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Toledo Bill

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Everything posted by Toledo Bill

  1. I have supported Bledsoe and am tired of the bashing he gets here. I have to say, though, that your post makes a lot of sense. Instead of rehashing old crap and just continuing to repeat "Drew must go", it is refreshing to read an intelligent, well thought out analogy. Thanks.
  2. We suffered through a lot of really bad seasons because of that. I mean really bad seasons! Between his penny pinching and the clowns he hired to run the team... that was a lot of suffering.
  3. I couldn't agree more about Kent Hull. How many All-Pro teams did he make? That would probably impact the idiot voters. I think he was the greatest, but I am curious about the recognition he may have received while playing.
  4. Todays network shows SUCK! 1. NFL football 2. Movies No time or inclination to watch much else...
  5. It's just that as much as we want a great, mistake free football team... there are only a couple that even come close. Most of us, myself included are so critical of mistakes, stupid plays, etc.. but here are a bunch of playoff teams doing the same things...
  6. We were all so disappointed in the Bills but other than Indy, all of the playoff teams have shown significant weaknesses. Major offensive and defensive letdowns, stupid plays, major choking. We are just as good or better than these teams. I feel a lot better... a few good moves and we will be much closer to the upper echelon (New England, Pittsburgh) than it appeared last week.
  7. Actually, once again aging myself... I believe they had to create special helmets for OJ... now he has a huge head!
  8. Michaels is one of the better ones... although, as happens to all decent play by play announcers, he borders on overexposure. Oh, for the days of Ray Scott.
  9. Wow... sure does.
  10. My personal feeling towards pregame shows has changed. It may be due to my age (48), which seems to lead to other duties, interest, etc. But I only start watching televised games anymore at kick-off. Just out of general interest, who watches/doesn't watch pregame shows and I would be interested in general comments. Thanks.
  11. Too bad... one of the reasons I don't turn it on any more.
  12. Stephen "Arrogant" Smith is one of the worst "analyst experts" I have ever seen. Three other potential middle names... attitude, angry, ****. He sucks.
  13. What the New York press would do to Femington Pennington if he has a bad game... it would be GREAT!!!
  14. With Pennington throwing 5 INT's...
  15. I started my family much later than most and had worked my way into a position where I make decent money and work 38-40 hours per week. You need to find a happy medium. $1200 a month is not worth time away from your family. Would you also be leaving a profession you enjoy for one you are not sure of? Your question is a double edged sword. Perhaps cutting expenses the best you can , keeping your present job and possibly finding a local second job is best. It is your job to keep your family financially secure but you are considering a hell of a tradeoff and I hope you are looking at all options. YYou sure have your values in order... best of luck.
  16. You won't find many football writers with more experience than Felser. He was shot down a lot on this board, but I have enjoyed his articles since I was a kid.
  17. The key word is "trust". Lindell cannot be trusted in the clutch, for kicks over 40 yards or to kick deep on kick-offs.
  18. Great... one more thing to worry about. My sense of smell has not been destroyed yet, but thanks for the warning.
  19. I forget who said this a few months ago and I know I am misquoting... "There are no heros in sports, the true heroes are in our armed forces. Thank you for being there for us.
  20. Zicam has worked a couple times for me... the cold is mostly gone in 2-3 days!
  21. Thanks... based on my behavior during my twenties... I am not one to judge.
  22. My apologies. I heard a lot of fun stories about the group of Bills that hung out there. I was not Jimbo-bashing, just trying to add to the conversation. Repeat... "I will never blasphamise Jimbo again".
  23. I am kind of down on Reed. Do you think he just hasn't been used properly? I had high hopes for him as a slot receiver who could take short passes and turn them into long gains.
  24. Bottom line... you need to perform your job better than him. That will give you an upper hand.... unless he is related to or sleeping with someone important.
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