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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. Different helmet. I've never seen it happen either, but that's what it was.
  2. He wears a vicis helmet. They are softer plastic than a typical helmet to absorb energy better. Clearly they don't like the cold stiffening up the material.
  3. Flacco throws him the ball.
  4. I'm asking the question. I'm sure they thought of it, I would just like to know how.
  5. Thank you for understanding my struggle. I now have to rearrange the tchotchke shelf. Again. Wish me luck.
  6. And you all were worried about Kathy freaking Hochul. I totally saw that ad already today so it's not really "new" on Sunday. That probably helps. Right? Yes. Definitely. Also, who among us hasn't yelled "SILENCE, JIM NANTZ!" at least once?
  7. It's me. Totally me. Can I align the universe properly through my words, thoughts and actions over the next day and a half. Can I sit in the correct location and wear the correct outfit? Can I knock on wood quickly enough any time I say or think anything even remotely positive? Can I shout loudly enough from 300 miles away to influence the game? Can I refuse to watch at the proper moments? There's so much to do. I hope I can pull it off for everyone. I've been training for this moment my whole life.
  8. I'm sure those comments were referenced in the huddle as they started that drive. Gave them the extra motivation they needed. I'm fighting the demons with you brother. Remember, it's in your head. Everything will be fine. The universe doesn't keep score and it doesn't owe you or hate you. This is what I tell myself anyway. My faith in that statement wavers and YMMV.
  9. If they'd kill the stupid pre-season they could start in August. Of course, Miami in August would be the opposite issue we have now. Maybe the season is too long now, Rog? Naaaaaah, we can slide at least one more in there.
  10. Ed Oliver. Anchor against the run, quick pressure against any passing they do.
  11. Just another PTSD trigger. Try not to put too much stock in it. I'm here worried that because I dared to look at what the early ticket prices are for next week's game I put bad juju into the universe which will then come back to harm me. If I have that much cosmic power I really should be using it differently, but my brain will worry about it anyway.
  12. Jaylen Warren played at Snow College. Can't make this up.
  13. I have a serious question. The new field is supposed to be grass. Fine. I get that you can heat it and have grow lights and all that to keep it alive. When we get a storm like this, how are they supposed to clear the field and the stadium without destroying the field? In the current stadium they can drive large equipment right onto the field. With grass, which would be soaked by melting snow if the ground were heated, it would be far too soft to do that. I realize other grass fields can get snow but they don't get typically 2-3'+ of snow in a single storm in Philly or Pittsburgh or Green Bay or Baltimore or Washington. Cleveland could I guess, but nobody accused Cleveland's field of being good in the winter either.
  14. That game is bonus joy for me either way. Whoever loses, that's just fantastic. Let them beat the mess out of each other on that frozen rock of a field while they are at it. That said, Miami's misdirection game could be big for them.
  15. I miss Fred Jackson a ton this week.
  16. I think we are better equipped to win a slug fest this year than we were last. I'd be happier if Dodson hadn't just wrecked his shoulder. I had that same injury. He's not going to be fine. Maybe they can shoot it up, but that arm isn't going to work right and it's going to hurt like hell when he tries to use it. Sitting Miller has to be a serious consideration. Does he have confidence and the strength in his leg to be able to rush, and more importantly, anchor on a field like that? Rousseau, Lawson, Epenesa, heck I'd even toy with having Oliver outside with more beef inside as part of a rotation though the DTs in this game are going to be huge for both teams. Any pressure is going to come up the middle rather than the outside and those guys need to jam up the inside running lanes as well.
  17. Rudolph doesn't bother me. Pickens bothers me because he's the sort of guy who can go catch a windblown jump ball over the top of 3 DBs just because. Najee Harris really bothers me. Really really bothers me. James Cook excites and terrifies me simultaneously. He's a Miami kid who I've never seen in really lousy weather. I saw him in the rain in Philly and he dropped a TD. That plants Ronnie Harmon thoughts in my head. I don't need Ronnie Harmon thoughts in my head. Josh Allen is at the same time the most exciting player we've ever had and the most butt clenching roller coaster ride there is. In a super windy, super snowy game the need for him to do a thing becomes greater. The danger involved when he goes and tries to do said thing is greatly amplified. His typical roller coaster from hell becomes a light speed space flight weaving through an asteroid belt with one hand on the wheel while pounding a 40 of OE 800. Now. Things that are keeping me sane. Pickens could also be the sort of guy who steps out of the locker room on a day like that and says no thank you. For those of you old enough, Haywood Jeffries used to be a guy like that. The last time Dionte Johnson was here in the winter he couldn't catch a tennis ball with velcro gloves. TJ Watt isn't playing. This is very much a game where scoring early will matter. Scoring going into the wind will be huge. Demoralizing the Steelers early and often, remind them that they don't belong there and it's really cold and they just would really rather go home. Keeping them in the game does the opposite of that. Turning the ball over does the opposite of that.
  18. That's not an error. It just means they don't know, which is disturbing. They don't want to have a huge miss on either side. Dry day, no wind, Bills roll, very little question in my mind. With the weather it enters all sorts of variables and it triggers all of our accumulated and collective PTSD. I'll say this. 1. I'm glad we have shown that we can run the ball more this year 2. I'm glad Murray and Playoff Lenny are on the team. 3. God Bless Daquan Jones, Ed Oliver, and Linval Joseph
  19. Seriously. "Sorry Coach, I'll meet you guys there, I'm gonna drive today."
  20. It's funny that he mentioned the "unique" set up of hiring the coach before the GM. We know another team who did it in that order. It's also odd that they had a succession plan with Mayo given that a failed succession plan is what landed Belichick in New England in the first place.
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