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Everything posted by boater

  1. Billy Joe Hobert = Pringles Jim Kelly = Ruffles Salt and Vinegar Chips are left QB-less.
  2. Back to the OP.. Tipster is right. Subdued FA + value-based drafting will build the team for the long term. Whaley is a good judge of talent. Note: the team that plays FA and value drafting the best is the Patriots. The worst team is the Redskins (to wit RGIII)
  3. Agree, with this poster channeling Don Beebe.
  4. Damn Roger. He has cross infected the NHL. He got Edmonton's Hockey Palace named after him. [sarcasm, I think] Now he wants to make NFL like NHL playoffs. Bottom line: I'm OK with more teams in the playoffs. Let the best team win. Really, regular season is really the first round of the playoffs.
  5. Nice design. The code looked like it will adapt to all screen sizes, I'll have to check it out on the phone. One of the better Wordpress sites I have visited.
  6. There are levels here. 1. Criminal behavior which has evidence enough to go to court, and the DA apparently did not see that. 2. What the DA saw: Non-convictable LeSean douche-baggery (which the videos show). I predict a 2 game suspension. For #2. Your first sentence fragment is spot on.. generalization. It depends on the department... some are great, some not so much so.
  7. To the "he is not dedicated to the Bills crowd": The Bills have stated in the past that they think MG's track and field interests are compatible with his football career---exhibit A: the Bills let him show at the US Championships in Aug 2015. To the "haters" crowd: consider a new approach to your posts. How about not saying something by keyboard, that you wouldn't say in person. Early on in this thread, MG took some underserved cheap shots. If I met MG, I'd say "Awesome with your sister, good luck in track and field. Do you think your injury history hurts your NFL cred? I wish you the best."
  8. Dome over the Ralph.. then you have my ear, speaking as a taxpayer. If you could make it acoustically perfect as Kleinhans, that would be bonus points. I have noticed many out of towners come in for major concerts.
  9. I don't know Hammer. But I get the sense he is not a billionaire who is looking to leverage public subsidies (example: all NFL owners not named Pegula). So the parallel isn't so parallel. Life in WNY is hard. Some guy making parking money for 8 games a year "branding" and "self interest" ... I can tolerate that.
  10. Multi-purpose stadiums disappoint NFL fans. Gillette was made to host soccer. Result: the fans are seated far away from the field, the noise level is low. Google https://www.google.com/#safe=on&q=gillette+stadium+sucks When the Patsies start losing (it will happen someday), that place is going to be an empty shell.
  11. Hammer must have of Doctor in Business Administration. Pure genius. He is the inventor of the Personal Parking Spot License (inspired by the Personal Seat Licenses). I say, Buffalo has not held on to fan tradition by choice. I'd say there are few corporate dollars in town to start a corporate tradition, so the fan tradition continues because it isn't being squeezed out by corporations. You are right, the NFL wants the Ralph to be corporate--just the idiot owners refuse to see it's just not here. Ooo.. better get that liability insurance. You know some drunk fan is going to pee on, or brush up against it while having hammer lot sex.
  12. In order: 1. More time w/families = less time in the stadium buying NFL merchandise 2. Fewer commercials = lower league profits 3. Good point, but I think 1 and 2 will outweigh 4. Not sure > intensity would happen with professional players. Maybe with fans.
  13. I'm OK with treating Tyrod as breakout, with one proviso: the Bills have an escape clause and can get out at the end of next season if Tyrod isn't very good.
  14. Point well taken. JK was not an obvious Blfo guy (at the time). But he certainly turned out to be. But Kaep seems to be the anthishtesis of a Bflo guy. RG3 also. They seem Hollywood. SJ... you may be right. My memory of SJ signing has faded. I do loves me some SJ performance.
  15. Forgetting the football skills and attitudes... Kaep doesn't seem like a Buffalo NY kind of guy. Fitting into Bflo is a Bills intangible not to be overestimated. TT fits.
  16. The problem is that success in college = wildcat offense. Wildcat offense does not = success in the NFL. The speed and athleticism of NFL lineman (OL and DL) defeats wildcat offense. As many posters have suggested: you need developmental QBs. That would bridge the gap from college/wildcat to NFL. Or, another league. Jim Kelly developed in the USFL. Kurt Warner developed in the arena league and NFL Europe. A place is needed where QB's can grow after college.
  17. Well the username "simpleman" would support the theory that he generalizes people into boxes. As he did in his post. Simpleman: taken on a shallow year to year perspective, you have points. I suggest you expand your view to a multi-year plan. That's where the there is.
  18. The chance of broken contract is 1%. That's how contracts work.
  19. I believe you are correct. The effect of signing bonus's. I want a signing bonus. Free stuff! I'm writing a sternly worded letter to my senator. We should all get a signing bonus.
  20. So, it appears... The path to success = draft well which means you rarely sign FAs because you drafted well --AND-- you get extra draft picks because you only lose players (not gain) in FA. Invest more in scouts!
  21. You don;t even know what a write off is.
  22. Ya. The RW stadium bowl is 1+, some enhancements in fan experience, I could see it going another infinity years. Otherwise.. look at the macro-economics of the USA, and I can see WNY as a victor if they keep their spending under control. The US economy is (all economies are) on a long term down-slide. Don't tie yourself down with a crazy palace downtown stadium deal.
  23. The whole post, a nice vignette (a fancy word for descriptive story). Thanks. I suggest, you, and I, and others, will be priced OUT of a downtown stadium. AND... there are very few to price INTO a downtown stadium. Terry Pegula and the pols know this. Without a positive economic miracle, a downtown stadium is DOA.
  24. I'll take my HP reverse Polish notation calculator over the respectable TRS-80. RPN is the way to go. Likes me some Poles girls as well.. Edit: I likes me some Poles ladies... I'm getting older
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