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Everything posted by boater

  1. Fricken 19 pages of 70% stupidity at this point. Idiot posters making a big stink about "police officers." Dudes... wake up. They were off-duty in civilian attire. Being a police officer or not a police officer has no impact in this bar brawl. Police haters need an adjusted perspective. What does have impact: reports of broken skulls. Whomever broke these persons skulls is in some serious **** (doesn't matter if the vics were police or not)
  2. Tito's only comes plain. You'll have add the sweet tea.
  3. If you haven't tried Tito's vodka yet, give it a shot. It is outstanding, and is well priced.
  4. I have said previously that they should draft a QB in rounds 5 to 7. But I'm rethinking that. I have read a few articles that had the general message: there are many teams in bad QB straits and they will overvalue QB's (eg. pick a QB higher round than really deserved ). I don't want the Bills to overpay for a QB. There will be some workable training camp arms in the UDFA ranks, and maybe a surprise.
  5. Superbowl I is available, not in broadcast format, but assembled from NFL films side line camera footage. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000620927/article/nfl-network-to-reair-super-bowl-i-for-first-time And that's the entire Superbowl. Not a broadcast missing footage. The NC dude should have taken the 30K check and walked.
  6. As HR staff (recovering), I've dealt with Manziel types in the past, including trying to save them. 9 out of 10 cases ended miserably. If stepping proactively worked, there would be no heroin epidemic now. Having said that: step in proactively at ALL TIMES.
  7. Many times when police see what is apparently a 'he said, she said' situation, without any other significant laws broken, they'll let it go. Important exception: if they see physical evidence of abuse (cuts, scratches, bruises etc.), one or maybe both will be arrested. I suspect the girl friend did not have any signs of abuse.
  8. Because he's a union member?? http://www.buffaloguild.org I believe Sully would be a correspondent.
  9. Rest in peace Brittany Burns, and peace be with you Tony Steward. ...and this reminds of Joey Feek, who I pray for.
  10. "NFL report says number of diagnosed concussions increased in 2015" ...diagnosed being the keyword. I don't believe concussions are going up. I believe they are being detected and addressed, whereas in the past they were ignored. I hope more research goes into CTE. It seems like something that could be diagnosed and treated.
  11. Thanks DC. I don't know if you're a Doc, or stayed at a Holiday Inn, but your answer sounds plausible. Needle biopsy would require a Black & Decker drill thru the cranium. Pretty risky for a 'I told you' Kodak moment.
  12. California taxes are insane. NV taxes are much more reasonable. Ya.. taxes, smax's. But tax rate is important. With exception of a few tax payer subsidized ventures, no one is moving to CALI. They're moving out. That's from the owners point of view. ADD: their is ZERO personal income tax in NV.. that may certainly be an advantage in signing free agents, salary cap considered.
  13. Just saw this. Not a well titled piece as the author mixes up game experience, architecture and team record all in one statement. (maybe the author had better, but editors change headlines for clickbait) Anyway... 1. The Ralph is fairly placed. 2. Thought it interesting that #1 and #2 "stadiums" are remodeled stadiums v. new construction.
  14. To the three Doctor's on this board... As they say on Reddit "explain it to me like I'm 5" With MRI's that show every molecule of your being these days... why do you need to be dead and physically cut open by a coroner to be diagnosed with CTE. You'd think that would show up on film. Why can't CTE be diagnosed while you are alive?
  15. http://insider.foxnews.com/2016/01/30/concussion-doctor-says-oj-simpson-has-cte I must agree. OJ was a normal, if not amazing person you would want to be your friend.. up to the mid 80's or so. Then he evolved into a bad person over a period of years. His behavior after football was so contrary to his behavior as a young man. My favorite memories are of him in the Airplane movie. A CTE diagnosis shouldn't clear anyone from responsibility for their actions. But it should be a factor when considering their punishment. Unfortunately, you have to dead before people know you had CTE. WTF. I might go see that concussion movie now... Whoops. Close this if you want. I see another similar thread.
  16. If I remember correctly.. we were competitive, but burned ourselves with field goals and extra points in that game.
  17. There's allot of people confident here that the Bills will never move. I won't quote one because the are many. Here are some attributes of people who were overconfident: Overestimating knowledge about a situation. Some apparently are inside Pegs cranium, guessing he has an irrationale love for the Bills and Buffalo and will sustain red ink, or he won't sell to an outrageous bid, or not do something goofy or unexpected. Ignoring or not seeking contrary information. The constant pressure to make money in mothership NFL cannot be ignored. The St Lous/San Diego/Oakland >> LA thing cannot be ignored. Overconfidence from past positive events. Sure, the white knight rode into town and saved the team. Yes, the mega-billion dollar NFL TV contract currently gives owners the chance to suck in their home markets and make money... but who is to say that TV money will continue? Or because billion dollar stadiums and luxury suites work for town X, Y and Z (jury still out).. are you sure it will work in Buffalo? "Well, I think we tried very hard not to be overconfident, because when you get overconfident, that's when something snaps up and bites you." Niel Armstrong Me.. I think the Bills are here forever. But only if fans are not complacent.
  18. No it's not too late. The message I took from the article: the Bills are in a Pegs honeymoon period, but will be under increasing pressure to make some money for mothership NFL. The way to provide the NFL more money could mean moving. or it could mean a new stadium. I hope Pegs straight-arms the league and sits tight. That will be easy to do if they are winning on the field.
  19. Imagine if the 2019 Bills have missed the playoffs again for X straight years. I'd say the fan base is dead, the cash flow is dead, and the Bills are gone. You explain otherwise. (X years.. would that be 20? .. it's to depressing to think about)
  20. Yes. I think more future losing seasons would severely affect ticket sales, decreasing revenue and then the pressure will be on for the Bills to do something, which could be a move. There's some over confidence here that what was, will be. Supporting losers for 15 years: nothing goes on forever. Generation Z is the future fan base. Marketers find Gen Z has less loyalty compared to previous generations (result: they won't invest in a losing record). But Gen Z will invest in a good value (meaning a winning record) The ticket buying fan base will be reduced by aging. Buffalo has the third oldest population in the country Much of the fan base is leaving WNY If the Bills win = the future WNY fans will support them If they lose = they won't be supported as well as they are today...and the NFL pressure will be on for some kind of change On the flip side. I don't see any other city that would be better than Buffalo. I think the two teams in LA will be a fail.
  21. That's a bet I want to lose.
  22. Keep wishing that. I agree with you for the next year or so.. then all bets are off.
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