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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. I woke up this morning and thought, I couldn't be more disgusted with the Bills today. Thanks for, once again, proving me wrong Terrence!
  2. I'll say it again. Mentally unprepared and trying to rely on physical talent.
  3. Well that's the coupe de grace of Allen's night right there.
  4. Gabe ran a dog *****, rounded off route.
  5. Dorsey didn't throw any of those ints or cause any of the other bad decisions tonight.
  6. It's coming. I've seen this game before.
  7. It would help if the "improved" offensive line could either run or pass block. But yes, Dumb Josh needs to take a lap.
  8. The offense has the smooth rythmn of Michael J Fox getting it on with Katherine Hepburn during an earthquake.
  9. He dislocated his finger the play before. You could see him resetting it.
  10. Bernard being a non NFL player doesn't invalidate any complaint people had about Edmunds.
  11. They have to run his value all the way into the ground first.
  12. Because if you're going to give Bernard the job just to take it away after two weeks for a guy you signed off the street you might as well cut him. You've communicated to him and to everyone that he's not the guy and won't be the guy. I don't see them doing that.
  13. That feels like a lot of wishful thinking.
  14. Can Bernard get the defense properly deployed and/or fill a hole this drive? I'm going with no.
  15. First half tho.
  16. It's still slicker when it's wet.
  17. For me this season has bad things written all over it. Last season I was optimistic. This season not so much. MLB is an issue and I fear the back end has gotten old and slow all at once. I also have zero faith in the OL or any WR not named Diggs.
  18. Yep. Now he's in another vehicle but they don't know what and they have no idea where he is. They also arrested his sister who, for some reason, they weren't tailing.
  19. It's a Transit van with a unit on top that he stole from a dairy farm.
  20. They need to release it so Longwood and, more importantly, the schools can re-open. They also released a new picture of him clean shaven and a photo of the white transit van he stole. White work van was a great choice. Easy to blend in with that. There are a million of them out there. Find a different one and swap plates with it and keep rolling. Odds are the van you swapped plates with won't even realize you did it until they get pulled over by 50 cops with guns out. How often do you actually take notice of your license plate? Particularly in a company vehicle. I had suggested to friends that the cops plant a bait car or two near Longwood, like they do in Grand theft auto stings. Try to get him into one of those where they could them lock him down. Obviously they didn't do that but I think it would have at least been a solid tactic to catch a guy you know is looking for a ride.
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