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Mark from Albany

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Everything posted by Mark from Albany

  1. Like two ***** passing in the night, Dallas Cowboys quarterbacks of sudden past and temporary present take turns getting humiliated. If nothing else, Monday's 36-22 implosion against the New York Giants confirms three certainties: 1. The Cowboys' quarterback of the future is not on their roster. 2. The Cowboys' quarterback of the future will not be coached by Bill Parcells. 3. The Cowboys' future isn't now. http://www.dallasobserver.com/Issues/2006-...news/whitt.html
  2. WRGB-TV has something on the schedule for 1 p.m. called "Dance Revolution." The Jets are on at 4 and probably some NFL rule prevents them from showing the early game.
  3. I just sent both Whitson and Becker and e-mail thanking them for doing such a bang-up job of selecting the most exciting game for local fans to watch today.
  4. And he even has "statistical research" to prove it. "Statistical research." How stupid does he think we are?
  5. This is the reply I just got from Becker: Mark, I will pass your message to our programming department, but I believe the decision has already been made. Sorry, Rich Becker Sports Director FOX23 28 Corporate Circle Albany, NY 12203 w)518-862-2323
  6. Both WXXA-TV's website (fox23news.com) and TV Guide online give no indication as of this morning. I'll check Zap2it later on and let you know.
  7. Who's that one on Telemundo at night? Elena-something? Since I don't speak Spanish, I have no idea how to identify her. All I know is my remote stops in its tracks.
  8. I simply removed the panel and now wear it as a generic number "11." This way I no longer have to be concerned about changing it every couple years. Just did it this past weekend. After I picked at the corner stitches for about a minute, the whole thing came off quite easily. The problem was removing the hardened glue. I put Shout (appropriately enough!) on the glue and worked it for a few seconds with a brush and it washed right off. My wife shook her head when she saw me doing it: "I can't believe you're actually taking the name off," she said.
  9. Oh, hey, I've worked with that writer before. She's based in Westchester County. She's really good, really fair. I'll even send her a "thank you" e-mail.
  10. 1960. Tell me about it! I'd started to develop a loser's complex as a teenager in the 70s after watching Griese, Czonka, Mercury Morris, and company pound us year after year into the astroturf. That's what made the third AFC championship so satisfying.
  11. I remember seeing promos on Showtime a couple years ago for a series called "Leap Years." Found this description: "Leap Years is a unique show that takes a group of five friends living in New York and shows you what their lives are like in 1993, 2001, and 2008." I remember it looked very "Thirty-something," very chickish. That it?
  12. Yup. "Living Years" for the exact same reason. Especially the line at the end about the child's voice.... oh crap I...... gotta stop.
  13. Okay. First I'll try diddling with the options again, then I'll move them to Los Angeles. The bigger problem I have is shipping other players out. Their contracts are too big. I'll keep working at it, though.
  14. I received Madden 2006 for Gamecube as a present a couple weeks ago. I'm trying to accommodate the Bills' recent roster changes, but I keep getting snagged by the salary cap. I keep looking around, but I can't seem to find how to turn it off. Anyone know if it's possible?
  15. Communications officer for a union that represents registered nurses.
  16. Here's a question: Is Jacobellis' blunder going to be considered by the American sports media to be bigger than Norwood's missed kick and will they finally leave Scott alone?
  17. No wait I got it wrong. It's actually LITTLE kitchen. I can't even find a good double entendre there.
  18. If I remember my Italian correctly, I think her name translates roughly into: "Mary, thank you for the big dinner."
  19. Everybody keep your fingers crossed for my friend and fellow Bills fan, Lt. Paul Powers, that he returns home safely from Iraq next week. It's been a long year and half away from home.
  20. ...can someone remember to call Billy Joe Armstrong and wake him up?
  21. 103.5-103.9 The Edge. Heard it during a commercial break during Stern this morning. Whew.
  22. The radio conglomerate that owns one of the sports radio stations here in Albany has FINALLY decided to put Bills games on an alternate radio station when it conflicts with the Yankees. This resolves what's been a major complaint of mine for years: When the Yanks are on, no Bills coverage. Period. I guess someone finally listed to all the complaining we've been doing around here.
  23. Yup. Here in eastern NY , we're getting the Jets on CBS, the Bears and Redskins on Fox and the Yankees on the radio station that is supposed to carry the Bills games. And yes, I'm too cheap to buy Sunday Ticket. Thank goodness the Game Center.
  24. I'm the one with the collar on.
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