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Everything posted by boater

  1. Sure, "gun violence" may be more here. But without guns, people will find other ways to maul each. Europe, generally, is much more violent than the US just not "gun violence" Allot of the countries in that article have very stringent gun control laws. Our crime rate could be lower because of all the citizens who carry.
  2. You saw the article: http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/12/02/watkins-thinks-bills-need-attitude-adjustment/ Oh my.. I do believe Sammy is onto something. I completely believe his assessment. I vote him team Captain for the rest of the season! Seriously. I think he is right,
  3. Sorry.. I wasn't in a contest Actually, my rumor interpretation aligns with yours quite a bit. I just want Bills fans to vent more on what they see on the field and the scoreboard (and we can be pissed for sure). I do remember public display of jaw-boning between DM and DW.. but not sure what is was about.
  4. I loves me some post based on rumors and suppositions. And then double down on the rumor by adding conjecture (the if) that the current staff has reached the same conclusion. And add more guesses (we really don't know what happened between DW and DM). Very possible. But your arguments are based on what you think happened behind the scenes at OBD. Pegs will make his decisions on what he knows (surely more than you or I know) happened at OBD. I'm not calling DW dead man walking.. primarily because what I know, he's built a pretty good roster without raping the piggy bank (to much).
  5. I think Pegs is smarter than to let RR gain more power. It's patently evident RR can't deal with what he has on his plate now--Peg's can see that. He won't give him more power.
  6. Oh my God.. express your rage today about the loss. But STOP with the "fire" people" dialogue. Would Sun Tzu or Karl Clausewitz fire people based on a lost battle? No. They realize the difference between a battle and a campaign. Sometimes you lose a battle when winning a campaign. Especially STOP with the Pegula's are in this for the money meme.. so immature.
  7. ..and when the Bill's win next week, you'll change your liberal anti-frack high-horse.
  8. Agree.. I'd expect the Pegula's only want a positive cash-flow (which a 4 years or more Business graduate knows is different from profit )
  9. Not comparing the 2015 RR to the 2000 Belicheat. Just saying the HC needs time to grow results... or else we'll be in this cycle of losing for eternity.
  10. I'll say it again.. for context.. Belichek went 5-11 his first season with the Pats, deposing RR at this point, would be stupidity.
  11. So sad... that my favorite sport has degraded to Coach "challenges." I miss the old days with no "slow-mo" pics.
  12. Good Reply. Valid points. I just differ on the time-frame.. I suggest hiring or firing a HC or GM, needs to be done on more than one season of results. ...and I say that even though my A-- H--- hurts from today.
  13. You, young man.. or young girl.. need to get a grip. 1. The only reason the Bills are in Bflo to make you upset is because of TP. 2. If you expect instant NFL winnings because of one season of changes... you are wrong. It's premature at this point to be raging at TP or RR. For context: Belicheck was 5-11 his first season with the Patsys.
  14. Round 1, pick the best player available Round 2, pick the best player available Round 3, pick the best player available Round 4, pick the best player available Round 5, pick the best player available Round 6, pick the best player available Round 7, pick the best player available Then when the smoke clears, you fix your positional gaps that remain by Free Agency. The draft is the drywall. Free agency is the mud and tape. Training camp is the sanding/priming/painting. Oh.. in regard to OP: I believe it's too early to be judging TT a success or failure.
  15. True dat. Also, let's hope with the Patsy's focusing on McCoy, that will introduce a weakness somewhere else on the field to be exploited. Like, could it be a big game for our TEs as the inside attention shifts to McCoy?
  16. You are on the spot with question 1) ... why? Now question 2) ... how can the "standing rate" be reversed back to more reasonable levels? I've got no ideas on that.
  17. Agree.. regarding letting him (Glenn) go if big bucks is a demand. Not hijacking a thread here, just want to say: while Whaley has been above average in picking up talent---I'd say he's in the top tier of GMs in deciding when to let a current team member go. Fred Jackson fans can flame me one this, but it's true. I endured through the post-Levy Super Bowl years when the Bill's kept players that should have been cut, or let to walk. Oh.. back to the OP: It's a bit early to tell, let's get through the end of season. But all indications are RW will be a prime candidate for retention. He certainly seems injury resistant.. there's some value in that.
  18. Agree. I hope there's a "hometown discount" also, because the Bills took a a chance on him when others would not. I'm also a CK fan, partly because I like his life story.. but also because I've done time in DC/MD and have DeMatha ties.
  19. You absolutely right. And people will blame it on the suckiness of their staff this year (there's certainly truth to that)... but peel the onion back a bit, and the root cause was that they fired Jim Harbaugh last year. And.. it was a messy breakup. I thought I read somewhere that Debartolo's daughter said that Harbaugh was as good as gone because of his politcal viewpoints (I can't find the link). Pathetic if it's true.
  20. I didn't read pages 3 to here... 13 or so at this point. I feel bad for the OP. At page 2 or 3, OP said maybe he (or she) went too far. But the thread rolls on. At least it just between us family and our little jobs. Not on Twitter and all that.. like poor Sammy (though I hope he comes back to kick azz, he'z got skillz).
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