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Toledo Bill

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Posts posted by Toledo Bill

  1. I think those two are guys you need to contain.  You will never stop them (at least not LT), but limiting the damage that those two would give us a good chance to win.


    I'd be a little more concerned with Antonio Gates.  He's not having his typical year, but TEs have a way of destroying this team with middle routes.  Especially if they have a QB who looks for them often (see Brady, Tom and Watson, Ben).


    We can still win this game if LT runs for 100+ and gets 2 TDs.  We can also win this game if Merriman gets 2 sacks.  But if in addition to that, a guy like Gates catches 7-8 balls and a TD or two, then it's lights out.



    Your comment regarding Gates is concerning. As good as Fletcher has played this year he is still somewhat weak in pass coverage. With the responsibility he has in the cover 2, the middle of the field may be open for the Chargers.


    We came up with a plan to somewhat "contain" Indy, hopefully the coaching staff can do it again.

  2. Yeah, two teams wearing blue jerseys in the same game, that would be great  :censored:  :thumbsup:  :wallbash:



    Excuse me, Genius. I do not know this, but I am sure you do... in the AFL days wouldn't the Chargers have had home and away jerseys? I get so tired of crappy remarks from dimwits such as yourself...

  3. I believe that the Bills will be wearing the throwbacks, but I don't think the Chargers have away throwbacks.




    Thanks... I didn't think there were "away" throwback jerseys, but it would be fun to see the old Chargers and Bills uniforms at the same game.

  4. From everything I have read about Spikes, I would not bet against him. His desire and attitude are just incredible. If I picked one player on the Bill's that could come back strong from this injury, it would be Spikes. Give him a year, this guy is a special kind of football player and person!

  5. I don't expect him to do a "wind sprint" to the locker room, but carted off? And I did crack a couple of ribs in highschool so I know it doesn't feel that great. They didn't have to cart me off.



    I know there have been a couple of internal organ injuries lately and I just wonder if on an injury like a broken rib if the player and medical staff just try to be very careful until a diagnosis is made. Perhaps the staff insisted he take a cart.

  6. I didn't see the game, but caught a brief highlight of him being carted off the field. The announcers gave no details as to what kind of injury it was either. I saw him grasping his leg sort of and thought to myself "Oh no, not another knee injury." When I found out it was because of his ribs, all I could think was "Are you kidding me? Carted off the field for getting hit in the side?" I was baffled in a way. Joe Paterno is almost 80 friggin years old, gets trucked by a TE, fractures his leg on the sideline, and the trainers can't even get him to sit down so they can get a good look at his leg. Willis gets carted off for a rib injury? Does this make anyone else besides myself question his overall toughness now days?



    I broke a couple of ribs last year and would have gladly taken a cart...

  7. It's a good thing that there weren't Bill's chat rooms during the Harvey Johnson, Hank Bullough eras based on the commentaries we see now. I found myself to be very apathetic regarding the game. Starting with the confusion on their first drive (third and one... time out, etc) I felt discouraged with the lack of progress in several areas. It is the type of feeling I had in Greggo's first season... love the Bills, root for them every game, but I have little faith in their competency.


    I am sure they will eventually improve, but I have accepted that for at least this year... they are a poor football team.

  8. Great question. I also consider myself a Buffalo fan. I have lived in several cities since I moved away from Buffalo in 1979 including Cleveland and Detroit, but my allegience never changes. I always root for the Buffalo teams. Strange how wherever I have lived there are Dallas and Miami fans that have never lived in those areas. I am very defensive about Buffalo teams and the city itself and have no logical explanation for it. I take pride in being from Buffalo even though I have now spent over half my life not living there.

  9. Yeah, I have the same problem. I just got the Jets game issue TODAY.


    I emailed to tell them if they can't get the issues to me before the next game is played then cancel my subscription.


    Too bad to since the rag has improved after Chris Brown stopped writing the entire thing by himself.



    Wow... you get worse service than I do. I e-mailed them and am interested in their response. I would guess they will remind me about switching to an on-line subscription. Thanks for the response.

  10. Does anyone else subscribe to this and get frustrated with the inconsistency of the delivery? I know you can subscribe electronically but I prefer the printed version. Some weeks I get it on Thursday and weeks like this one, I don't have it on Saturday (which means it provides no value to me getting it after the next game). This has gone on for years and I will probably cancel or get it electronically. Just wondering if others deal with this frustration.



  11. I am 53, does that qualify me as a codger?  :D


    I wear whatever I want unless the event requires certain attire; for example I do not wear sweats to a formal wedding.


    That said, who cares what a person wears? When a guy is dating my daughter, I want to see what is INSIDE that person.


    Clothes are a sign of rebellion and part of self discovery, as a younger person is learning who they are. As long as there is respect, I am not concerned with most clothes.


    I DO think the crooked hat looks like Goober Pyle.


    I do not like girls wearing slogans on their ass, even if it not provocative, you are inviting people to read your butt!


    I have told "dates", when arriving at my house to pull up their pants, and remove their cap when being introduced to my wife.




    If they hate me, I do not care. If they are lucky enough to stay around, they will change their mind.  :D


    Hurt my girls and I WILL make you cry.


    Turning on the Wayback Machine, the first time I met my mother in law, I had hair to my ass (in a neat pony tail), jeans with a couple holes (I was poor), and my pickup truck had a local band's "Rock with the rooster" bumper sticker.  :D


    Twenty-five years later, she thinks a lot more of me.  :D



    Some of your statements, especially how you handle the "dates" and the "hurt my kids" comment make me proud to be a "codger". The Wayback Machine can also give you a real perspective on many of the "practices we preach" to our kids.

    Thanks for an excellent message.

  12. It necessarily doesn't have to be a STRONG coach....What he needed to do

    was hire a coach and share his input and philosphies and ideas. Jauron is

    not necessarily a STRONG coach, but Marv gives the coach the freedom to

    talk and provide his input and respect his input. Marv believes in a team concept.


    If TD had allowed Mularkey's input in all aspects of the team, may be we would have seen better results..



    I don't know... if the Rusty Jones decision was Mularkey's, it does not give me much faith in any input he might have had.

  13. Donahoe just couldn't pick the correct COACHING STAFF!  B-)



    That remains the key. The control freak was afraid of hiring a strong coach. Bottom line... poor coaching hires due to ego led to a fractured, underachieving team. Yes he had some good draft picks, but any praise for him should stop there. He was UNSUCCESSFUL in his role as the Bills president.

  14. I am very impressed with the cohesive atmosphere of this Bills team. They play together and don't seem concerned with who gets credit for the teams successes. I know that Meathead and Old Whitey contributed to a lot of the dissension last year.... but what a change a year makes. Nobody is complaining about playing time, catches, etc. They are playing team defense and supporting each other. It is hard to not like a team that plays together and has bought into a team concept. Kudos to Marv and Jauron for changing the culture that had been created over the past few years!

  15. There's no way to get pressure on a quarterback that's completing balls in the flats all day day long while the DBs are playing off the WRs like they're scared of getting beat deep. Pennington was throwing the ball 2 to 3 seconds after the ball was snapped. The Bills may have had enough time if they went to a defense that took away the flat passing routes. Why they didn't know that Chad Pennington was going to be throwing short passes today (because he can't throw it beyond twenty yards) is beyond my freakin comprehension. This loss was so avoidable it makes me ill. The Jets stink which makes our team a downright embarassment right now.



    It's very frustrating knowing that he can't throw long yet moved the ball aginst us. I didn't even notice the defensive line trying to get their arms up. It seemed like our defense didn't know they were going to see only short passes. Very confusing.

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