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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. Sam Mills died in 2005. McDermott didn't work in Carolina until 2011. When Mills retired from the NFL in 1997 McDermott was a year away from being a grad assistant at William and Mary.
  2. Then you think about all the putts he missed or balls he shanked into the woods and you wonder.
  3. Looks like Anchorage Alaska is up to it's moose in preseason games. Also, if you are in Harrisburg, PA you can watch the Eagles/Ravens game on two different channels with two different crews if that's your sort of thing.
  4. That also works.
  5. I don't care if he's small, but he's small he has to play a certain way. I was looking forward to seeing him to see if he'd improved because what he showed us last year was nothing short of alarming.
  6. They don't have feet, so maybe.
  7. Yo ho yo ho it's a pirate's life for me....
  8. If there are any STHers out there who aren't going to use it and want to hook an out of town brother up I'd be appreciative.
  9. He's had 2 partial UCL tears, I'm sure everything is fine.
  10. A gamma ray burst will strike the Earth rather than guarantee a scenario where one of those teams is guaranteed a Super Bowl
  11. We'd still throw implements at him.
  12. I bowled in a league in college, but I also tore my rotator cuff as a senior in HS. Bowling really pisses my shoulder off. I sucked it up in college, but now? Nope. And no I never got my shoulder fixed. I never had a period of time in my life where I could do that long of a rehab without my dominant arm.
  13. Looks like a kid I grew up with. Pat Waldynski. If he played for the Saints he wouldn't be in.
  14. Peak Vince Young would have been good insurance in that the style of offense wouldn't have to change a ton.
  15. I had to have refs escorted to their cars by state troopers twice this year for middle school basketball.
  16. There's a big shortage around where I live also. The Delaware officials association nearly went on strike over pay rates. Their argument was the 3 states surrounding Delaware all paid more and they could just take games there instead rather than in Delaware All sports are having big problems getting officials right now. The older guys are retiring, not as many younger people are getting into it, and a lot of people are quitting because of spectator/athlete/coach misconduct and abuse of officials. As you said it's not a lot of money. You do it because you like doing it and there's only so much crap people are willing to take. My kids are both athletes and I'd never advise that they get into officiating. I'm an athletic director, coach, and former official and I'd never officiate again. Ever.
  17. Needs a coat of paint, maybe some Spackle and it's ready to go. In your defense, it is a bit of a Buffalo tradition to tear up perfectly good plans for a football stadium at the last moment and then do something completely different resulting in numerous lengthy lawsuits. That said, it ain't happening. They could unearth the Ark of the Covenant at the OP site and it's still going there.
  18. I'm just going to go with no
  19. I'm here for the snacks.
  20. Now, if they made the buffalo white.....
  21. I'm aware of that.
  22. He'd be a CFL HoFer
  23. Yeah I know. "National Recording Artist so and so"
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