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Toledo Bill

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Posts posted by Toledo Bill

  1. Also, the one other thing I'd add. Is puppies grow up so quick. Enjoy the time you have to spend with your puppy. When she's 10 years old and been a great companion you'll think back to these years with great memories of when she was a little puppy. Post some pics if you got some!



    Thanks for all of the great input today. I truly appreciate every comment. The puppy is a Labradoodle, which is an interesting mix between a standard poodle and a lab. Should be an interesting dog. I'll try to post a picture when my wife (the computer programmer) gets home. Thanks again.

  2. punishment wise or what? For all the dogs i've had, when they do something bad, try this...fill a pepsi can with 5-10 pennies and shake the can at the dog when they are bad...for whatever reason, the dogs hate that noise and are scared of it...has worked for our dogs...



    Yes, just how to best train them including scolding of some kind. I know the age old "rubbing their face in it" is not the way to go.



  3. harrington throws the ball away, and sometimes throws to covered recievers. that may have something to do with his low sack totals. quick release. and rarely takes sacks. i wish bledsoe could do that.



    From what saw of Harrington he was afraid. You could see it in the way he handled himself and the passes he threw . I agree with the above statement regarding how he threw to covered receivers, etc. It was not, however, a plus... it was a negative.. A quarterback that is perceived as somewhat of a coward cannot have the respect of his teamates.

  4. I've got no sympathy for Ralph.

    He may have turned over a new leaf over the past 20 years,

    but I can't forget how much of a cheap bastard he was in the late 60's. 70's, & early 80's.



    We suffered through a lot of really bad seasons because of that. I mean really bad seasons! Between his penny pinching and the clowns he hired to run the team... that was a lot of suffering.

  5. and a bunch of penalties and muffed punts and the Bills would fit right in.


    I remember several games that were chock full of such mishaps.  Even during the winning streak.



    It's just that as much as we want a great, mistake free football team... there are only a couple that even come close. Most of us, myself included are so critical of mistakes, stupid plays, etc.. but here are a bunch of playoff teams doing the same things...

  6. We were all so disappointed in the Bills but other than Indy, all of the playoff teams have shown significant weaknesses. Major offensive and defensive letdowns, stupid plays, major choking. We are just as good or better than these teams. I feel a lot better... a few good moves and we will be much closer to the upper echelon (New England, Pittsburgh) than it appeared last week.

  7. Frankly, I'd take Al Michaels over most any other football announcer out there, and after listening to those three EPSN buffoons for the early game, listening to Michaels and Madden was like listening to Norah Jones.


    I still love to hear Madden repeat himself when he gives you his take on a play sometimes. He'll say something so that most anyone can understand it, and then he'll say it again for the BFs of the world to get.


    "You see, on THAT play, the quarterback fakes the handoff to the running back, pumps once to the tight end, and then goes downfield deep to the receiver in the endzone. So...fake handoff, pump once, and go downfield...and, and, and that's how that play works."



    Michaels is one of the better ones... although, as happens to all decent play by play announcers, he borders on overexposure.


    Oh, for the days of Ray Scott.

  8. I used to watch the pre-game shows rather religiously, but in addition to age and responsibilities getting in the way of that extra hour, there really isn't anything of value as far as I'm concerned.


    People can pick who they want to win, but more often than not they're just guessing. They may do an occasional story or two about some guy's battle over adversity, but they're all the same after all these years. I've already read any backstory to any game of interest online or in the paper. They've truly become nothing more than talking heads.


    Frankly, pre-game shows haven't been the same since I was a kid watching Brett Munsberger, Jimmy The Greek and Phyllis George (who still looks pretty hot even today.)


    Wow... sure does.
  9. My personal feeling towards pregame shows has changed. It may be due to my age (48), which seems to lead to other duties, interest, etc. But I only start watching televised games anymore at kick-off. Just out of general interest, who watches/doesn't watch pregame shows and I would be interested in general comments.



  10. Stephen A. Smith is bagging on Marty, says he never liked him as a head coach (no problem so far), then he loses all credibility by saying that Marty should have kicked on 3rd down because if you miss it you get another shot.  Don't these guys know the rules?  I was just as dissapointed that Ryan, Saunders & Lupica just sat there & didn't tell him if you miss the kick the other team gets the ball.  If MM had that luxury of 4 kicks after a new 1st down, I might actually understand keeping Lindell.



    Stephen "Arrogant" Smith is one of the worst "analyst experts" I have ever seen. Three other potential middle names... attitude, angry, ****. He sucks.

  11. No kidding, who wants to see Brady's homo lover Chad boy go anywhere.  Couple of turd burglars those two are.  :unsure:


    I would rather see Brees, even with the crap smear on the side of his face, win this game.  <_<



    What the New York press would do to Femington Pennington if he has a bad game... it would be GREAT!!!

  12. With the arrival of my first child, the thoughts having enough money is on my mind constantly. I am currently a teacher who makes ends meet, but needs more money for my wife and new baby. I have an open job offer to sell cars for Carmax. The good part is I will bring home around 1,200 extra  per month. The bad thing is I will be away from my family a lot to get it. My wife has saved a decent amount of money and we should get an excellent tax return, so we will be able to keep my wife home until August  and pay the mortgage for the next couple of months.

    My question for you - especially the fathers out there, how much extra do you work and would you regret being away so much, but to ensure your most important family is ok??? I WOULD LIKE YOUR THOUGHTS.

    Growing up, I saw my dad and plenty of other male relatives work countless hours to support the family.



    I started my family much later than most and had worked my way into a position where I make decent money and work 38-40 hours per week. You need to find a happy medium. $1200 a month is not worth time away from your family. Would you also be leaving a profession you enjoy for one you are not sure of? Your question is a double edged sword. Perhaps cutting expenses the best you can , keeping your present job and possibly finding a local second job is best. It is your job to keep your family financially secure but you are considering a hell of a tradeoff and I hope you are looking at all options. YYou sure have your values in order... best of luck.

  13. Even when he was writing his column every sunday for the News, none of his columns ever were archived on the BUFNEWS website.



    You won't find many football writers with more experience than Felser. He was shot down a lot on this board, but I have enjoyed his articles since I was a kid.

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