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Everything posted by NorthBuffaloKid

  1. A good screen needs to be sold. The offensive line HAS to make it seem as if they are trying to pass block. From what I've seen, the O-line is looking downfield too soon.
  2. tonight in order to keep the Jets pass rush from pinning back their ears. If not, we should consider a new OC.
  3. Let Richie come and talk to him..
  4. Go to bed and get up tomorrow. Life goes on...
  5. Maybe we can have Hillary as our lawyer.
  6. Not really. The dramatic ones are those who say we are done after 1 loss.
  7. The definition of a troll: troll One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument. Isn't that what you did by indicating that we will lose on Thursday? Poked the sleeping bear? I'm not saying that you're not entitled to your opinion, but I was trying to lighten it up, revive people's spirits after a tough loss. You come along and put the smackdown on it. Did it make you feel better? If you feel like venting your spleen, why not open a thread about it yourself?
  8. Most of the players on this team were less than 10 years old when this drought started. Should we blame them? Should we blame anyone? Why not just accept it and move on. Why pin al of our disappointments on these young men? How about the Ryans? How long have they been here? We are lucky to have a team in order to have this discussion. Just ask the fans who have lost their team. The fact that they dropped their first game on the road is not reason to give up hope. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I still have a team to root for. A reason to watch the game with more than a passing interest. If I felt like you, I'd go hiking or something on Sundays.
  9. The ending was funny. If you think that game was " a more lackluster, incompetent performance from my Buffalo Bills than I saw yesterday, on offense, as coaches, and for player discipline.", you must not remember the 2-14 seasons (I don't blame you , but the video of the 2 guys in the upper deck doing the wave is stuck in my memory.
  10. Did you watch the video? That would be Pegula. Rex would be Ike.
  11. Exactly! That and we all needed a good laugh!
  12. That was the Germans. I was there. Naw.... I live in the here and now with a nice career. That was funny, though.
  13. I will. The fact that there was no finger pointing. No excuses. This is a team. I'm sure of it.
  14. With that attitude, I wonder if you will ever win anything. I have been a member of 3 championship teams. One made the CHS sports HOF. Do you have any creds like that? Every team had one thing in common. Belief in self. Every team had setbacks. I do believe that this team has heart. There was no finger pointing - except from us "fans". Let's see how they do Thursday.
  15. Actually, I light them on fire when I can. There are 4 teams in the division. I've seen teams crowned Super Bowl champs after 3 or 4 games that never made the playoffs. I standard deviations? Really? The game is played with HEART, not with statistics. I stand by what I say. The Patriots may very well win the division, but I hope that the Bills, Jets and Dolphins aren't ready to just give it to them.
  16. I`m glad that you in your lofty position can say that. I After all, you have a lot of experience as a Bills fan, right? Have you been to the Rockpile to see Cookie? Kemp? OJ? I was there 5 times. Have you been to any playoff games in Orchard Park? I went to 4. The most memorable the 52-3 shellacking of the Raiders that sent us to the Superbowl. Have you met any HOF players from the Bills? I have. I met most of them in the early 90s when I worked at the OPCC. "Family tradition?" The Bills family NEVER whines like you just did.
  17. After 1 game, NO ONE is in the drivers seat.
  18. Bluto was right. For those who want to give up now, think about it. Rolling over and dying is for losers. We used to take pride in the fact that we never gave up. What happened? I'm not willing to concede the division to the Patriots and I hope no one on the team is either. I'm not willing to give up on the offense because they had a b ad outing. I've seen what they can do and expect better. It's Monday and the team lost. We feel like Otter - all bruised and beaten. We may be down, but we're NEVER out! For those who don't know what I'm talking about... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7vtWB4owdE Sleep well. We have the Jets to deal with for the next few days.
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