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Toledo Bill

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Everything posted by Toledo Bill

  1. Didn’t miss Murphy one bit today.
  2. I normally don’t mind Tony Romo but he has spent the entire Bucs/Chiefs game excusing Brady. Everyone’s fault but Brady.
  3. I was at the game he blew his knee out. Heartbreaking injury. He really revolutionized the way cornerbacks played.
  4. Bob James, best cornerback ever!
  5. Belicheat is pulling one of his old tricks where on third down there are several Patriots standing up at the line. It is confusing Allen
  6. Patriots defense is confusing us. Coaching...
  7. Love Andre Roberts return style. He seems fearless.
  8. Oh an six teams should not be getting these calls. Ridiculous.
  9. Ship them all back to Carolina
  10. Missed field goal, stop clapping you idiot.
  11. Why didn’t they adjust and have a spy on Mahomes?????
  12. Frazier deserves a lot of blame but it looks like the players management assembled suck. Some blame definitely lies with McBean.
  13. At least once a year under this regime we play a game where there is a feeling of helplessness.. The other team runs or passes at will and we literally cannot adjust or stop them. Our offense is finessed based (can pass but cannot run). Continuous errors (mental and physical) are made. My first houghts were that they are a soft or weak team but in many ways, throughout the season they show heart. That makes me assume that they are overmatched and out coached. Why can’t we run the ball? Why are there games where we are run over or cannot generate any semblance of a pass rush? I am afraid the Bills are a good team but until some changes are made regarding the talent level of both lines “good” is the best we will see. I also question if the McBean combination is all we hope it is. They may also be “good” but not great.
  14. Keith Jackson, Ray Scott for us old timers.
  15. McClappy will break out all the cliches this week. Easy explanation.. outcoached and outplayed.
  16. Curious what people think would happen after we made all the recent moves to upgrade the wide receivers,
  17. Play calling and Rivers seem like they are scared
  18. Classic locker room scene. Love how he ends it with a calm “let us pray”.
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