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Toledo Bill

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Everything posted by Toledo Bill

  1. My disappointment regarding the shutout immediately turned into a sick feeling that we were headed towards exactly what you describe. That missed two- pointer finally brought relief.
  2. when you are disappointed we didn't shut them out.
  3. He has been "money"! How many of us (myself included) were demanding that he be replaced two years ago?
  4. What about if the exact same thing had happened to the Bills... the press would still be laughing... but instead all we hear is poor Miami... what a joke.
  5. I'm right there with you, Rico. Try a flashback of Dave Washington picking up Mercury Morris and body slamming him to the turf. One of the loudest , most bloodthirsty cheers I have ever heard at a Bills game... I HATE MIAMI!!!
  6. I would be surprised if the majority of star players playing in Bowl games do not get this type of insurance.
  7. I couldn't agree more that there was a discrepency in the way the penalties were called. I would believe, however, that this is an ongoing situation that never really changes. Teams that are on a roll for several years tend to get the benefit of the calls. One reason is that they are generally playing better than their opponents... but also due to the officials giving the proven, "better" team more breaks. I would wager that during the Bill's heyday that they received similar breaks, all the while having the weaker opponents complaining about the calls. It doesn't make it right, but I would not be surprised if this is the pattern.
  8. I really question his value on the kick-off return team. I understand the concept of him being out there as a blocker but all he did yesterday was slow down returns. Was he part of the kick-return game last year? I didn't think he was and I sure don't think he contributed yesterday.
  9. I think that with Jauron... we will see the A-Train next time there is a 4th and one.
  10. The news won't stop discussing Saban's "flag incident". What about the very flagrant pass interference non-call against Miami in the second quarter. That non call led to a great punt return which led to Miami's first touchdown. I haven't heard that play mentioned once in all the great press coverage. That non-call was at least as significant as the "flag incident". Next time Saban... throw the flag like a man and you won't have a problem.
  11. If his performances define an "excellent player'... I guess "no-brainer" appropriately applies here.
  12. I'm sorry, but how does this guy make the team? I must be missing something, but he does not seem to be a viable option from the running back position. I have not noticed him as being a great special-teamer, either, This, in my opinion, is the type of player that belongs on a 3 and 13 team. Please tell me what I am missing here. Thanks
  13. I'd like to second the compliment to SDS and the posters that participate. I remember many years ago when I moved away from Buffalo and had to wait for a day-old Buffalo News to be delivered. I am so thankful for DirecTV and the wonderful improvements in technology that allow us to access Two Bills Drive, the discussions that occur on this site and all of the current newspaper articles we can access. When it comes to being an out-of-town football fan, the information age is a wonderful thing.
  14. In that case, his statement would make perfect sense.
  15. Agreed... hopefully that is the case and I misinterpreted his statement.
  16. Today's Rochester article quotes Jauron as saying that defensive tackle Anderson will likely retain his starting position based on senority. I understand there is a place for this, but how about playing the best producers, regardless where they stand on senority? I really like Jauron so far but I don't agree with this thought process.
  17. Current... McGee Past... Bobby Chandler or Robert James
  18. Gary Marangi was close to pathetic. He has to be in the "top 3" of worst ever...
  19. I have been a fan sice I was around 9 years old (1965). I have lived outside the area since 1976 but have always remained a devout Bill's fan and either attend games or watchon Direct TV. My Dad, 72 years old, still has season tickets. We used to attend games when I was a kid at the Rockpile. Some memories... I remember my Dad paying a guy a couple extra bucks to watch the car at War Memorial, the last game at the Rockpile where many of the seats were torn up and burned and the first exhibition game in Rich Stadium where the opening kickoff was returned for a touchdown by the opposition (I think it was the Redskins). There have been many, many more losing years than winning ones, but I will always be devoted to the Bills and appreciate the many memories they have provided me. One side note... when I think of the Old Rockpile and how times have changes... It used to be unsafe outside of the stadium and safe inside and now it is somewhat the opposite... not exactly a family-freindly environment.
  20. We really had a solid team that year. I can't really add any comparisons but do remember how excited the entire area was that we were in the finals. The Flyers were a tough team but I was sure that the Sabres talent was going to beat the Flyers thuggery. I remember how proud I was of that team even when they lost. Hard to believe that series was over 30 years ago.
  21. I used to be entertained how they played off each other (dweeb versus dumb jock), but I have lost a lot of interest due to their recent moves (on air wedding contest, Dweeb's shameless book promotion... I know, they all do that). I also get tired of Dweeb's love affair with the Jets. I still am entertained by Golic; his brother Bob, however, is much funnier.
  22. I remember a rumour floating around in the 70's that OJ's head was so large they actually had to weld two helmets together.
  23. Colin Cowherd (jackass) opened his show today by announcing that Ralph Wilson would be the new NFL Commisssioner. He then staged a reporter asking Ralph for a comments and played his "I don't know what day it is" routine. I got a call and couldn't hear the rest, but there sure a lot of jokes at Ralphy's expense...
  24. Milloy can't cover anyone. He is a huge liability in pass defense.
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