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Wilton Bills

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Everything posted by Wilton Bills

  1. Go Bills! My first game was 1985 vs the Kansas City Chiefs. It was the start of my 5 plus hour drive for every game. Thankfully we have a Camper Lot. We have a great group an we enjoy every game!!
  2. i have been told that this could be the last year for the season ticket cards per a NFL policy. Potentially going to a smart phone only ticket which eliminates from seasons after an eternity of buying. Apparently the NFL wants all the secondary market action and thus the Ticket Exchange will be the easiest way to sell. I'm not impressed.
  3. Don't need them. Same routine and same music for 15 years running. Boring!!!! Love the the Stampede drums. Jills added no value to the game.
  4. It's Will Smith. There's a movie in the works about our 4 Super Bowl runs. Only a rumour but I heard he beefed up for it. Title potentially is the Fresh Prince of B-Lo.
  5. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
  6. I just hope we get it right. Darnold scares me only because he's a USC qb who seem to be not very good in the NFL. The only successful qb in recent history that I seem to be able to remember is Carson Palmer.
  7. Hindsight is 20-20 vision. Let's make a thread of all the picks that should have been taken over the years and do a could have, would have, should have and dwell on that. If I had only known the past winning powerball lottery numbers would I ever be set.
  8. Probably thinks Losman was the greatest qb pick ever. Only responding in this thread because it's ridiculous.
  9. Really think the hateful comments in this thread are totally unfounded. The kid steps in on a 4th and 3 with the game almost out of reach and does a decent job. We couldn't score any points and were very anemic on offense all game and Peterman sucks because he didn't come off the bench cold and win the game. Go look in the mirror and make sure that your self righteous and pious opinions make you feel better. You really are not fans. Please pick another team to be negative about.
  10. Nobody circles the wagons better than the Buffalo Bills fans. Cudos to my fellow fans who endured this one with me in the snow. We know who we are...we are Buffalo
  11. January 3, 2010 - the Bills pounded the Peyton Manninning led Colts 30-7 in a snowy event at the Ralph. A lot of fun. Remember it like yesterday. We are money tomorrow!
  12. Friend tipped me to TBD. Have been coming to Bills games since 1985. Very interesting and a lot of fun for the comments and thought provoking banter. Keep up the great work everybody.
  13. He's a tire kicker. Thought he could get big bucks. Apparently not and will still do ok but with no training camp and missing games he'll sign anywhere and get hurt or have a bad season and that will be the end of that diva.
  14. Have a cup of STFU. Don't watch the game. And that's all it is. And get a life as well
  15. Classy post from a fan of a classy team. Ice Ice Bay! Cheers
  16. Best uni's in the league right now. The only thing I would change is the players in the uni's!!!
  17. . Great football player, great Bill but unfortunately not a great citizen in recent times. Very unfortunate.It would be a great experience to see the the Juice back at Rich Stadium (I still call it Rich Stadium and am a long time season ticket holder) but it will never happen. One of the the most dynamic and enigmatic players of the time and maybe all time but sad to say his personal demons overcast his football legacy. I would love to see him again but unfortunately that will not happen. Still wear the the OJ shirt at a game per season and wear it with pride for all he did for us. He would be the Jim Kelly of his era. Very sad indeed
  18. WHO CARES!! We are not even close to playing in an AFC Championship. What bandwagon are you jumping on for the Super Bowl.
  19. Good receiver on a bad team with us. Great receiver on a great team with NE. It's amazing what you can do with a great front office and great coaching.
  20. Who cares. We suck. It's not Reggie Bush's fault we suck.
  21. Can't keep Tyrod. Totally one dimensional qb. Should have stuck with EJ and let him learn and burn. We are in the same spot regardless. I know hindsight is 20-20 vision but when we made the commitment to draft EJ we needed to run its course. Can't build a winner switching every time things sour. That really is the problem here. Champions are built from the top down and we are sadly lacking there. Too much turnover and poor hiring in the GM position over the years. Because of pathetic post season absence, there are desperate moves to 'hit a home run' and quickly build a winner. Sad to say and actually very sad to say as long time season ticket holder who travels 5 hours one way to each game, I can't see this ending anytime soon.
  22. Realistically, totally expected. We really do have a horrible defensive scheme, And with a quarterback that seems to have a run first, can"t pick down field receivers mentality, it is a total recipe for disaster.
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