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Toledo Bill

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Everything posted by Toledo Bill

  1. Yes... "favorite" film makes more sense. But, as far as your "comprehensive knowledge" comment... what do you mean? Oscar awards etc. are nothing but people's personal opinions (ie: "favorite movie"). Thinking that your opinion or a group of critics opinions mean some film is "the greatest ever" is a load of crap. To each his own... if someone feels a movie such as The Lord of the Rings" is the best ever... than it is... to that individual. "Comprehensive knowledge"... come on.
  2. Yeah... we now have a speedy receiver with courage. Evans is twice the man Price will ever be.
  3. Thanks for the update. I met him once... looked lika Hell's Angel but was very bright and articulate. Glad he got past the cancer.
  4. Glenn Parker was a very good, underappreciated player. I believe he had a battle with melanoma a few years ago... hope he is doing well.
  5. At least she's consistent...
  6. I find it amazing that over 30 years ago I read the books and loved them and over the past couple of years my 12 year old son has done the same. My reading tastes have evolved over the years, but for flat out ass- kicking fantasy... you can't beat those books.
  7. Maybe the documentary about him dropping dead due to obesity will win someday.
  8. You are not kidding about companies. The company I work for has gone to great lengths to focus on health and wellness issues. But every Friday the donuts/cakes/brownies, etc. roll in and it is the same overweight people that spend half the day by the food. We pay partial gym memberships, promote tests employees can take to reduce health risks and they are basically unused. Occassional good stories though. Through the wellness testing an employee with diabetes and one with extremely high blood pressure were uncovered. They made lifestyle changes and are doing fine.
  9. That was one of the funniest threads I have read and needed a laugh today.
  10. I noticed they don't have accents in Toledo, either...
  11. The guy is probably broke again... how's he going to sit out?
  12. Western New Yorkers do not have accents... everyone else does.
  13. MIAMI!!!!!!!!!!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  14. Good point, but with last years win in Buffalo, it would be pretty miserable if the Pats streak gets anywhere near what the Dolphins did to us...
  15. Something about that losing streak we had to the Fish in the 70-80's tells me I'll never hate any team as much as Miami...
  16. During the Bills win streak this year, they had a lot of luck (things going their way) and no one... well almost no one, was saying they were lucky. They were playing good opportunistic football. But now, since this involves the hated Patriots... it is truly luck.
  17. Comments from a group of very bitter people...
  18. I hate/respect the Patriots. It's funny, but I could only hate the undefeated Dolphins team. No respect there. Either my hatred was/is so strong for the Dolphins that it impacts my "logic" or I was just to young to give them the appropriate credit.
  19. There... I've done my part and moved my previous post to the official thread! Most of it is repetitious...so it belongs here, but I think my Bart Starr comparison was something new. I can't believe how many people continue to rip Brady. The comparisons to the Packers of the sixties will be the vogue discussion as the Pats approach this Super Bowl. Bart Starr is considered a great QB by most and there are many similarities between Brady and Starr. Both ran/run "system" offenses that evolved around ball control offenses with the occasional effective deep ball. Both had/have outstanding defenses. Neither seemed/seem to ever get rattled. Both have/had outstanding interception ratios. It is not Brady's fault that he is the quarterback of this team. Again, Starr was considered a "great" quarterback... but basically he was a very good quarterback... in the right system... on a great team. When the Bills play the Patriots I want them to knock the guys head off, but that does not "blind me" into saying he is lucky or not a very good quarterback.
  20. Did you notice that it was Bill B. that called over the defensive captain and talked to him before they stopped the Steelers on their 4th and one? He is the reason for their success.
  21. I can't believe how many people continue to rip Brady. The comparisons to the Packers of the sixties will be the vogue discussion as the Pats approach this Super Bowl. Bart Starr is considered a great QB by most and there are many similarities between Brady and Starr. Both ran/run "system" offenses that evolved around ball control offenses with the occasional effective deep ball. Both had/have outstanding defenses. Neither seemed/seem to ever get rattled. Both have/had outstanding interception ratios. It is not Brady's fault that he is the quarterback of this team. Again, Starr was considered a "great" quarterback... but basically he was a very good quarterback... in the right system... on a great team. When the Bills play the Patriots I want them to knock the guys head off, but that does not "blind me" into saying he is lucky or not a very good quarterback.
  22. Sorry Youngsters... Roadhouse Blues by the Doors
  23. Where I live we get some pretty decent winds and I have never had a significant outage (7 years)
  24. Wow... he was quite a man. What a loss...
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