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Everything posted by NorthBuffaloKid

  1. They did very poorly on challenges last year. Rex said that he would streamline it, which apparently didn't happen. We controlled the snap, the pace of the game. I don't hate Rex. Quite to the contrary. But if he doesn't learn from previous mistakes, then he shouldn't be here. Taylor should not have dove head first into the trenches if there was an inkling we would challenge. BTW...Challenges - 0 for 1
  2. The defense played well. The offense... It's like we took a Ferrari out after the winter and it wouldn't start no matter how hard we tried. SIGH...Back to the garage...
  3. Exactly.... Everyone is zeroing in on the late call. What about duplicating the QB sneak? A roll-out or pitch-out seemed to be the call there.
  4. I know we got the TD anyway, but we telegraphed our play by being so late. After that we still went with the QB dive? Taylor was needlessly thrown into the line of scrimmage two times in like 2 minutes. If the coaching has improved, this is not showing it.
  5. I hope that it's sarcasm. The defense played very well. Well enough to win.
  6. Your poor plumbing!
  7. I hope that by the end of the game, there are many experts eating crow.
  8. I expect that the refs will shaft us good at least 2 times. I hope that we keep our traps shut and play football in spite of the monkeys in the zebra suits. If we do that, victory is ours. GO BILLS!!!
  9. I like your thoughts. Mine are: =REFS =REFS -REFS
  10. Lets work on 1-0. They can win this one!
  11. YAWN! What did they say last year? were they right? If so, why didn't we make the playoffs?
  12. All of them. It's a team game - win as a team, lose as a team.
  13. The game is won or lost at the line of scrimmage. We need to dominate the Ravens on both sides of the ball, then the skill positions will shine. GO BILLS!
  14. Nice. We haven't even started and you're giving up? Have you ever been on a championship team? Do even know what it means to be a champion? I've been on championship teams in 3 sports. I DO know what it takes - a sense of "family" and finding a way to overcome adversity. Every team I have been on had some obstacles to overcome. The champs did so, the non-champs didn't Giving up before you start is the sign of a LOSER. I'm pretty sure that tis team will not just roll over. Why are you?
  15. Not sure about that one. We were the #1 rushing offense last year. With the defense as injury riddled as it is, I would think that Roman would like to run the ball, if the line can open the holes for the backs.
  16. I think the first half will be low scoring, while the second half will be more productive offensively. The refs will screw us at least 2 times in crucial situations. When that happens, we need to keep our cool and not add to the shafting. In the end, our offense will be better at controlling the ball. 28-24 Bills.
  17. Enough of the chit chat. Let's line them up and play some football!
  18. The season is played out one week at a time. We should be looking at the Ravens and no one else. They have a solid team and are playing at home. When we manage to beat them, then we should discuss the next game. Football is FINALLY back. We can discuss the upcoming game with a sense of who will actually be on the field (did anyone see the shakeup in the backfield coming? - Williams and Felton gone). What's-his-face is just stirring the pot. That doesn't mean that we have to taste it.
  19. I knew Felton was done the decond he dropped that pass.
  20. Can someone out there explain the premise the refs used when making those calls?
  21. I need to see less confusion before the snap.
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