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Toledo Bill

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Posts posted by Toledo Bill

  1. Give ANY NFL quarterback time to throw and they'll kill you.


    What a novel concept.



    All I meant was that he is more effective than most when he has time and that he is very efficient with a short game (also due to his not having a strong arm). I'll try to work on some more novel concepts and astute observations.

  2. I was disappointed in a few of his plays and then upon further review... I remembered my commitment to be patient with him this year. We are not going to The Super Bowl this year, even with the excitement created by the Miami win. I am sure that many of the knowledgable fans realize that we will have some ups and downs with JP this year. Let's give him this year... enjoy the "ups", live through the "downs" and find out if he is an NFL quarterback. After all these years of the QB shuffle, I am ready, as a fan, to be patient with him.

  3. He read the motion and the out by Chambers--used his speed to close and made the play....It was beautiful....we haven't had a safety like this in a long, long time...and folks--Ko Simpson--is a player....wow....how did he last until the fourth round..


    With Lawyer Milloy... that would have been an automatic 2 points. He lost the ability to cover a pass years ago!
  4. Actually, I looked at the two-pointer as a real point to build on for our team.  We needed to stop them there to really deflate their hopes of a comeback.  In steps Whitner for the big stop.


    The future is now.  !@#$ rebuilding.  We're building a champion.



    A rookie making a play like that... sweet! Lot's of promise with the play of our young players!

  5. Truth be known, I expected them to get the two-point conversion, and somehow take the game to overtime where they'd beat us.


    No disappointment on my end.



    My disappointment regarding the shutout immediately turned into a sick feeling that we were headed towards exactly what you describe. That missed two- pointer finally brought relief.

  6. Usually these things don't bother me, but this gave me flashbacks of Louis Oliver in the end zone at the Ralph in 1992, singing "Let's Go Buffalo". ;)


    And then Buoniconti, Fernandez, Little, Kuechenberg, and all those other 70's POS laughing at the Bills. :lol:  :P


    I've got a real attitude now for this game! :rolleyes:



    I'm right there with you, Rico. Try a flashback of Dave Washington picking up Mercury Morris and body slamming him to the turf. One of the loudest , most bloodthirsty cheers I have ever heard at a Bills game... I HATE MIAMI!!!

  7. Why?  Because he did not have the benefit of growing up in white middle class suburbia like I did (and presume you did)?


    I noticed that you did not address the insurance that he got.


    I do like your avatar though.



    I would be surprised if the majority of star players playing in Bowl games do not get this type of insurance.

  8. I couldn't agree more that there was a discrepency in the way the penalties were called.

    I would believe, however, that this is an ongoing situation that never really changes. Teams that are on a roll for several years tend to get the benefit of the calls. One reason is that they are generally playing better than their opponents... but also due to the officials giving the proven, "better" team more breaks. I would wager that during the Bill's heyday that they received similar breaks, all the while having the weaker opponents complaining about the calls. It doesn't make it right, but I would not be surprised if this is the pattern.

  9. I really question his value on the kick-off return team. I understand the concept of him being out there as a blocker but all he did yesterday was slow down returns. Was he part of the kick-return game last year? I didn't think he was and I sure don't think he contributed yesterday.

  10. The news won't stop discussing Saban's "flag incident". What about the very flagrant pass interference non-call against Miami in the second quarter. That non call led to a great punt return which led to Miami's first touchdown. I haven't heard that play mentioned once in all the great press coverage. That non-call was at least as significant as the "flag incident". Next time Saban... throw the flag like a man and you won't have a problem.

  11. Williams is the type of player you find on 13 and 3 teams. In addition to being an efficient running back, He can return punts, kickoffs, can tackle, is a leader on the field and off, is faster then Gates, is not afraid to run inside the tackles like Gates was last year (Result, Gates, no playing time).


    How many yards would Gates have gained on those hopeless third down and forever draw plays that Williams was asked to run over and over?


    Fortunately, Levy and the coaching staff know an excellent player when they see one. Unfortunately, not too many posters on this board do.


    Sorry folks if you disagree with me but this was a no brainer.



    If his performances define an "excellent player'... I guess "no-brainer" appropriately applies here.

  12. I'd like to second the compliment to SDS and the posters that participate. I remember many years ago when I moved away from Buffalo and had to wait for a day-old Buffalo News to be delivered. I am so thankful for DirecTV and the wonderful improvements in technology that allow us to access Two Bills Drive, the discussions that occur on this site and all of the current newspaper articles we can access.

    When it comes to being an out-of-town football fan, the information age is a wonderful thing.

  13. Today's Rochester article quotes Jauron as saying that defensive tackle Anderson will likely retain his starting position based on senority. I understand there is a place for this, but how about playing the best producers, regardless where they stand on senority? I really like Jauron so far but I don't agree with this thought process.

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