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Toledo Bill

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Posts posted by Toledo Bill

  1. Whatever happened to the novel concept of neighborhood kids getting together at the local playground for a pickup game?  I did this for years every day after school and on weekends.  No travel leagues, no parents fighting with each other, no expenses, etc...


    Sometimes I wonder if organized sports(outside of schools) are more for the benefit of adults than the children playing the game.  Flame away.



    No flame here... excellent point. I grew up in that environment and cherish the memories. "More for the benefit of adults"... great comment.

  2. I have been coaching soccer for over 10 years.  I think it is about time to quit.  Tired of parents bitching all the time.  If its not one parent its another parent.  I don't get paid.  I volunteer my time.  I coach a U-13 premier girls soccer team.  5 players were late to league game because of track meet.  So whenever one showed up I benched them for only 15 mins.  I did that to my star player when she showed up with 18 minutes left in game.  She got to play for only a few minutes.  Parents freaked out.  Calls me up and quits.  I think that's what I am about to do.  It wears on you over the years.



    Good for you! I have coached my son's baseball and football teams for several years. One thing I do is send out a memo to all the parents prior to the season staing my philosophy and guidelines. I describe exactly what I expect and how I will address situations. I also state that if a parent has an issue to discuss it with me privately and that we will try to resolve. You did the right thing. I have lost "star" players in the past and have still had very successful seasons ( by successful I mean the kids are all having fun while learning about sportsmanship, respect and a TEAM concept). It's funny, these teams also end up with very good won/lost records... with or without "star" players. Good luck to you... again, I have coached for many years and in my opinion you did the right thing!

  3. one more hitting tip for you.  If you follow the advice on my last post- keep your chin glued to your shoulder and your back elbow up, turn your wrists and drive your legs- you will line the ball hard.  I like to set up for the outside pitch- I stay off the plate.  If you try and pull an outside pitch it will go up the middle everytime.  If you keep your shoulder up, etc- you will line it right up the middle.  If you drive your legs and get good wrist action you will split the two middle outfielders.  Try it out.  Its almost a guaranteed single or more.



    The line drive hitter I mentioned had a very unique swing. He was a lefty that actually appeared to be hitting down on the ball. His style entailed hitting the top half of the ball just above the midpoint (don't ask me how he could see the ball that well). He hit nothing but line drives and the drives would occassionally begin an upwords trajectory and carry out of the park. He was a consisten 750-800 hitter that terrified infielders and occassionaly outfielders. It was interesting to read your comments because he, unlike you, did not have a level swing... he actually appeared to swing down at the ball. Best hitter I ever saw and this was before the advent of the "nuclear bats" that are in use today.

  4. I've played league ball (still play) , tournament ball, umpire ASA and there are about 2 or 3 guys on every team that "hit one out" on their "other team" every week, but can't manage to do anything but pop out on my team.  Transalation - they hit one out at a field with 275 ft fences in their co-ed league once this season.



    Perfect. Just like all the 400 pound bench pressers you talk to that must be "having a bad day" struggling with 225.

  5. oh and BTW sometimes when you try and hit them out the extra 30 feet added by the bat makes it a tape measure shot and is aesthetically pleasing.  Nothing like watching a ball you just hit go for a long ride!



    If you are indeed the hitter you claim to be... congratulations. I retired from playing ball 12 years ago and it always used to amuse me how everyone that played softball claimed to be a 400 ft power hitter that just missed the majors. I saw one individual in 20 years of playing that hit nothing but line drives (that also occassionaly carried out). If you are truly in that class, you are an asset to any team. Most of the claims I heard, however, turned out to be so overblown it was ridiculous. Not doubting you, but the stories I used to hear would grate me. I always found that the new guy I wanted on my team would be the one that said... "just give me a tryout and you be the judge".

  6. Hired right out college (1979) in the JC Penney management program. I was a cocky kid with great grades and was ready to be a management "professional". My first year I was instructed to clean someone's vomit of the floor, unplug a toilet and work the switchboard during my evening shift. All due to cutbacks... management did every duty the lay-offs would have done. Learned to hate weekends and holidays (because you always work them in retail) and even had to miss an occassional Bill's game!!!!!!


    Worked in the program for 4 years and got out of retail forever!


    I must say though, that they had an excellent training program for new management. I have carried many of the ideals they taught (not counting bathroom, switchboard, etc.) into my business career. It is amazing how few companies teach you the basic fundamentals you need to be a successful manager.


    Take the good with the bad and use your initial management experience as a learning tool. God, I hate retail!

  7. I kicked cancer's ass when I was 15!


    Camp Good Day's was awesome...


    we got to go to Toronto for a weekend and we did so much stuff..



    Kicked it at 34 (14 years ago)... Made me realize how lucky we all are and how important supporting cancer patients is.

  8. I give TD 2 more seasons to make the playoffs (which is very generous). If he can't do it, I want him out of here unconditionally.


    Can we all agree on that? Or do we have to make more excuses as to why this franchise has become the Bengals of the 21st century?


    Many think the worst thing about TSW is the ignorance and impatience of the "new-age" posters. In my opinion, it's the !@#$ing complacency of the older fan base. Too bad the least complacent around here tend to get banned, because right about now this board could use some more frozen water and some more hard drinks...




    Whoa!!!! The complacency of the older fan base?? I have been going to Bills games sice the mid-sixties and I can assure you... no complacency here! Us older fans have gone through periods you would not even dream of. The Harvey Johnson, Kay Stephenson, Hank Bullough, etc. years. If anything, it is the "fans" who started following the Bills due to their Super Bowl run who should be "brought to task"... not the fans who suffered through years of being the worst team in the NFL.


    I actually agree with several points from your initial post, but your "complacent older fan base" comment is way off. No one, I repeat no one, wants or deserves a Buffalo Bills Super Bowl champion more than the "older" fans!

  9. Not a single person on this board knows for sure what Donahoe will do. Many of us just post what we hope will happen, which is about the best you can hope for.  Donahoe won't let on what the plan is until he's ready to.


    I realize they are guesses at best... but I am extremely disappointed in his lack of action regarding the offensive line.

  10. Some of the smartest and most driven people I've worked with in the corporate world are also the hardest partiers.  The work hard/play hard mentality goes hand in hand with people who are risk takers.  At one company, the #1 sales guy was also the company's best coke connection.  One guy who founded his own company and built it into a successes ($100MM, over 500 employees) used to talk about all the acid trips he had taken and regularly got high with his employees.  He was the most brilliant guy I've ever met.  On the other end of the scale are the loser burn outs, but they aren't going to be running America (or anything else) anyway.  Like Ed suggested, it's just as easy to screw up your life with too much booze as it is with too much drugs.



    Many "brilliant", "high IQ'd" individuals have many problems to deal with. Whether it involves being antisocial, insecure, pompous, etc... brilliant individuals rarely have a combination of intelligence and common sense. They occassionaly turn to drugs, alcohol, or other ways to help themselves better deal with their situations. I think you make an excellent point. However, I would not call these people "smart"... I cannot define any drug using, hard partying individual as "smart"... but I will call an individual with these qualities and a tremendous IQ as "brilliant". I would call someone with a high IQ that decides to avoid illegal drugs and has a good portion of common sense as "smart".

  11. sorta admits...  The irony of the whole story is the guy's name is doug wead... 





    I'm a little younger than George, but every single person I knew in college at least tried smoking pot. He remains an honest, noble man, unlike Slick Willie.


    Names can be great. The top urologist in Toledo (everyone seems to end up at this guys office for a vascectomy)... his name is actually Dr. Richard Tapper. I didn't believe it when I first moved here but it's true.

  12. I am not blaming you. You asked a question and I answered it for you. Geeez  :D



    No problem, I appreciate the reply. I didn't understand the mystery and quite frankly have never read any rules and regulations. I figured that fairly polite comments without cursing, etc were all you needed to know. I will review the regulations.

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