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Everything posted by boater

  1. Not a PR move. She has a successful record as Chief of Police of Washington DC, a city with target on it's back. She is qualified. The league sent out a press release when they hired Miller. Here is the press release for Lanier. No gender card in it. Compare the press releases, you'll see that she is qualified, probably more so than Miller. No one in this thread brought up the gender card.
  2. I lived in DC area for a while... Lanier is sensible and respected by all. Good move by the NFL. But I must say that is the worst photo of her I have ever seen. She's a very attractive woman. Search Google Images to check it out.
  3. I've never met a habitchual pot head over 40 years old. They must pass of other things first... Could be the demographics of who I hang with. But I doubt it. Suspending players (including Dareus) for ganja: I'm OK with that.
  4. Bringing this thread back to topic (hopefully): I think the New Era deal is great. A local company, with national exposure (New Era) merging forces with another nationally recognized company (the Bills). Off topic: I walked by New Era HQ on Delaware Ave, on my way to an unsuccessful job interview, and noticed the entry to their parking lot was a very visible San Francisco 49 statue. Is there a story there..?
  5. Vegas... you dirty troll. And slut. I raise a beer to you. One time only.
  6. Happy memories of that awesome phrase.. thank you. (I used it at work, with negative results) I'm in the who cares camp, as long as their are no injuries.
  7. I agree with it's about time. The rest of what you said is whiny tripe. The only reason the Bills exist in WNY today is because of RW. Yea, he was cheap (but not always). Would you rather cheer for no team, or for the Bills being here? And worst owner in history? Dude, you need an enema. I'm not even going into the long long list of owners who screwed their team and their fans ... by moving the team to another city, or owner made crappy football decisions. And your hateful points are from the 1970's and 1980's. Upgrade your AOL account to real internet access.. and get rid of the Packard Bell computer.
  8. So, is your next username going to be "FireWhaley"?
  9. Great leadership and management displayed by TP in this interview. To those replying in the negative: Thank you for your thoughts. Us loyal fans are are still on board regardless of your drivel.
  10. This. The writers are covered by the union. They could write complete gibberish, and still not be fired.
  11. JJ should not be anywhere near the playing field week 1. I had back surgery and returned to normal activities too soon. I eff'ed it up. Post-surgical scarring says the MRI. I pay the price for that poor decision everyday: the price is pain, life-long pain.
  12. Yeah... frequently changing your coach is the road to success. Look how well it has worked for Cleveland. Last column is win percentage.
  13. Richie and Cowherd both did a good job. I didn't know RI was so articulate. He also has a good voice for broadcasting. Prediction: that's where he will be someday. RI admitted to a allot of therapy. A good therapist will focus a patient on short term and long term visions. He/she prolly told RI, "Do you think being a bully until the age of 85 will bring you to where you want to be?" ...and Richie decided no. The set did suck. It reminded me of Space Ghost Coast to Coast.
  14. The Q's are: is he a running threat (no) does he have something to contribute in special play situations (maybe) is his football production worth the Vet minimum 900K-ish (no) is his leadership worth the Vet minimum 900K-ish (no.. that's one expensive luxury) will the Vet minimum hurt the cap situation (vice a newbie with $500K-ish contract) would he accept the Vet minimum (probably) is giving one of the precious 55 roster slots to someone with no future upside wise (no) ** did you answer these question without the beer goggles of nostalgia (me.. yes) ** this is an under-rated concern, many people don't realize the long term damage done when you hang on to declining talent at the expense of denying new talent an opportunity to grow. Different angle, Fred as coach: I don't know if he is entry level coach material. Does he have a mind for X's and O's? Does he know how to teach?
  15. Join the rest of us conspiracists at Coast to Coast with George Noory. WBEN 930, midnight to 1 AM to 5 AM. And "save phase" ... you're an electrician tease.
  16. Agree. There is some there in your post. A tweak for accuracy: I suggest you don't fear the police.... you fear the bigger machine, a corrupt justice system. It is especially corrupt in Illinois.
  17. I am envious. My only Toby dislike is that stupid Red Solo cup song. Tho that is the anthem of Hammer's Lot.
  18. I like your Bills posts. Your politics... not so much so. PS: my keyboard anger is way < than a sociopath shooting & killing people.
  19. White Boy pretending to be a bad black man.
  20. &#33;@#&#036;s operating outside the criminal justice system = Degenerates. Too these poorly educated &#33;@#&#036;s, anarchy is viewed as fun and games. But they don't realize anarchy will spread in ways they (none of us) want. When marauding hoards are raging out of control, commiting rape and pillaging, todays degenerate will be like "where are the police when you need them" &#33;@#&#036; you all.
  21. For those talking DHS patrols of private lots--relax, DHS will want nothing to do with this. DHS won't want to be routinely involved. But they may occasionally want involvement if intel indicates serious federal laws being broken, or credible/specific intel of planned terrorism exists. Being a drunken douche bag, minor ganja, public sex etc. --those are concerns to state and local auths, not the Feds.
  22. Dudes, this has devolved into a race thread, not suited for TSW, but for PPP. Take it into chat and duke it out there. Even the start of the thread had weak connection to football, but it probably survived not being closed because it it had a whiff football due to the game day experience at private lots.
  23. How about .... What tipped you from being a normal person, into being a Bills fan. (keeping in mind fan is short for fanatic) Simple, for me: in the days when games were often blacked-out on TV, it was listening to Van Miller and visualizing what was happening on the field.
  24. People hate Police, until they need them. People hate lawyers, until they need one. People hate CIA/NSA/TSA, until there is a terror attack they could have prevented had they not been ham strung by paranoid or thin skinned citizens. People hate realtors, almost always. I hate Genny Cream Ale. No one ever hates EMTs. Odd, that they should make minimum wage for the responsibility they have. To the matter at hand: citing terrorism for private lot patrols was not a great PR move. But, what does the OP do in private lots that he/she is so concerned about authority figures?
  25. This should be a dead thread, pardon me if I keep it going. Blame Combo, or Ice or some other long gone poster. This comment from Kim Pegula: Three sentences, in an interview format, so succinctly addressed a complex and emotional issue. She is a force. The most under-rated owner.
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