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Everything posted by NorthBuffaloKid

  1. Good points. It would tire all players out. I once played in an "old man's" (over 40) soccer tourney in the Catskills. It was 7 on 7 with no offsides penalties. I was on defense. All of us were tired, but the people who knew where they were going (offense) had a definite advantage. I'd imagine that this would hold true an just about any sport. I'm not advocating trickery or gimmickry, just old fashioned football at an accelerated pace.
  2. Marcel better show up in shape.
  3. It's May and here we are speculating about the upcoming season. Here's my take: We should run a limited huddle offense, similar to the K-Gun. It should be more run oriented, allowing our offensive line the opportunity to smash the opposition, eventually wearing them down. My reasons: We have limited depth on all of our skill positions. This means that we should be running with the same players all 3 downs. This type of offense will keep the opposition from changing defenses, nullifying their advantage in depth. With the advent of headset radios, plays can be called in from the sideline (except in NE), keeping the quarterback from having to make the calls along with everything he has to do. We can quickly sub in the 40 yards between the 30 yard marks, especially at the wideout position. This may prompt the opposition to try, which will either pull them out of position or draw a too many men foul. We have exceptional athletes that can handle the pace. We were terrible at using the clock the last 2 years. This would sharpen our skills when it came to crunch time in the 4th quarter. The argument about putting pressure on the defense is there, although I say that the 3 and outs last year did the same.
  4. It's about the play calling and time management. Rex's teams never excelled at that
  5. It wasn't his fault hat the OC called that ridiculous play.
  6. Let's not put the cart in front of the horse. Brady is the starter this year.
  7. The Bills: "We make you feel good about your ball skills."
  8. That's nice... Seeing that we don't know what is even going to happen tomorrow, this is a lesson in futility. I remember when we were supposed to win up to 11 games (2 years ago). SIGH
  9. There were some intelligent posts. Most were drivel. Kind of like here.
  10. If we picked up Kelly, he'd probably pull a Manziel and party himself almost to death. He's a young, cocky hometown boy who everyone would LOVE to say that they met and had a drink with.... We should pass on him.
  11. Good read. Taylor didn't show any growth last season and seemed to regress. I hope that the coaching change will help him this year.
  12. He can't tackle to save his life. He blames others for his obvious mistakes. Don't let the door hit you in the a@# on the way out.
  13. Drew Bledsoe all over again.
  14. How many downs did the man actually take this season? IMO, he's not worth the roster spot.
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