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Mark from Albany

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Everything posted by Mark from Albany

  1. Definitely underappreciated.
  2. Wait....wait.... I got it! (has anybody used this yet?) The theme from "Wreck-It Ralph"
  3. "I've Had Enough," The Who Better yet: "On the Road to L.A." by Terry Black & Laurel Ward
  4. My daughter was still crawling. She's now 15 and is a Giants fan.
  5. The last I've read, there's still no radio station in Albany proper that's carrying the Bills. A station in Glens Falls just picked them up, but the signal isn't strong enough to reach us. Our CBS affiliate usually shows the Jets, so I guess it's via the Internet. Yes, I know....Sunday ticket. Can't make room in the budget right now.
  6. Everybody KNOWS it's either "Ice, Ice, Baby" or that one by Rico-Suave.
  7. I saw a robin dipping his worm in Nestea.
  8. Same here. I was playing Madden with my teenage daughter and she picked the Giants because: "They're winners and Buffalo sucks."
  9. ...that I saw a robin dipping his worm into a birdbath.
  10. ... that I just saw a squirrel trying to cool off his nuts.
  11. Really? Bengals? Guess I'll head over to the Arc.
  12. I think he might actually complete a pass this year.
  13. Okay, so I'm gonna give away how much of a nerd I am here... but Isaac Asimov wrote a great book on the paradox of altering time, "End of Eternity." Pick up a copy right away, because I understand that Hollywood is going to butcher it into a film soon, like it did with "I, Robot." Another good one is Ray Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder," which was already been ruined by a small movie studio a few years ago.
  14. I'd tell myself: "Don't eat so many doughnuts."
  15. .... or "Santa Claus is Coming and He's Gonna Kick Your A**," by the Arrogant Worms
  16. "Merry Christmas, I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight," Ramones
  17. I often tell people my favorite movie is the German film, "Wings of Desire." But it's really "Bachelor Party."
  18. Tell me about it! Our dog was totally insulted when he heard that. Complained for weeks. Now he barks at the TV every time Triumph is on. I have to tell him to chill.
  19. Yeah, you can't tell our Bichon that he's supposed to be a foofy dog.
  20. Two: A Schnauzer and a Bichon
  21. Get a Bichon. No, really. And I'm not gay.
  22. "The Right to be Italian" by Holly and the Italians. No really. I'm not kidding.
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