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Everything posted by boater

  1. If it's not announced, it isn't real. The Bills have until March 11th to take action. (I don't know why that is the date) As the time increases between the leak-->official announcement .... the probability of it being fake news increases exponentially. Real signings get reported quickly.
  2. LOL .... people on a fan board dominated these days by 378 threads on Quarterback/Tyrod are criticizing a newspaper for lack of ingenuity? Jay probably plugged his nose when he hit the go button on that article.
  3. Permanent outdoor lighting is a capital asset a landlord is normally responsible for, ie: Erie County. If the Bills are paying for this, the landlord is ripping them off.
  4. He's questionable in the character department. He's injured.. through training camp. He's a UDFA. I'll eat this thread if he's drafted. Aside Regarding Jim Kelly: The USFL made him a successful QB. Running the fast paced USFL offenses trained his mind and his reaction times, led to his success in the NFL no-huddle. This was also the case with Kurt Warner.
  5. Brady's face on my plate = me barfing. Goldman is out. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/18594904/oakland-raiders-las-vegas-stadium-deal-loses-backing-goldman-sachsI'm sure to protect the relationship with one of their best customers. The technology feminuch don't relate well to US football.
  6. Thread is TL;DR... so For your theme: I love Fried Clams in a hot dog roll. Back in the day, Friendly's Restaurant had the "Clam Boat" on their menu. You could make it with frozen clams strips... no problem. Your Southern menu is well represented. You could throw down some Whoopie Pies without effort.
  7. LAMP: I was delivering the Courier Express one morning. Old school style with a paper bag over my shoulder. These stray dogs started trailing me. The pack got bigger and some started getting aggressive. I shed the bag and fled home. Turned out one of the ads in the paper had the scent of bacon for dog treats. True story.
  8. dude "hints" that Bills are "likely" A double-weasel-word does not a factual report make. I hate the off season.
  9. Are you the Ice from the 1990's TBD? Your irrationale post makes me think: Yes.
  10. Trump will do well. Not because he's particularly capable. But because he'll surround himself with competent people. I like his staff already. BHO surrounded himself with not very competent flunkies. He filled the White House with "community organizer" types, and got the expected result.
  11. Kelly Bluebook? Kelly Girl? Kelly Skipper ... yes, hired. Chip Kelly, not at this time.
  12. Related tangent. George Costanza had lots of different sex.. Make-up sex Conjugal visit prison sex Fugitive sex Sex while eating a pastrami sandwich Am I missing any?
  13. Me too. If I wanted pepper flavored vinegar, I would have ordered pepper flavored vinegar. Texas Pete = OK in a pinch. Franks is OK also. My go to mass market hot sauce is Cholula, Too bad it's so pricey.
  14. Carson Wentz gave his OL Beretta shotguns.... that's the Rolex of shotguns. I like that.
  15. Business wise, there are growth options available to the NFL. No need to downsize. But Quality of Game wise: The NFL has a much bigger problem: human resources. They don't have a quality supply of players, refs and coaches to support growth. Think about it... we're barely satisfied with 32 teams today. there are only about 14 to 16 good starting QBs, the rest are scrubs wearing a starter disguise about 1/3 of the coaches suck about 2/3 of non-suck coaches are ancient about 1/3 of the refs should just stay home the good skill players make a killing pay wise because supply falls far short of demand and don't get me started on journalism If they grow the game without addressing personnel quality == < game play quality, which < fan happiness, which < revenue, which eventually causes the entire system to implode. I don't see downsizing. On the other hand, I don't see growth. I do see teams moving, and Bills fans should never get complacent in that regard.
  16. Using search firm consonants to find the particle sun is business as usual in the NFL. Nothing to see here... move along.
  17. ...and his hair cut is first class. You can tell he'd otherwise would have a full head hair, but that would require maintenance, which would detract time from achieving football goals. [i say this only partly in jest]
  18. Yeah, I got it. The bull **** in PPP is so high, you need wings to stay above it.
  19. When I read an excessively negative poster... I wonder what it must be like for their immediate family.
  20. I think it was a good hire. I also think the Bills are better lead and managed than comes across. Here is the problem: Very bad communications and PR. The team comes across as a dumpster fire because their communications with fans and the press suck***. Someone should know TP soundbites sound great to other PhD's, but not to the general public. The comms department needs to prepare canned soundbites for Terry. Someone needs to get Whaley out there praising the hire, and sounding like he had skin in the game, even if not true Whaley should have been comms coached before his disastrous end of season presser McDermott needs a brief on Bills recent comms pitfalls, and what mistakes not to make Where I once worked, if you were scheduled for an important briefing, you did an internal "murder board" first where you briefed with internal staff playing the role of outsiders. They picked you apart over and over until your brief was bullet proof. Obviously, the Bills don't do this... think Whaley presser. Also if a major announcement came up a "strategic comms plan" was executed. Here's what the owner will say, here is the press release, we'll compliment with this leak etc. etc. Obviously the Bills don't do this... think Rex firing. *** also, TBN is in the tank against this team. Low information fans (ticket buyers) follow TBN lead. The Bills need to fix their relationship with the prima donnas at TBN.
  21. Buffalo needs a second newspaper.
  22. Word is... Pegs have pictures of Jerry Sullivan watching hookers golden shower each other on a Super Bowl site hotel room bed where Vic Carruci once slept.
  23. Jerrah said: "Word is..." and "According to reports..." Move along. Nothing to see here. By today's pathetic fake news standards Word Is ... could be a Stadium Wall post. According to reports could be an article written based on a Word Is. Code words for good sources: sources high in the organization, or sources close to the Bills .... you don't see that in this article.
  24. Tyrod won't be here, so better coaching is a moot point. ...and a 6th year QB should already have basic skills down. Such as not staring down your primary receiver, and in pocket footwork.
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