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Everything posted by boater

  1. FL yearns for the days of Marino. We yearn for the the days of Kelly. It's about the same. It's all for show.
  2. This is a VERY good sign for the future. A highly sought after free agent re-signed with the Bills... because.. pause.. he liked the club.. he liked the community.. he expressed loyalty. We, fans, need to keep this going forward.
  3. What puzzles me: Miami was in bad cap position before signing MW, now their cap locker hurt must even be more. They have Zero room to do anything but draft.
  4. You are in the minority. It's hard to take, I know. I suggest the minority of this board doesn't know the 80's. My football appreciation was born of 1980's Van Miller radio broadcasts. I remember them like it was yesterday,
  5. Good stat find. The following Q is: was his lack of pressure due to motivation issues, or declining ability? A holistic view of his career suggests motivation issues. Bruce Smith could take him to the woodshed and transform him from primma donna to HoF athlete.
  6. The confliction in your post is noted. Wow.
  7. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000642408/article/mario-williams-close-to-deal-with-dolphins Sucks for Dolphins. But there will 2 games a year Mario will be motivated for. That's not a good thing. Motivated Mario is a force. The other 14 games a year, he is overpaid.
  8. 5 mil, 3 years --- sounds on the low-ish end == like a hometown discount. What do you guys think?
  9. Best on the field football: the 1990's. The rules on holding and interference weren't so onerous then. It was the era of a "balanced run and passing attack," which I find more interesting than the pass happy NFL, facilitated by fussy holding/interference rules that often times seem arbitrary and poorly enforced. (OTH, the freakish speed and athleticism of today's players is amazing and fun to watch) Best off the field football fan experience: the last 10 years. Social media (message boards, twitter, et al.) make much more information available, faster info emergence, and access to multiple opinions and interpretations of it. Corollary to today's fan experience: it's 1985 your source of information are the beat reporters of the one newspaper and maybe a few television/radio stations. The analysis and discussion you have with the limited information is with the same two winos you see every night at Al's Gin Mill in Lackawanna.
  10. I doubt it. But wouldn't it be nice? Peyton was a very mental-football player. I don't doubt for a moment he could convert his field-mental-skills to football-ops-mgt-skills. But it won't be in Buffalo. He will get another ring as GM somewhere.
  11. Good article: http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Society/2016/0307/The-beautiful-mind-of-Peyton-Manning
  12. Wow. 7 pages. This has got some people worked up. In a job interview that is clearly a prohibited question. Now whether combine = interview, that's the q. The Falcons should have asked in code, like: Falcon: Eli, do you like movies about Gladiators Eli: Surely you can't be serious. Falcon: I am serious... and don't call me Shirley.
  13. Yeah, no kidding. A guy (or gal) wishes against their home team.. to prove a point. If I were proven wrong on my posts, and yet the Bills were successful, I'd be a happy man. Wishing the Bills failure to make a point.. then you just aren't a fan
  14. Miami is in bad cap condition. I don't see that they can afford Mario.
  15. ?? So I googled. It's a real bizzaro font. I'm not even going to google vulva font.
  16. Investigators often screw the pooch. Really. Just look at the comedy of ineptitude in the aftermath of Justice Scalia's death. ...and he was a far more important person than OJ.
  17. I would very much like this to be true.
  18. You are an Economist by training. Or, you just managed to stay awake in those classes.
  19. I'm bugged Dennis Thurman, Defensive Coordinator, couldn't get MW to perform. Sure, Rex is HC. But it was Dennis task to motivate MW. If that failed, it was Rex's task to whip MW with a switch (a phrase that may confuse some). Rex needs to be an HC. And he needs to hire a great DC, and leave him alone.
  20. Rex is known as a "player's coach" and I believe that pays dividends to team performance and reputation to potential players. Players want to play for him, players come here because of him. But I agree in this one instance. Rex should have taken MW to the wood shed. There's a point where you stop being a players coach and become a "I'm not taking your crap, coach." Who knows, maybe if Rex did, MW would be restructuring. Some people respond to discipline well. (I edited: added a comma between crap and coach. Punctuation is important ie "Lets eat Grandma")
  21. ...and they haven't even started restructuring contracts. Good cap position to be in.
  22. How do you get breaking news so quickly? Are you in some mission control center surrounded by monitors/TV's, spinning in your chair, guzzling Red Bull and chain smoking? Is your house covered with satelite dishes, and you have aux. power via a 200 kW Caterpillar genset? Or, you might just use Tweetdeck.
  23. I'd like to see rosters stay the same size, but have the practice squad doubled. Nice profile pic "Look, it's from Fragile....must be Italian!"
  24. Wanted to read the article, but I am not a WSJ suscriber. In the old days, you could Google the article's title and get find it for free. Didn't work today. WSJ closed the loophole. Damn Wall Street capitalists! Where's my free stuff? Not having read the article.. I'll say: Probably two things interplay to shorten shelf life: 1. the game is getting more physical 2. even the lowest paid player could live well for life on their NFL earnings (if they don't blow their money in foolish ways) Or, put in other words: your 1960's AFL player was actually playing to make ends meet; they went as far as they could, injuries or not. Today, a player facing life crippling injuries can say "I've got some money in the bank, I'm not going to risk my health when I don't need to."
  25. Wow, you are observant of posts. Well said re WEO v. Doc. I only want justice. Even when negative or positive for the Bros. in Blue. And justice for a bar fight may come across as a plate of spaghetti. Sorry.. that that's the best I could come up up with on short notice.
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