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Everything posted by boater

  1. Suggest a rewrite of the poll options. No. Hell no. Yes, in round 5 Yes, in round 6 Yes, in round 7 Sign as UDFA I vote for no.
  2. Agree. Also, if he's followed this week's press, he's knows he's been labeled a slacker. If he has any self-respect, he'll try to prove people wrong. I expect a big game from MW.
  3. 2012 Pat Shurmur 2013 Rob Chudzinski 2014 Mike Pettine 2015 t.b.d. Four coaches, four years.. oh yeah, that's the way to build a team [sarcasm]. The Browns would be idiots to fire Pettine. As Pegs would have been an idiot to fire Ryan (which he proved he is not)
  4. In military justice terms, some Commanders would charge Mario with shirking or malingering.
  5. I read the subject line and shuddered.... the Bills season has gotten this bad, a blue-on-blue incident? Thankfully, just a uniform issue. (Blue on blue is a term for a friendly fire incident, or generally speaking: when your forces harm your own forces)
  6. I don't understand the Russ Brandon haters. He's not in football operations. Sure he is team president --- but he's not making the call on firing or keeping Ryan/Whaley. TP is making that decision of his own free will. I think the Brandon haters suffer from high levels of radon.
  7. Prediction: Rex runs some Jim Schwartzianesque plays which unleashes a sack attack on Fitz. Why does Rex change his method: to show that he can be adaptable as a Coach, while being under fire for the opposite because the Jets won't expect a sack attack as a gesture to Mario Williams (either an outgoing gesture.. or a move to soften the battlefield for contract renegotiations Whether this results in a W ... t.b.d.
  8. Redirecting the original question: Why would any college coach want to go into the NFL? From all appearances, college coaching looks more rewarding and enjoyable. I'd rather coach kids struggling to make something of themselves than a "professional athlete" with a signing bonus that exceeds my life income. If you're a college coach with better than a .500 record, you're King of the Campus.
  9. Kiko is still on the Philly roster. No? Too early for this Q? Having said that, I don't think he fits the current system.
  10. The vivid-meter will vary on this one, according what one thinks a Jimmy Choo is.
  11. No 1st round QB. Reports are that this years QB class isn't very good. Don't waste a first round pick on someone who isn't very good. But if one of this years QBs falls into the third or fourth round, take them. Note: I take exception to the Tyrod is the problem meme.
  12. Climate Change: another case of a vocal minority (scientists and pols who believe it) out shouting a silent majority (the deniers). Found this today, a peer reviewed study that finds the majority of scientists don't believe: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamestaylor/2013/02/13/peer-reviewed-survey-finds-majority-of-scientists-skeptical-of-global-warming-crisis/ I emphasize peer reviewed. That means it isn't government spin, MSNBC-Fox-CNN spin, Dem or Repub spin, George Soros spin, etc.
  13. Nepotism = root cause of the 49's decline. Other... Weddle seems like a hard core West Coast guy. I don't seem him coming to Buffalo in any stretch of the imagination. A shame too, he is an unselfish locker room leader, something the Bills need.
  14. Nope.. no sweat on the brow of TP. He sold at the right time. He snookered Royal Dutch Shell. http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2015/10/04/terry-pegula-how-the-buffalo-bills-owner-and-energ.aspx He's an benevolent genious.
  15. I get upset with the Bills, but will never root against them. I will never like the Jets. Two words: Bryan Cox. Two fingers also.
  16. People in IT will know most of it. Those are different IT programs and languages.
  17. I think the Bills should keep TT... but also draft one QB each year somewhere in rounds 2 to 5. (I think first round QB's aren't worth the risk)
  18. I'm a semi-retired Program Analyst (programs as in operations analysis, social programs etc.) I have experience querying and analyzing data from Oracle, Postgres, COGNOS, SQLite and Peoplesoft. I also have significant experience with XML, XSLT and technical writing. Is self employment developing queries and formatting reports viable? It doesn't need to be especially lucrative. Particularly with the XSLT. I know most people don't like working in it, so does it get farmed out? And Peoplesoft: I'm not fond of it, but I was pretty good at listening to mgmt concerns, then drawing data out of it that executives found helpful. Any suggestions of skills I should pickup? I'm thinking R, GIS and other stuff. I do not want to do Web Development or DBA work (seems to be excess labor there). (I am in the Buffalo area and willing to travel)
  19. I got my LLC through Legalzoom.com (it looks like you have already covered that). ...and I am thinking of using Quickbooks online. Don't forget the "towing/impounding from private parking lots" market segment. You can make good money there, but you also need a thick skin because you'll be despised.
  20. I don't understand either. I suspect, the Tyrod haters are a vocal minority. Tyrod supporters are a quiet majority, and are at work right now.
  21. Even after a win, a significant amount of Eeyore like comments. It wasn't a great win, and the situation isn't great. But it's not Stephenson/Bullough 2-14. It must be hard to go through life so negative all the time.
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