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Everything posted by NorthBuffaloKid

  1. During the 4 Superbowls, I tried prayer, hanging with my dad, going to the club, and going to a friends house. None worked. If at home, I would go. Whenever I went to see the Bills post-season, they won. If away, I'd stay home and watch...alone. That way no one would think that I'm losing my mind when I'm losing my mind!
  2. 2016: Come drink the Kool Aid! Tastes great in the heat of the summer!
  3. I think we gave him plenty of chances...Whining when he was traded (like a kid who pouts because he wasn't picked for the team he wanted)... 1. A party that was for women only, signing a non-disclosure agreement. (He didn't have the party when there was a public uproar)... 2. Making himself the main story coming up to a pivotal game (I will not shake hand with Chip Kelly)... 3. Kissing the Eagles insignia at the stadium (who cares about the people paying my check - that's US, people!)... Why do I feel like the girl who was taken to the prom by a jerk who stiffed her on the dance floor for the person he REALLY wanted to go with? Now he's in trouble in Philadelphia. Apparently that's where he wants to be, so I say let him go there and try to actually EARN a living instead of playing a game for millions.
  4. I was wondering about how a city cop could afford to party with the likes of an NFL millionaire? Not excusing anyone's behavior, but... That kind of expendable income? Hmm...
  5. I HATE when that happens!
  6. The guy is talented, but may not be worth the trouble. Remember the party that he had for women only? Remember the way he acted like a little brat refusing to deal with his old coach? He is seemingly a Prima Donna.
  7. Instead of crying about what could have been, how about what is needed to become as dominant as Denver. We have most of the pieces. We need help at the LB and DL positions, IMHO.
  8. Defense usually wins championships. Denver looks like a lock for this one.
  9. I agree. Also make it somehow worth winning. Not $, since the players have plenty of that. In baseball, it used to be home field for the World Series. That wouldn't work in this case. Any suggestions out there?
  10. Opinions are like bellybuttons...Everyone has one! We will be reading all kinds of analysis of each aspect of the last season and how it will evolve into the next one... As it should be. Taylor's growth will be predicated on whether or not he trusts his offensive line. The right side of that line would break down often, giving him another thing to think about as he was going through his progressions. Shore up that right side of the line and then see how he does. There's my bellybutton.
  11. Spot on! Something similar happened with baseball and they are still recovering...
  12. Just as with any QB, we are 1 play away from losing Taylor. That being said, I would use a lower pick than 1st to look for that developmental player.
  13. They already have become flag football...At least when Brady is backing up to pass...
  14. He can destroy it, though. He could start a gofundme site. I'd be willing to kick in some money to watch him burn the tape and then send the ashes to NFL headquarters. Jerks...They make millions a minute on the Superbowl and can't realistically negotiate for a true historical item... SMH
  15. Sully is a Neanderthal...What a jerk to ask a question like that!
  16. My prayers to everyone involved.
  17. The market should determine the value of the tape. The NFL makes $1 million like we make an hour's salary. When the game was broadcast, the NFL didn't even think of copyrighting it. They were happy that anyone would actually watch the game.
  18. The league is showing itself to be more and more of the WWE than an actual sports organization. This is news, and should be treated as such. If a regular Joe can make a buck selling it, he should be able to do so. It shouldn't be up to the pompous jerks in the NFL...
  19. I think you're being hard on TT. He had a very good season. Let's see what he produces next year. Should we still be looking? Absolutely. Right now we're one play away from EJ being the starter again.
  20. The line improved immediately after Kromer came back from suspension. He will show his worth this year, if we can help him with some talent over on the right side of the line. Look at what happened to the Patriots when their line broke down. I must admit that I did enjoy Brady getting squished, but I don't want that to happen to a Bills QB. A couple of good players on the right side of the line would be about the same price as a pass rusher. I would rather spend it on the offensive line.
  21. Lost the game at the coin toss. They took the ball instead of deferring.
  22. BRAVO! I wish her the best of luck!
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