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Mark from Albany

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Everything posted by Mark from Albany

  1. "Boom, Boom, Boom, Let's Go Back To My Room"
  2. I'm 48 and have been a fan for 37+ years and, sad to say, I'm no longer surprised by their failure. Yet I still cheer on Sunday, 'cuz that's what we do.
  3. Holy crap! I think I went to hockey school with him. No really.
  4. ...Actually nor is there a better band today.
  5. I keep reading and hearing this week in national sports media (ESPN, Fox, CNNSI, ABC, CBS… you get the idea) that this is Indianapolis’ first championship since the 1973 Pacers won the American Basketball Association title. And this bugs me. Because, and please tell me if my perception is wrong here, the general consensus in many of the same national sports media is that Buffalo has never won a major professional sports championship. Obviously our two American Football League championships are being discounted as a minor achievement. So is an ABA title in the 70s counted as more legit than an AFL title in the 60s? Do “rival league” titles from that era rate along the same lines as today’s Arena Football League or National Lacrosse League? I dunno. Are you bugged by this too? You can move this to “off the Wall” if you need to.
  6. How many miles per gallon does it get?
  7. According to Dr. Sue on "Talk Sex," doing it in a pool is really bad for a woman's reproductive health. The pumping action forces water into the fallopian tubes at high pressure. And this can lead to infection and other problems. But that's not what I was thinking about as I was spanking off to it.
  8. Penthouse has articles?
  9. Okay, I got it... We'll swap out "Land of Confusion" and "Strict Machine" for "You're Gonna Fall Behind Me," by the Donnas and either of the two Gnarls Barkley songs. 'zat work?
  10. Brian Wilson? Yeah, I'm more than old enough to remember the first go-round. And I rushed to the store the first day it was available. Couple of songs into it, I'm thinking: "Geez, this is losing listenability fast." I put it aside for a few weeks, thinking maybe I anticipated too much. Came back a couple times more, still bad. Maybe it would have been different if I'd seen it performed live. I'm counting the remake by Disturbed as eligible because they did such a good job of interpreting the song in their own style. No Doubt did the same with "It's my life" a couple of years ago. Oh, and sorry if I missed the release date on Goldfrapp. It's been all over the airwaves and used in just about every TV commercial these days cuz it's such a good groove. I thought it was more recent. If you want I can nominate a substitute. C'mon, lemme have it....
  11. Song of the Year: Last year's winner: “Holiday,” Green Day. 1. “World Wide Suicide,” Pearl Jam. I still can't make out what Eddie's saying. But I think I hear him say “President.” I know he doesn't like the president. So I like the song. 2. “I'm so sick,” Flyleaf 3. “Out Here All Night,” Damone 4. “Strict Machine,” Goldfrapp 5. “Land of Confusion," Disturbed Album of the Year: Last year's winner: “American Idiot,” Green Day. 1. “Aerial,” Kate Bush. Why did she make us wait 10 years between albums? 2. “We Don't Need to Whisper,” Angels and Airwaves 3. “We Shall Overcome,” Bruce Springsteen 4. “Taking the Long Way,” Dixie Chicks 5. "Wintersong," Sara Machlachlan Worst Song of the Year: Last year's loser: “Smile!” Brian Wilson, entire album. 1. “Hate Me,” Blue October. Hit the “Scan” button. NOW! 2. Paris Hilton. Do I even have to explain this one? 3. “You're Beautiful,” James Blunt/ “Only Cab on the Road,” Train – Different men, same song 4. “SOS,” Rihanna/ “Promiscuous,” Nelly Furtado/ “Hips Don't Lie.” Shakira. Different boobs, same song. 5. "Fergylicious," Fergy. I thought she was supposed to be the talented one. Those are my picks. And yours are.......?
  12. Oh my god, that is SO funny! I spit up my coffee every time it gets to Lafontaine.
  13. Get swallowed again... but this time be sober so I can enjoy it.
  14. Only saved once, in order to join the "V" club. Owch! to both. Will never shave there again.
  15. Holy crap!
  16. Yeah. WUWU was started by Bob Allen, after he left Wizard. He still wanted the market to have a truly progressive station. WUWU went through its phases. It started out as freeform as Wizard, then, when it started failing, tried to be a mix of everything, Striesand, Marley, soul, etc. Didn't work as far as I remembered. By then I'd moved east. And yes, the first song they played on Wizard, for 24 hours straight, was "Psycho Chicken" by the Fools. They'd play it frequently afterward. The last song was by Gong as part of Jeff Grodon's "Sounds from Space" show. They also produced a very funny mini-radio show called "Leave it to Teddy," a parody of the Beev. It was topical and it was often dirty. Everybody at the station got in on it, from salesmen to office staff. The best stuff didn't make it on the air. "Wizard," by the way, was the name of the station's cat. He'd often wander into the broadcast booth and jump on the turntables. One time he dropped a mouse in front of Claire Rhoney while she was on the air doing the news and she screamed. And the station wasn't supposed to be named "Wizard," anyway. The management had originally applied to the FCC to have the call letters "HSPT," for "Hotspot." But the FCC said "no," the call letters had to start with a "W." In fact the theme of station's early promotion was "98+, Your Hotspot."
  17. Yes! I was an intern at WZIR-FM/WHLD-AM in 1981, and later worked there part-time until the end of 1982. You're right, they were on the air as a free-form station from the spring of 1980 through the fall of 1981. They were a wild, creative group to work with, constantly pushing the edge. It was a lot of fun. Although it had wonderful programming, they consistently finished at or near the bottom in the Arbitron ratings. Anyway, the investors were getting upset, so management brought in a consultant. He changed the format to classic-rock radio, and most of the staff either were fired or quit. I remember Bob MacRae storming out of Paul Butler's office in a rage and we never saw him again. Same with Jeff Gordon. Bill Nichols was fired. Dean Matella was brought in from WPHD to replace him. Tony Florentino, Janet Merriam, and Jim Nowicki held on for a while but soon became disenchanted and left. Anne Leighton went into print journalism. Bob Kramerik stayed on for a long time. George Prentice became a TV producer and almost married my cousin. In protest, during the final week of the old format, the DJs kept playing "Personality Crisis" by the NY Dolls over and over again. But yeah, Storm was the star. he was an odd man, but very intelligent and very likable. I seem to remember that he joined Bob Allen and a couple of the old Wizard people at WUWU for a while. Then I moved out of town and lost track.
  18. JP= Dennis Shaw
  19. Looks like someone there finally discovered the mistake. The link 404'd on me when I tried to access it this morning.
  20. Oh, wait. Am I okay posting that? Doesn't it have to be "Stevestojan" or something like that?
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