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Toledo Bill

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Posts posted by Toledo Bill

  1. You hit the nail on the head. This team is "mentally soft". It's time to turn the page on TD/MM/TC/JG and give JP a new staff that will hopefully build towards a bright future. The veterans, high payed slackers, non-producers and the overrated free agents-to-be need not apply.

    I'm tired of this staff's incompetence and our team's lack of intestinal fortitude.



    Well said! There were games last year where they quit and they continue to do so. Who compiled this team of quitters and coaches?... TD!!!

    TD cares more about making a name for himself on draft day than anything else. McGahee... Headlines! Losman... Headlines!

    This is his team. He has all the power and has made every decision. He only hires new/weak coaches that will be his puppets.

    As mentioned plenty of times before... he seems to be rated as if he is a business manager (bottom line... ticket sales) and that is more important than wins.

    Well, this business is about to go south... I would think that ticket sales will start to decline.

    On top of all his mistakes, he is an arrogant man that talks to a decent group of football fans as if he is the only one that "gets it".

    He has assembled a bunch of quitters and he should follow the players lead and "quit" himself!

  2. Sports Illustrated has a nice piece on Bledsoe's good year. They quote Tom Donahoe as saying... "He is playing against primarily NFC opponents that have not seen him in a while. Wait until the second time around". I know I do not have the quote verbatim, but it is close. I can't wait to see how this year plays out. Either:


    1. Bledsoe plays great all year, Donahoe' s major mistake is revealed and his comments reflect his own failure.

    2. Bledsoe falls on his face in the second half and Tom is a genius.


    Initially, I took his comments as sour grapes and that he felt that he could not have been wrong, but now I am interested in seeing how the year plays out.


    He also mentioned that part of Drew's success was due to good pass protection. That comment left me scratching my head. We have all been crying for improvements in the offensive line for quite some time and now he attributes part of Drew's good year to good pass protection. Where was that thinking while Drew was here?

  3. make a statement in Preseason that if we didn't make the playoffs that he would not consider the season a failure?

    What a set-up. Every year he has a different scapegoat and is never held accountable. To make a statement like that before the season just shows that he is under very little pressure to produce a winner. I agree with the posters that he is judged only by how many seats are filled. If these performances continue... there will be a lot of empty seats.

    I am tired of his double talk but mostly by one thing... his bottom line as a football man stinks.

  4. Are we as Bills fans happy with Mr. Donahoe and the way he has built this team? How many years does it really take to put a team into the playoffs?


    Mr Donahoe just received a 5 year extension from Ralph Wilson. Is this team about winning or putting asses in the seats?



    Bottom line...Pittsburgh has done quite well since they booted him. How have we done?

  5. Maybe the worst off season loss for the Bills was Rusty Jones.  It seems like the whole team is out of shape.  Ithought last week was an aberation, but after this week's debacle, I'm concerned.  First Villarial winded, then McGahee... Hell, it aint like the offense was on the field for long periods of time.  I long for the good old days when men were men, Thermal, Cribbs, and OJ played pratically every down.  This organization talks about having a physical presence and toughness... Well, I've got one message for them...


    "JUST STFU AND LET YOUR ACTIONS SPEAK SO LOUD THAT WE CAN"T HEAR YOU. " "Stop babying these pussies and maybe they'll become men"


    Sorry folks... just getting tired of the spin doctors that pervade OBD.


    Yeah... Didn't we get rid of Rusty for another "Pittsburgh Buddy". Also, did you notice that Mularky's new "t shirt look" is mirroring the Pittsburgh coaches? It's amazing how the Steelers continue to produce a good product minus "Ol' Whitey" while we appear to be in shambles.

  6. i don't remember seeing shelton on the field that much

    in fact, i remember thinking that mcgahee could really use shelton on some of his runs


    We must have been watching a different game. I don't remember seeing much of Shelton either and felt that this was part of the problem.

  7. would run out of steam and start getting run over when their offense continually goes three and out in heat and humidity like today. I don't feel like they quit like they did against New England last year.


    I was really disappointed in the lack of enthusiasm today, but felt that it was a natural "downer" for the entire team regarding how the offense was looking.


    Terrible performance, yes. Poor overall effort, yes. I think, however, that we shouldn't write off the season. Once, it was obvious what was happening (or not happening) with our offense, everything was in place for a poor game.


    I'll reserve judgement for a few weeks.

  8. Here's a suggestion that might be a little out of the ordinary. I've posted this once or twice before, would experimenting with Josh Reed as a back-up be insane? I ask this question in earnest. He was a RB before and during the draft he was touted as being awesome running after the catch. After 3 years I think he hasn't progressed at catching the ball. Maybe as a RB and one who could possibly catch short passes out of the backfield would be better suited for him. Just a thought, how about some shouts on this scenario.



    I would question this move. If he was touted as being awesome running after the catch, it would have been primarily against defensive backs. As a running back he would be facing more linebackers and lineman. I still have faint hopes that he'll pan out as our 3rd reciever, but not much hope as a running back. Nice to see a different, innovative thought, though... thanks.

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