadium.** They couldn't build a signature Peace Bridge because environmentalist said "endangered birds" will fly into the suspension wires and die. They couldn't even agree to a non-signature bridge. ** unless Pegs built it on his own, I think that is unlikely
  14. Well that's just dandy, if you live within walking distance of a Main Street metro station. 98% of us do not live near the subway to nowhere.
  15. Yes.. I believe BBF is right. Pegs would be copacetic to tailgating. But this stadium would likely be built with public money. So the nanny state politicians and "preservationists" will have their say. They'll get their panties all in a knot about tail gating. The recent Youtube videos of tailgating Bills fans being complete Bevis/Buttheads to the power of 10, doesn't help. Context: it looks like last call will change from 4 AM to 2 AM even though the 4 AM closing has not been proven a problem--that's what NY pols do--change stuff for change sake to make a campaign talking point. 2 AM closing will just drive drinking underground unsupervised. Oh.. and all the lost tax revenue and payroll for shaving 14 hours off the weekly cash register and payroll... really? I apologize. You didn't intend to hit a raw nerve and cue a rant. Try the first three sentences, then stop reading.
  16. The acreage doesn't exist to allow surface lots at any downtown site. Result: they'll build parking garages like Niagara Center has. That's not conducive to tailgating. There aren't going to be tents, canopies, grills, small generators and RVs in a parking garage.
  17. I like the upgrading the Ralph idea. Also tailgating as we know it would cease to exist downtown. A new stadium would be built with some public funding. Taxes are already high enough.
  18. Yeah.. I've moved about the country. I've been at bigger cities run by a "city manager" (ie: some hired dude) and no "common council" that are more successful than Bflo. Someone should put abolishing the City Mayor (tho I like this one) and minifying the Common Council on a voters ballot. Anarchisms of the past when we were a huge city. ...and that pathetic Board of Ed. Don't get me started.
  19. The resurgence is joyous. Comes with a serious sad note for me: Real Estate wise, I'm priced out of the neighborhoods I grew up in, and I'd like to return to. The neighborhoods I can afford are dominated by dudes skulking about with hoodies. (hoodies comes up as error in spell check---damn political correctness!!) God bless Buffalo.
  20. Seriously. You're right, they be dropping.. Sometimes I wonder if people near the end of life have the ability to gut it out through the holidays... then give in after January. Similarly, I think David Bowie was hanging in there to release his album. Released Friday.. passed Sunday. RIP Ted.
  21. 1987. Loved Berkeley CA, THEN. The place went down hill fast.
  22. You be right. ..and dis thread of insignificance be proof of another long off season.
  23. Well yes... you are correct. I did time on the West Coast, and learned the West Coast has different metrics. East coast = what have you done this year. West coast = what have you done anytime (ganja no matter).
  24. Good point on No. 1. Example ... continuity with Kaye Stephenson/Hank Bullough/Mularkey would have led to perennial losers. Grass hopper... as an owner, how to distinguish the diff between Stephenson/Bullough/Mullarkey and Belichick.
  25. RR has one season. CK had several (3?). False equivalence.
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