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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. Got it. The contents of the porta potty were an advanced, organic, rejuvenating exfoliant. Vinz, you said before you were waiting for a sign. What sign are you waiting for? Gozer the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you
  2. I suppose. If I ever had to walk a plank, I'd like to think I'd do it with a little panache though.
  3. Diving board or a plank to walk?
  4. To hell with shoveling. Go kick and hold. He could be 70 and better than Haack.
  5. I'd buy that. Nobody within 200 miles of me would get it but I'd wear it proudly.
  6. Well great. Good job. So when it gets out in China next time everyone listen to the lockdown so they only eliminate themselves
  7. Same way your car does. Battery.
  8. 31 points with two missed field goals and intentionally grinding clock for most of the second half. We aren't going to score every drive fellas. Also, why empty the playbook when you're up multiple scores in a game you are largely in control of? I think there's more in there waiting to be seen.
  9. I'm not saying they didn't care. I'm saying they didn't cope. They folded each of those times. Last year with the I wish it were colder, this year with the stupid 🤔t-shirts, then bringing up the cold again after yakking up the division to us. It's an attempt at fake swagger just like the stupid glasses and the capri pants and all that. He's an insecure child trying desperately for the cool kids to like him. He's completely out of his depth and praying nobody else finds out.
  10. To be fair, my demons do tend to skip leg day.
  11. Hence they immobilized it and carted him off. No shame there.
  12. If you're talking about the cold you're acknowledging that it's in your head. It's something you're focusing on that isn't the game. When you make a specific point of it then people see you clearly cold it's just smh from there on. It's the coach's job to get his team ready. This is multiple games in the cold where he focused on the cold and they lost. Maybe don't acknowledge it and focus more on the team you're playing. No amount of Florida AC can simulate it so why even try to do that. It's fake and everyone knows it's fake. Just be you. Play your game, weather be damned. This whole "I wish it were colder" crap is just bull from the gate. I hope he keeps doing it because it keeps exposing them.
  13. "I'm a pony! I'm a pony!! I'm a ponyyyyy!!!!"
  14. This stuff is what makes him a poseur.
  15. That happens and they exorcise that demon? I agree. It's on.
  16. That's the entire West Seneca Police DEPARTMENT
  17. Mortality scares everyone. His quest for "the glory hole" could have been enough. Guess not. Either that or Bill didn't trust him to live by his word. Hard to blame him if that's the case. It's a who's who of cheaters.
  18. That guy is such a clown.
  19. I didn't think so either but there was always a chance that Jerruh would park his ego for Bill. Though I suspect Bill and Jimmy Johnson would have had a chat about it too.
  20. That's not a sad song if you're a Phillies fan. Maybe if you're a Braves fan though. I humbly submit.
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